精英家教网 > 初中地理 > 题目详情


1反复地 _________________

2数百的 ___________________

3能够做某事 _________________

4跌倒;倒塌 ___________________

5寻找 __________________


1over and over again

2hundreds of

3be able to do sth.

4fall down

5look for


1反复地是over and over again。故答案为over and over again。

2数百的是hundreds of。故答案为 hundreds of。

3能够做某事be able to do sth。故答案为be able to do sth。

4跌倒;倒塌 fall down。故答案为 fall down。

5寻找是look for。故答案为 look for。


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 I fell in love with Shanghai on my first trip, so I decide I________ in it in 10 years.

A. will live B. lives C. lived D. has lived


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


It's Saturday morning. Kate is having her 1 . Kate's mother and father are with her.

2 Saturday morning Kate 3 to school She helps her mother and father 4 . This morning she says to her mother with a smile.

5 I help youMum?”“Yesyou can help 6 Kateher mother saysYou can go to Mr Green's shop. Something is wrong 7 our clock.

It is in his shop. Is he 8 our clock?Kate asks.Yes.her father says.And this morning it is ready.”“Yesit's readyher mother saysGo to Mr Green's shopKate. Take this bagyou can 9 the clock in the bag.Kate takes the bag. She goes to the shop and gets the clock 10 .

1Ameal BbreakfastClunch Dsupper

2AIn B. For CAt DOn

3Ago Bdoesn't goCdon't goDisn't go

4Ado some houseworkBdo some shopping

Cdo their homeworkDwash some clothes

5AMust BMay CDo DCan

6AI Bmy Cme Dmine

7Awith Bto Cat Din

8AmendingBdoing CmakingDselling

9Alook at Bfind Ctake Dput

10Ato homeBat homeChome Din her home


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1Now American people like to travel on their _______ (一年一次的) holiday.

2Please say it louder. I can’t hear you _______ (清楚地).

3Be careful, or you won’t work out the physics problems _______ (容易地).

4—What did the teacher say to you _______ (愤怒地)?

—She told me to leave there at once.

5Listen to the teacher _______ (仔细地) in class, or you won’t learn your lessons well.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Many scientists believe that robots ______ able to talk like humans in 50 years.

A.were B.are

C.will be D.have been


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1We went bike _________(ride) together last week.

2I'd like _________(hang) out with Tom tomorrow.

3They are busy ______ (prepare) for the picnic on Sunday.

4When she is looking through the newspaper, “Teachers Wanted”

________ (catch) her eye.

5—I can't help shaking because I feel so cold.

—Oh, you must have the _________ (flu).


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1--Where is Mr King?

--He is in the__________(录音室).

2It s________that no one knows what has happened to her.

3What is the p_______of your visit?

4He wrote an_________(文章)about space.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1These young men are strong enough _____________ (carry) the heavy box.

2Lily, it’s your turn __________ (make) a decision.

3You should try to avoid ________________ (cross) this street at rush hour.

4My friend invited me _____________(have) dinner with her.

5I noticed Jenny __________ (jog) in the playground when I passed by.

6____________ (bump) into the wall in a car is really dangerous, I think.

7I wanted her __________(not go) near the tigers, but he didn’t listen to me.

8This event____________(be) one of the biggest events since 2011.

9I don’t feel like ____________(eat) anything now.

10He looks so sad. Yet, nobody knows what ___________ (happen) to him.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1He is a_________ singer I’m his crazy fan (流行)

2I will remember you_________ (永远)

3_________ , I don’t the taste of the food (事实上)

4I am thinking about ____________ (借入)some money to run a shoe shop

5People have more choices in the _________world (现代的)

