精英家教网 > 初中地理 > 题目详情

【题目】Lets learn something about transportation (交通工具). We can go to a 16._______ city by plane or train. And we can take a taxi to a near place. For me, 17._______ like most kinds of transportation. 18._______ in different places, I use different kinds of transportation.

In Guangzhou, I use public (公共的) transportation. There is a subway 19._______ near my home. I go around the city by 20._______. Its very convenient (方便的). I take the bus ,21._______. There are many bus 22. _______ near my home. And sometimes I 23._______ when I go to near places.

In New York, I live far from the city center. The public transportation isnt convenient for me, so I 24. _______ my car a lot. But there 're so many cars in New York and I cant be 25.________ for work. So I have to leave my home early.

1A. busy B. great C. far D. small

2A. I B. we C. you D. they

3A. Because B. But C. Or D. After

4A. station B. picture C. bridge D. store

5A. plane B. train C. car D. subway

6A. either B. too C. only D. also

7A. stops B. trips C. clubs D. shows

8A. dance B. walk C. sing D. swim

9A. clean B. love C. drive D. know

10A. good B. fun C. right D. late













1考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:我们可以乘坐飞机或者火车去一个遥远的城市。busy 繁忙的;great很好的,很棒的;far遥远的;small小的。这个形容词是修饰空后的名词city的,做飞机或者火车应该是去比较远的地方,故选C。

2考查代词及语境的理解。句意:对于我来说,我喜欢大多数种类的交通工具。I我;we 我们;you你,你们;they他们。根据空前For me可知,这里说的是作者自己的情况,故应选A。

3考查连词及语境的理解。句意:但是在不同的地方,我使用不同种类的交通工具。Because 因为;But 但是;Or 或者,否则;After在…之后。根据上下句的意思可知,这两句话之间是转折的关系,故应选B。

4考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在我家附近有一个地铁站。station 站,台;picture 图片;bridge 桥;store商店。这里subway station是地铁站,故应选A。

5考查名词及语境的理解。句意:我乘坐地铁在城市四处走动。plane 飞机;train 火车;car 汽车;subway地铁。根据上句话There is a subway…可知,这里提到了地铁站,因此这里作者说的是乘坐地铁在城市里四处走动,故选D。

6考查副词及语境的理解。句意:我也乘坐公交车。either 也,用于否定句的句末;too 也,用于肯定句的句末;only 仅仅,只有;also也,用于句中。这个空是谓语句末,并且是肯定句,故应选B。

7考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在我家附近有很多公交车站。stops站,在这里是一个名词,指公交车的车站;trips 旅行;clubs 俱乐部;shows展示,展览。根据上句话I take the bus可知,作者也乘坐公交车,说明他家的附近有公交车站,故选A。

8考查动词及语境的理解。句意:有时候当我去附近的地方的时候,我走路去。dance 跳舞;walk 走路;sing 唱歌;swim游泳。根据句中go to near places可知,去近的地方应该是走路去,故选B。

9考查动词及语境的理解。句意:公共交通工具对于我来说很不方便,因此我很多时候开车。clean 清理;love 爱;drive 开车;know知道。根据空后面的my car可知,这里应该说的是开车,故选C。

10考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:但是纽约的车非常多,我上班不能迟到。good 好的;fun 有趣的;right 对的;late迟到的。be late是固定短语,迟到。根据下句话So I have to leave my home early可知,作者要早点离开家,因此他上班不能迟到。故选D。


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】We will write a letter to you as soon as I________free time

A. have B. had C. will have D. am having


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】I won’t go to the cinema this eveningI________watch the NBA on TV

Ahad betterBwould ratherCought toDhave to


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Where are Jeff and Jack?They _______ in the river.
A.are taking a walk B.are swiming
C.are swimming D.are playing basketball


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


For many years, scientists have known that laughing is good for the health of our minds and bodies. Now we are learning that it’s not just laughter. Having fun and playing are also good for us! Researchers have found that play is good for people of all ages. Play actually leads to the growth of more nerve connections in the brain and gives us more brain power.

Play is necessary during childhood. As children play, they learn how to make friends and relate to others. They develop their imaginations and become more creative. Kids carry these qualities with them as they grow older.

Amy Whitcomb teaches maths at a school in San Francisco. For several years, she has used games to teach maths. In one class, students play a game with small bags of candy to figure out how many pieces in the bags are red. When they get the correct answer, they can eat the candy! Amy says, ”If it’s not fun, they’re not going to want to be there. They’re not going to want to learn.”

The spirit of playfulness continues through the teenage years into adulthood (成人期). The famous company Google, for example, keeps a lot of toys and games at different places in their offices and encourages people to use them. Their motto is “Work hard. Play hard.” They know that people often get their best ideas when they are just “playing around and let their imaginations go wild.

So next time you have to solve a difficult maths problem or can’t think of a topic for an article, take a short play break. Do a little dance, or play a quick game. Then come back to it. Maybe you’ll be surprised at what your brain can do.

【1】The example of the company Google is given to show that _______.

A. play is also fit for adults

B. everyone there works hard

C. they have a lot of toys and games

D. it is very famous in the world

【2】 The underlined expression figure out in Paragraph 3 probably means _______.

A. look after

B. solve the problem of

C. draw a picture of

D. play a joke on

【3】According to the passage, you need to play if you _______.

A. want to make friends with others

B. have to do some homework

C. fail to think of a topic for an article

D. find a job in a big company

【4】Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. A maths lesson B. How children grow

C. The power of play D. Work hard, play hard


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A: Hi, Lin Tao! Did you see the football match to the World Cup last night?

B:___【1】___. I was busy with my entrance exam.

A: What a pity! It was really wonderful!

B: Really?___【2】___?

A: Germany and England.

B: Germany won the match, didn’t they?

A:___【3】___(But) I love the Germany Team very much.

B: I love the team, too. I hope Germany can go far! Oh, my god! It’s a little late.


B: Yes. I will take the last exam this afternoon.

A:___【5】___ .

B: Thank you. See you!

A: See you!


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


Money can make you happy, only if you spend it in a clever way.

Buying a new car makes you happy. However, you will forget this feeling when the car gets old. But if you spend a week traveling, it’s more possible that you’ll remember the great experience, and you’ll remember the feeling for a long time. A new study has found that spending money on experiences makes people happier than on material things.

For material things, it’s possible that you’ll care about every little thing. If you buy a nice pen, and someone else buys one with less money, it’s possible that you may be unhappy because you spend so much money. When it comes to experiences like trips, you won’t think like that. If the experience is generally good, you will be happy with the price.

Material things can be compared more easily. If you buy an MP3 and then see a more suitable one, you may regret buying the first one. However, if you have a nice dinner at one restaurant, and then learn about another better restaurant, you’ll not regret the first meal.

Material things can cause jealousy(嫉妒).For example, if you buy a new toy and find that your friend has a better toy, you’ll feel unhappy. Instead, if you travel to a beautiful place, then no matter where your friends have gone, it won’t make the memory of your trip less happy.

【1】The underlined word “material” means _____ in Chinese.

A.物质的 B.精神的 C.便宜的 D.高贵的

【2】According to the passage, if you buy a watch and then see a better one in a magazine, you


A.buy a better one

B.ask for your money back

C.throw the first one away

D.regret buying the first one

【3】Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A.Spending money in a clever way makes people happy.

B.People like traveling more than buying material things.

C.Material things may cause jealousy.

D.People care about more things when they buy material things.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:




She is very ______ ______ herself.


The father was ______ and often became angry because of the ______ children.


Leisure activities are the kinds of things people like to do to ______ and enjoy .


They are the _____ ______ choice of clothing for young people around the world.


She has _____ to _______ in the morning all the years.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】________, he got an “A” in the English exam.

A.Luck B.Lucky C.Luckily D.To lucky

