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【题目】大兴安岭的原始森林生长得不如长白山地和小兴安岭茂密,主要是受哪一种因素的影响( )

A. 地形 B. 气温 C. 雨量 D. 土壤




科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1从气候条件考虑,北京冬奥会最佳的比赛时间是( )

A. 2~3月B. 5~6月C. 8~9月D. 1l~12月

2冬奥会的成功申办对北京和张家口两地相关产业的发展有促进作用的是( )

A. 服装产业B. 电子产业C. 基础建设D. 农产品深加工产业


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 下列地区与地理信息搭配正确的是






科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】每逢新春佳节,家家户户在门上贴福字。下图所示四个福字将四省的地域文化特色融入设计中。其代表的省级行政区依次是( )




科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:







科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


Autumn days give us some fantastic and lively colors. Then, suddenly,

the city is covered (覆盖) with a thick sheet of snow. It is during this

special time of year that one of the most popular and enjoyed holidays

in America appears: Christmas. This time is so special that schools

often give students a two-week- break from their schoolwork to enjoy

the winter holidays.

My family takes this chance to spend two weeks together. We build a tree and decorate it with many colorful lights. On top of the tree, we put a glowing star. As night sets in, the dark room is warmly lit up by a bright Christmas tree.

Then, on Christmas Eve (前夕), our family has all the traditional American foods: turkey, sweet potatoes, vegetables, nuts, pies, and other good dishes. On this very night, there is a mysterious (神秘的) story, named Santa Claus, will fly from the North Pole and give presents to the children under the Christmas tree. However, Santa only gives presents to those who have behaved well the whole year. So children across America try to do one last good deed before the night by baking (烘烤) Santa some cookies, trying to ask him for presents. This is why Santa is so fat!

That night, children are often excited, hope to find presents. The next day, they rushed out of bed very early. Then, the whole family opens presents and spends the whole day relaxing.

1From the first paragraph, we can know that_______.

A. winter days give people some lively colors

B. it doesn't snow at all in winter in America

C. Christmas is as usual as other festivals .

D. children will have a two-week-holiday to spend Christmas

2The underlined word "decorate" means_______.

A. 装饰 B. 点燃 C. 砍倒 D. 种植

3Why is Santa Claus very fat according to the passage?

A. Because he takes less exercise.

B. Because he often gives the children presents.

C. Because he flies to the Christmas tree instead of on foot.

D. Because he often has some cookies children bake.

4When does the family open the presents?

A. On Christmas Eve. B. On Christmas Day.

C. When children see Santa Claus. D. When children bake some cookies.

5Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. The writer puts a glowing star on the top of the tree .

B. The writer's family also has nuts and pies on Christmas Eve.

C. Santa Claus gives every child some presents according to the passage.

D. Santa Claus is from the North Pole according to the passage.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


⑴A省因位于洞庭湖以南,被称为      省。

⑵C、D、E、H这三个省区中,既是我国最北端所在的省又是我国最东端所在的省是    (填字母)。

⑶K为我国的邻国,是东亚最大的内陆国      (填国名)。

⑷我国东部地区相邻的海洋主要有:I    海、J    海、东海和L    海。

⑸我国人口最多的省是     (填名称)。

⑹我国跨经度最广的省区是    (填字母),其简称为

⑺G、H两岛中,     (填字母)是我国第二大岛屿。

⑻世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰,位于     (填字母)的边缘。


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A北冰洋 B印度洋

C太平洋 D大西洋


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


(1)东南亚包括 半岛和 群岛两大部分。

(2)半岛B地形的特点是 ,气候类型主要是

(3)H地主要气候类型是 、这种气候类型的气候特点是

(4)从波斯湾驶出的油轮准备驶向日本,所经最短航线途径东南亚 海峡。

