精英家教网 > 初中地理 > 题目详情


1We were________(win) when we________(win)the basketball game.

2The story of the actor was________(make)up.

3It usually plays a role in___________(exercise)our minds.

4Everybody________(try)to look for their things now.

5We should take study________(serious).





4is trying



1句意:当我们赢得篮球比赛的时候,我们成为了冠军。win赢,是一个动词。根据句意可知,第一个空表示胜利者,应填名词形式,we我们,是复数的意思,故填winners;第二个空在when引导的时间状语从句中作谓语,根据句中的We were…可知,这句话用的是一般过去时态,因此填过去式won。

2句意:这个演员的故事是编造的。make up是一个固定短语,编造。根据句意可知,这句话的主语The story of the actor与谓语动词make up构成被动关系,应使用被动语态,空前有了be动词的形式was,这里应填过去分词made。

3句意:它通常在锻炼我们的思想上起着作用。exercise锻炼,运动,是一个动词。这句话使用的短语是play a role in…在某方面起作用,in是介词,后面应跟名词或者动名词形式,故填exercising。

4句意:现在每个人都在努力寻找他们的东西。try尽力,尝试,是一个动词。根据句意和句中的时间状语now可知,这句话表示一个正在进行的动作,应使用现在进行时态。主语Everybody是不定代词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,故填is trying。



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】American researchers have found that if teenagers watch TV too much they may develop depression(抑郁).

Over 4,000 ___were asked how many hours of TV they ___every day. They were also asked if they played computer ___and listened to the radio.The result shows that young people___five and a half hours in front of media(大众传播媒介)every day, more than two hours which they spent in watching television.

Seven years later more than 70% of the people ____the survey showed depression. The study also found that young men became more depressed than____

Watching TV ___more time away from sports. It also makes teenagers have less ___time. People who watch less TV find themselves____than others.Because they have more time with their family and friends. Watching TV too much is not______forteenagers. It’s bad for health.

1A. bosses B. teenagers C. stars D. singers

2A. read B. bought C. changed D. watched

3A. games B. screens C. videos D. keyboards

4A. took B. paid C. spent D. cost

5A. taking part in B. carrying out C. looking forward to D. making fun of

6A. parents B. teachers C. friends D. women

7A. runs B. takes C. throws D. pushes

8A. work B. sleep C. discussion D. dinner

9A. wiser B. greater C. happier D. younger

10A. ready B. good C. famous D. late


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Mr.Wang loves collecting stamps. It brings 1 (he) pleasure and makes him know a lot about the history.2(one)he bought a set of stamps to remember the great book Master Sun's Art of War. This book is one of the earliest and the most important military (军事的) 3 (book) in the world. The book is so 4 (use) that it's known in many other countries of the world. The face values of the stamps were 20, 30, 60 fen or one yuan, but Mr. Wang spent about 2000 yuan o5 them. And this is the 6 (eight) set of stamps he has collected.

He often shares the fun 7 collecting stamps with his friends. For him, it's a good way to spend his spare t8. He says, I'm very happy when I'm looking at 9 (I) stamps. They let me know more about 10 history of our country and make more friends.”


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1上述提示与其成因的对应关系正确的是 ( )

①——气温日较差大②——空气稀薄,光照强 ③——海拔高,气压较大④——早晚经常下雨

A. ①② B. ③④ C. ②③④ D. ①②③④

2西藏旅行途中,旅行团成员可看到该地区的农作物主要分布在( )

A. 广阔的冲积平原上

B. 温度相对较高的河谷地带

C. 水源较好的绿洲地区

D. 山间丘陵梯田上

3该地区种植的青稞和小麦穗大粒饱的原因是 ( )

A. 光照强,昼夜温差大

B. 二氧化碳浓度高

C. 气温较低,没有病虫害

D. 地势高,降水丰富


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1We _______ (stick) spring couplets(春联)on the door just now to welcome the New Year.

2Mrs. Green with her two daughters always _______ (try )different kinds of food.

3What fun they had _______ (play) football outside just now!

4Our teachers often advise us _______ (practice) more after class.

5You'd better _______ (not add) too much sugar to the dish or it will be too sweet.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1--- You’re my best friend in my h_________.

---I love you.

2Yesterday three boys b__________ the windows.

3You can find some i_________ on the Internet.

4Would you like to s__________ the apple with me?

5Mr. Zhang is s___________ to Mr. Wang. They both like playing basketball.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】关于亚洲的自然环境,下列叙述正确的是( )

A. 河流均自北向南,注入印度洋

B. 地势起伏很大,中间低,四周高

C. 分布最广的气候类型是温带大陆性气候

D. 是世界上跨经度最广的大洲


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


















(1)甲地的气候特征是 ,植被类型

(2)丁地的气候类型是 ,气候,该地区最突出的自然特征是

(3)北方地区大面积分布的气候类型是 (填序号),判断依据是


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1下列关于东南亚位置、范围的描述,正确的一项是( )

A. 东南亚位于亚洲南部

B. 东南亚位于亚洲与大洋洲、印度洋与大西洋之间的“十字路口”

C. 东南亚范围主要包括中南半岛和马来群岛两部分

2中南半岛的地形特征是( )

A. 平原为主,地势平坦B. 高原为主,地表崎岖C. 山河相间,纵列分布


①高温多雨的气候 ②多山的地形 ③人口稠密,劳动力众多

A. ①③B. ①②C. ②③

