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科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Collecting coins in my hobby, and it has brought me a lot of fun. Now I share the hobby ________ my children. Getting children interested in coin collecting ________ easy. Here are four ways I have used to get my kids ________.

Start small

Many coin collectors buy coins of great value(价值). But children needn’t consider the value. Let your children start with a set ________ Jefferson Nikcels(5分镍币). This set is the ________ to collect and almost all of them can be ________ in coin shops.

Bring home surprise

OK, you know the coin they are looking at is ________ and common. But you should be excited at ________ they are looking at.

Buy them a nice box

Go shopping and choose ________ nice box for your children ________ their coins in. ________ will help them to keep their collection organized. _______, having a nice box will keep their excitement high. Every time they show their collection to their friends, they will feel good.

Give them one of ________

Find a great coin in your collection and hand it down to your children. This coin needs to be a bit common, so ________ something happens to it, the world doesn’t end. But it also ________ to be special, or your children may have no interest in it.

1A. by B. in C. on D. with

2A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

3A. started B. start C. starts D. starting

4A. so that B. so far C. such as D. such that

5A. easy B. easier C. easyer D. easiest

6A. find B. found C. finding D. finds

7A. use B. useful C. useless D. uselessly

8A. what B. when C. who D. where

9A. a B. an C. the D. /

10A. keeping B. kept C. to keep D. keeps

11A. It B. What C. These D. Those

12A. Also B. Too C. Although D. Because

13A. you B. your C. yours D. themselves

14A. if B. that C. what D. which

15A. needed B. needs C. is needing D. need


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1I like to watch___________(情景喜剧).What about you?

2We can find out lots of ___________(新闻) on the Internet.

3My father can' t___________(忍受) soap operas. (x疆)

4We had a ___________(讨论) about talent shows yesterday.

5I hope I will travel___________(世界各地) one day.

6My father can't________(忍受) soap operas.

7There is a lot of________ (新闻) on the Internet.

8I think this documentary is____________(有教育意义的).

9We had a ____________ (讨论) about traffic yesterday.

10Lucy________(计划)to go to the park this weekend.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】1月,一位从哈尔滨的游客从哈尔滨出发向南旅行,经北京、广州到海南岛,一路上他感到气温有很大变化,这主要是因为 ( )




科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


It is cold today. Eddie told Hobo to bring h1his clothes. Hobo looked around andf2 a coat. He asked Eddie if it was OK. Eddie p3on the coat and was h4about it. But-Hobo said that if Eddie didn't w5 any clothes, he would look cook Poor Eddie! He will not only look cool but also feel cool with n6on.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:





科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Mr. Lewis was a dance teacher. He was a nice man and always had a lot of students. One year he moved to a new town, and was soon teaching many students in the dance school there, but he decided to move again to a big city. He would have more work there.

When one of his students heard that he was going to leave, she said to him, “The new teacher won’t be as good as you are.” Mr. Lewis was happy when he heard this, but he said, “Oh no. I’m sure he’ll be as good as I am ---- or even better.”

The student said, “No. Including you, five teachers have come and gone while I’ve been here, and each new one was worse than the last.”

1______ came to learn dancing from Mr. Lewis.

A. A few students B. Few students C. Many students D. No students

2Mr. Lewis wanted to move a big city because _______

A. he hated the small town

B. he couldn’t make a living in the small town

C. it would be easy for him to have more work in the city

D. it made him spend more money in the town

3The student thought that _______

A. Mr. Lewis was a good teacher B. Mr. Lewis was the best teacher

C. Mr. Lewis was worse than the last D. Mr. Lewis would be worse than the last

4Before Mr. Lewis ______ teachers came to the town to teach dancing

A. three B. four C. five D. six

5From the story we can conclude(推论) that the student wished _____

A. to have a better teacher B. to have a worse teacher

C. to become a dance teacher D. to see the sixth teacher


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


①我国汛期最长的大河 A青藏高原

②我国水量最大的河流 B长江

③我国注入北冰洋的河流 C额尔齐斯河

④我国最大的平原 D塔里木盆地

⑤我国最大的盆地 E东北平原

⑥我国最大的高原 F珠江



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:







