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Many expressions that we use in American English come from novels. Today we will look at some of them from Lewis Carroll's famous novel "Alice in Wonderland" in detail.

The story is about a young girl falling down a rabbit hole. When she finally lands, she finds herself in a strange world and meets some strange characters.

The first character Alice meets is the White Rabbit, who runs past her and says some strange words. Alice chases(追赶)him, and that is where her adventures begin.

In English, chasing a white rabbit means chasing an impossible clue and finding yourself in a misleading situation.

Then, as she runs after the rabbit, she falls down the rabbit hole into Wonderland.

To fall down the rabbit hole can mean to enter a confusing(令人困惑的)situation. However, usually we use this expression to mean we get interested in something to the point of distraction(分神).It often happens by accident and is about something not that meaningful.

Later in the story, Alice meets the March Hare and the Hatter at a crazy tea party. Hares(野兔)have long been thought to behave excitedly in March, which is their mating(交配)season. Scientifically, this may not be true. But to be mad as a March Hare means that someone is completely mad, or crazy. The expression mad as a Hatter also means to be completely crazy. Of the two, mad as a Hatter is more common. But don't tell the March Hare. Who knows how he will react(反应)!

Near the end of the story, Alice meets the Queen of Hearts. A woman who is called a Queen of Hearts likes controlling others and always tries to control everything and everyone around her.

【1】Which of the following situations best fits the expressions to fall down a rabbit hole?

A. When Tom was taking a walk in the forest, he suddenly fell over onto the ground.

B. When Mary turned on the TV, she chose to watch the talk show programme as usual.

C. When Jim was looking for a sport book online, he lost himself in many report on surperstars.

D. When Lily was thinking about how to solve a math problem, she came up with a good idea.

2According to the passage, the expression to be mad as a March Hare _____.

A. describes how hares behave in March

B. shows hares' characteristics in a scientific way

C. is used more often than the expression mad as a Hatter.

D. has the same meaning as the expression mad as a Hatter

3Which character in "Alice in Wonderland" wants others to obey his or her orders in every situation?

A. Alice B. The March Hare

C. The Hatter D. The Queen of Hearts.

4The writer mainly wants to ______ in the passage.

A. introduce a famous novel and its language style

B. introduce a famous writer Lewis Carroll and his novels

C. explore some English expressions from a famous novel

D. explain why many expressions in English come from novels








【1】C推理判断题。题意:下面哪种情境最适合fall down a rabbit hole这种表达?A. When Tom was taking a walk in the forest, he suddenly fell over onto the ground.当汤姆在树林里散步时,他突然摔到了地上; B. When Mary turned on the TV, she chose to watch the talk show programme as usual.当玛丽打开电视,她选择像平常一样看谈话节目时;C. When Jim was looking for a sport book online, he lost himself in many report on surperstars.当吉姆在网上找运动书,他被一些有关体育明星的报道迷住了。由第六段里的:However, usually we use this expression to mean we get interested in something to the point of distraction(分神)可知,人们通常用To fall down the rabbit hole表达被一些分神的东西感兴趣。故选C。

D. When Lily was thinking about how to solve a math problem, she came up with a good idea.

2D推理判断题。题意:根据短文,表达to be mad as a March Hare 是用来做来什么的?A. describes how hares behave in March描述野兔在三月里的行为;B. shows hares' characteristics in a scientific way以科学的方式展示野兔的形象;C. is used more often than the expression mad as a Hatter.比表达mad as a Hatter更常用;D. has the same meaning as the expression mad as a Hatter和mad as a Hatter有相同的含义。由倒数第二段里的:But to be mad as a March Hare means that someone is completely mad, or crazy. The expression mad as a Hatter also means to be completely crazy. 可知,to be mad as a March Hare与mad as a Hatter都表示完全地疯狂的意思,故选D。

3D细节理解题。题意:在《爱丽斯梦游仙境》中,哪一个角色想要别人在任何情境下都服从他/她的命令?A. AliceB. The March HareC. The HatterD. The Queen of Hearts。由最后一段里的:A woman who is called a Queen of Hearts likes controlling others and always tries to control everything and everyone around her.可知,叫作Queen of Hearts的妇女想要控制别人,并且总是控制她周围的每个人、每件事。故选D。

4C主旨大意题。题意:作者在文中主要想做什么?A. introduce a famous novel/span> and its language style介绍一部著名的小说及它的语言风格;B. introduce a famous writer Lewis Carroll and his novels介绍一位著名的作家Lewis Carroll和他的小说;C. explore some English expressions from a famous novel探索一本著名小说中的英文表达;D. explain why many expressions in English come from novels解释为什么许多英文表达来自小说。本文讲述的是由《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的一些句子变成的英语俗语。故选C。


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 美国职业篮球赛一些球队的命名,与当地的自然地理环境或工农业生产特色有一定的联系,如太阳队、活塞队、公牛队和火箭队。近几十年来,美国职业篮球赛借助卫星面向全球直播。下图示意美国本土政区和前面四支球队所在城市位置。












科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A. 中部高、四周低 B. 东高西低、呈阶梯状分布

C. 西高东低 D. 山河相间,纵列分布


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:







科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】刘大爷爱养信鸽。对于他来说养信鸽已经成为生活中不可分割的一部分,但邻居们对他在阳台上修建鸽笼和放飞鸽子的行为并不认同。原因是刘大爷住在五楼。住在楼下的邻居受到的影响非常严重。窗户、阳台上落满了鸽尿。臭味特别大,鸽子晒太阳、活动的时候,噪音也让邻居们很烦。为了维护自己的权益,在几次劝说不听的情况下,几位邻居把刘大爷告上了法庭,要求他立即停止在住宅楼养鸽子。人民法院依据《中华人民共和国民法通则》判决,要求刘大爷拆除安装在阳台外的踏板和护栏,以后不得在阳台上放飞鸽子,并赔偿邻居们卫生清洁费 700元。



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A. 外商投资法B. 环境保护税法

C. 资源税法D. 长江保护法


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】我国地势总的特征是 ,呈 状分布。


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】下列区域中属于同一尺度的是( )

A. 深圳、广东B. 北京、重庆

C. 西藏自治区、西双版纳自治州D. 香港、宜昌

