精英家教网 > 初中地理 > 题目详情


(1).A、B两图是以极点为中心的俯视图,箭头表示地球自转方向,对图中A、B两图的描述错误的是(  )
A.A 图表示北半球
B.B 图表示南半球
(2)既没有四季变化,又没有昼夜长短变化的点是(  )



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】读 “我国西北某荒漠化地区的年等降水量线图”,完成下面小题。


A. 热量充足 B. 水源充足 C. 降水丰富 D. 光照充足


A. 全部种树 B. ①地种硬叶林

C. ②地种草 D. ③地种阔叶林


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】习惯上,我们所说的山区一般不包括( )

A. 山地 B. 丘陵 C. 平原 D. 比较崎岖的高原


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】地球自转和公转的特征,相同的是( )

A.方向 B.周期

C.绕转中心 D.产生的地理现象


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A、人的生活习惯 B、地形地势 C、降水 D、气温


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


An 80-year-old woman moves into a new house. She's afraid if she can deal with the new life here. She was a(n) _____ in the past.

One day, when one man happened to pass by her house, he saw the old woman. He______ to himself, "I was once her student. It has been 50 years since we met last." So he ran to her, asking, "My teacher, do you still ____ me? I made much trouble at your class." The old woman thought of him and was very _____ to see a student of hers in this new place.

From then on, the alan often comes to her house to look after her______ , he brings some vegetables here, or he______ rubbish for her. He also talks with her to make her happy. The old woman slowly gets______ to the life in her new house because of his help.

Someone may think the man is a person who is not______ for his teacher, because he didn't keep in touch with his teacher or send cards on celebration days.______ when the old woman needs help, the man tries his best. He always keeps her in mind.

As a student, we can learn that we just need to be grateful in our hearts_______ being busy with some image work, such as helping Mother do housework because that is Mother's Day.

1A. doctor B. teacher C. worker D. artist

2A. said B. told C. spoke D. shouted

3A. like B. remember C. blame D. hate

4A. bored B. excited C. interested D. puzzled

5A. At a time B. At all times C. On time D. At times

6A. takes away B. brings out C. takes off D. brings up

7A. ready B. able C. used D. over

8A. thankful B. careful C. thoughtful D. cheerful

9A. But B. So C. Although D. However

10A. instead of B. such as C. but also D. because of


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】导致我国南、北方地区耕作制度存在明显差异的主导因素是( )

A. 海陆位置 B. 地形因素 C. 纬度位置 D. 地势因素


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】我国年降水量的空间分布特征是( )

A. 由东北向西南逐渐减少 B. 由西南向东北逐渐减少

C. 由西北向东南逐渐减少 D. 由东南向西北逐渐减少


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】在二百五十万分之一的地图上,量得甲、乙两地的直线距离为5厘米,两地的实际距离为( )

A.500千米 B.200千米 C.125千米 D.20千米

