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【题目】When the school was over, I hurried back home to see my aunt Miss Lee. She just came back from __________yesterday. Miss Lee has been in America for about one year up to now. Every time when she tells us the__________ things she has experienced in that country, she will never __________to mention one thing that happened.

Miss Lee had an American friend Alice who lived in the same neighborhood. One day she paid a visit to her home. Miss Lee saw the __________son of Alice playing with toys in the room. She walked towards the little boy and patted him on the head__________. But Alice stood aside without a word and didn’t look happy at all. Miss Lee was very embarrassed at the time but did not know what__________

It was until one month later that Miss Lee began to know the__________. In China, to pat a person gently shows one likes the person. But in America, things__________to be quite different. They feel very __________when others pat them.

The story tells us that the__________body sign may mean differently in different countries.

1A. America B. home C. China D. house

2A. moving B. exciting C. interesting D. embarrassing

3A. remember B. realize C. forget D. suffer

4A. five years old B. five years C. five year D. five-year-old

5A. heavily B. carefully C. gently D. rudely

6A. caused B. produced C. made D. happened

7A. reason B. test C. result D. game

8A. be B. is C. are D. must

9A. unhappy B. pleasant C. wonderful D. glad

10A. same B. different C. good D. bad














1句意:她昨天刚从美国回来。A. America名词,美国;B. home名词,家;C. China名词,中国;D. house名词,房子。根据后文Miss Lee has been in America for about one year up to now. 可知,姑姑从美国回来。故选:A。

2句意:每次当她告诉我们她在那个国家所经历的令人尴尬的事情时,她都不会忘记提到一件事。A. moving形容词,令人激动的;B. exciting形容词,令人兴奋的;C. interesting形容词,有趣的;D. embarrassing形容词,令人尴尬的。根据第二段最后一句Miss Lee was very embarrassed at the time but did not know what_____6_____可知,本处指尴尬的事情”。故选:D。

3句意:每次当她告诉我们她在那个国家所经历的令人尴尬的事情时,她都不会忘记提到一件事。A. remember动词,记住;B. realize动词,意识到;C. forget动词,忘记;D. suffer动词,遭受。根据语境可知,此处为不忘记之意。故选:C。

4句意:李女士看见爱丽丝的5岁的儿子在房间里玩玩具。 A. five years old五岁,不能作定语;B. five years五年;C. five year形式错误;D. five-year-old五岁的,形容词,在本题修饰名词son。故选:D。

5句意:她走向小男孩,轻轻地拍了拍他的头。A. heavily沉重地、猛烈地;B. carefully仔细地;C. gently副词,轻轻地;D. rudely粗鲁地。根据语境孩子在玩玩具,李女士对孩子应是轻轻地拍其头。故选:C。

6句意:李女士当时很尴尬,但不知道发生了什么事。A. caused动词,引起、造成;B. produced动词,生产;C. made动词,制作;D. happened动词,发生。根据文意可知发生符合语境。what为宾语从句中的主语,happened不及物动词,作谓语。故选:D。

7句意:直到一个月后李女士才开始知道原因。A. reason名词,原因;B. test名词,测试; C. result 名词,结果;D. game名词,游戏。根据上文描述可知,此处为知道不高兴的原因。故选:A。


9句意:当别人拍拍他们时,他们感到很不高兴。A. unhappy形容词,不高兴;B. pleasant形容词,高兴的;C. wonderful形容词,奇妙的;D. glad形容词,高兴的。根据前文“…shows one likes the person”与表示转择含义的连词but可知,此处需要贬义词,四个选项只有“unhappy”为贬义词。故选:A。

10句意:这个故事告诉我们,同样的肢体动作符号可能在不同的国家有不同的意思。A. same形容词,相同的;B. different形容词,不同的;C. good形容词,好的;D. bad形容词,坏的、糟糕的。根据本文故事可知,此处为相同的之意。故选:A。


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】东西半球的分界线是( )




科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1自拍杆和其它销往巴西的产品汇合后,从宁波出发到巴西,最适宜的运输方式是( )

A. 铁路运输 B. 海洋运输 C. 公路运输 D. 航空运输

2自拍杆的诞生地位于我国的( )

A. 珠三角工业基地 B. 沪宁杭工业基地

C. 京津唐工业基地 D. 辽中南工业基地

3自拍杆属于高新技术产品,关于高新技术产业说法正确的是( )

A. 发展缓慢 B. 产品耗能多

C. 产业多分布在城市附近 D. 以航空、航天产品为主


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Jane and Jenny are sisters. They live in town. Jane is 1(年纪老,大)than Jenny. She likes living in town very much. She thinks living in town is more 2[k'sat than living in the country. She likes the lights in town. She thinks the lights at night are more beautiful than stars. She likes to read and reads more 3(快地)than Jenny. Often Jane reads until late at night. Jenny likes the country4 (更,较)She likes to see her aunt. She often helps her aunt 5 her farm work. She likes to run. She runs 6 (快的)than her sister. In the country, Jenny can run 7 [lg(r)] than in town. She also thinks running in the country is the most 8[ntrst] thing to do.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A. busy B. repair C. work D. take part in E. together

Over the weekend, American people spend their time in many different ways.

All the family members may enjoy weekend1 .They may go shopping, go for a drive, or visit friends. They may also invite friends over and have a party at home. Many American families2 ports, such as swimming in summer and skiing and skating in winter.

Weekend is also me for America miles to work in their gardens or on the houses, Many families plant flowers and grow vegetables. Some families use the weekend to paint or 3their houses. For many Americans, here are so many things to do that weekends are just as 4 as weekdays.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 I was not good at giving speeches in public. My teachers asked me to see a speech expert at school. I’d _______ thought about my speech before. If other people understood me, it was good enough.

_______ testing me, the speech expert asked, “What do you think about improving your speech?” I told her it was not important.

“Well, when you are at an interview for a job and they don't understand what you are saying, what are they going to say to you? Nice to meet you, goodbye,” she said.

Maybe she was right, I thought. So I took classes each week with the expert.

She quickly found that I spoke too______ and didn't pay attention to my audience.

I also found that I spoke too fast during our first class. When I spoke too fast,the expert______ me and asked me to speak again.

At first, I stopped at the end of every sentence. Later, I felt my speech slowed down. I don't know if people understood me_____ , but my friends noticed the______ when they talked with me.

Learning to speak clearly and effectively is an important skill that everyone should learn.








科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A.海拔较低,地面平坦,起伏较小 ①山地

B.海拔在500米以上,坡度较陡,地形崎岖 ②盆地

C.海拔较高,起伏较小,边缘陡峭 ③平原

D.四周高,中间低 ④高原



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1关于地球仪的说法,错误的是(  )





2“地球围着太阳跑”的方向是(  )


3“地球自个儿也在转”产生的现象是(  )



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 迅速乘坐电梯逃离 B. 从窗户跳下逃生

C. 将枕头抱在头上,躲进卫生间 D. 大声呼救


A. 山区面积广 B. 位于印度洋板块与欧亚板块交界的地带

C. 大陆漂移 D. 位于太平洋板块与欧亚板块交界的地带

