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Yew Tree Farm—the Best Place for You!

Yew Tree Farm is famous as a"spinning gallery"(精美画廊). The Farm House was built in 1690 and is one of the most photographed farms in the North.

Yew Tree Farm was owned by Beatrix Potter in the 1930s and is still home to many of her furnishings.

We offer five-star, historic guest rooms in the Farm House. You can take a break from the modern world and relax in this holiday cottage(小别墅)that has a long history as if you were taken a step back in time.

It’s about 5 miles away from Lake Windermere on its left, and you will see our Farm signed"Yew Tree Farm"on the right hand side of the road. You can get here easily by bus or taxi.

If you are interested in organized activities or hiring a walking, scrambling(攀爬)and climbing guide, please let Caroline know as we can make arrangements for you.

Do you like:Lakes and Fishing, Walking Cycling, Climbing and Scrambling, Boating and other

water sports, Photography, Horse Riding?You will be satisfied here.

There is plenty to do for everyone in all weathers. John and Caroline are always happy to pass on local knowledge to help you plan an activity that suits your requirements.

1The Farm House was built in____.

A. 1690 B. 1069 C. 1960 D. 1609

2Yew Tree Farm is a(n)____place.

A. modern B. ancient C. noisy D. crowded

3What can we know from the fourth paragraph?

A. Yew Tree Farm is about 5 miles away from Lake Windermere on its right.

B. The farm signed"Yew Tree Farm" is on the left hand side of the road.

C. Yew Tree Farm is a place convenient to arrive.

D. It’s very hard to reach the farm.

4What can’t you do on the farm?

A. Fishing. B. Climbing. C. Boating. D. Shopping.

5This passage may be a(n)____.

A. notice B. novel C. ad D. report








1根据第一段第三句The Farm House was built in 1690 and is one of the most photographed farms in the North可知,故选A。

2根据第三段第二句You can take a break from the modern world and relax in this holiday cottage(小别墅)that has a long history as if you were taken a step back in time可知,故选B。

3根据第四段It’s about 5 miles away from Lake Windermere on its left, and you will see our Farm signed"Yew Tree Farm"on the right hand side of the road. You can get here easily by bus or taxi可知,交通方便,很容易找到。故选C。

4根据第六段Do you like:Lakes and Fishing, Walking Cycling, Climbing and Scrambling, Boating and other water sports, Photography, Horse Riding可知,故选D。



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】联合国总部设在(  )


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】当北半球大部分地区正午太阳升得最高,白昼时间最长,黑夜时间最短( )

A. 3 月 21 日前后 B. 6 月 22 日前后

C. 9 月 23 日前后 D. 12 月 22 日前后


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 澳门被称作“购物天堂”

B. 香港是世界著名的自由贸易港

C. 澳门位于珠江口东侧,与广州市相邻

D. 香港位于珠江口西侧,与深圳市相邻


A. 建设高层建筑和填海造陆 B. 大量向国外移民

C. 将人口转移到祖国内地 D. 减少城市绿化用地


A. 港澳发展受内地限制,经济发展迟缓 B. 香港位置优越,向内地供应淡水资源

C. 港澳与内地互惠互利、优势互补 D. 内地主要通过澳门与各地进行贸易往来


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】四川省、浙江省的行政中心分别是成都和南京 .(判断对错)


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】位于我国第一级阶梯上的典型内陆高原盆地是( )

A.塔里木盆地 B.准噶尔盆地 C.四川盆地 D.柴达木盆地


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】我国半湿润区内主要从事的农业类型为( )

A.水田 B.旱地 C.畜牧业 D.渔业


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1该聚落最早形成的主要因素是( )

A. 资源 B. 人口 C. 气候 D. 河流

2有关该聚落形成与发展的叙述,错误的是( )

A. 用地规模不断变大 B. 人口数量越来越多

C. 聚落仅沿河流扩展 D. 公路运输越来越发达

