
¡¾1¡¿Jim used to ______(stay) up, but now he gets used to ______(go) to bed early.

¡¾2¡¿It is very comfortable _________(lay) on the bed after a long work.

¡¾3¡¿Yesterday I made some ___________(mistake).

¡¾4¡¿I¡¯m _________(gradual) making progress.

¡¾5¡¿It¡¯s _________(polite) to laugh at others.


¡¾1¡¿stay; going

¡¾2¡¿to lay





¡¾1¡¿used to do¡°ÒÔÇ°³£³£×ö¡­¡­¡±£¬be/get used to£¨doing£©sth.¡°Ï°¹ß£¨×ö£©Ä³Ê¡±¡£

¡¾2¡¿It is +ÐÎÈÝ´Ê+to do sth.¡°×öijÊÂÊÇ¡­¡­¡±£¬Òò´ËÅжÏΪ¶¯´Ê²»¶¨Ê½¡£





¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖеØÀí À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


Donna Ashlock, a 14-year-old girl from California, was very sick. She had a bad heart. ¡°Donna needs a new heart,¡± her doctor said, ¡°she must have a new heart, or she will die soon.¡±

Felipe Carza, 15, was worried about Donna. Felipe was Donna¡¯s friend. He liked Donna very much. He liked her freckles, and he liked her smile. Felipe didn¡¯t want Donna to die.

Felipe talked to his mother about Donna. ¡°I am going to die,¡± Felipe told his mother, ¡°and I am going to give my heat to Donna.¡±

Felipe¡¯s mother didn¡¯t pay much attention to Felipe. ¡°Felipe is just kidding,¡± she thought, ¡°Felipe is not going to die. He¡¯s strong and healthy.¡±

But Felipe was not healthy. He had terrible headaches sometimes. ¡°my head hurts,¡± he often told his friends. Felipe never told his parents about his headaches.

One morning Felipe woke up with a sharp pain in his head. He was dizzy (Ñ£ÔεÄ), and he couldn¡¯t breathe. His parents rushed Felipe to the hospital. Doctors at the hospital had terrible news for them. ¡°Felipe¡¯ s brain is dead,¡± the doctors said, ¡°we can¡¯t save him.¡±

The parents were very sad. But they remembered Felipe¡¯s words. ¡°Felipe wanted to give his heart to Donna,¡± they told the doctors.

The doctors did several tests. Then they told the parents, ¡°we can give Felipe¡¯s heart to Donna.¡±

The doctors took out Felipe¡¯s heart and rushed the heart to Donna. Other doctors took out Donna¡¯s heart and put Felipe¡¯s heart in her chest. In a short time the heart began to beat.

The operation was a success. Felipe¡¯s heart was beating in Donna¡¯s chest, but Donna didn¡¯t know it. Her parents and doctors didn¡¯t tell her. They waited until she was stronger; then they told her about Felipe. ¡°I feel very sad,¡± Donna said, ¡°but I am thankful to Felipe.¡±

Three months later the operation Donna went back to school. She has to have regular checkups, and she has to take medicine every day. But she is living a normal life.

Felipe¡¯s brother John says, ¡°Every time we see Donna, we think of Felipe. She has Felipe¡®s heart in her. That gives us great peace.¡±

¡¾1¡¿Felipe was worried about Donna because .

A. she had freckles

B. she was very sick

C. she would have a new heart

D. she had a sharp pain in her head

¡¾2¡¿We learn from the passage that .

A. Felipe promised Donna to give her his heart

B. Donna needed a new heart instead of her own

C. the doctors asked Felipe¡¯s parents to donate his heart

D. Felipe never told anyone about his terrible headaches

¡¾3¡¿Donna knew nothing about Felipe¡¯s heart until .

A. Felipe¡¯s parents told her the bad news

B. the operation was going to start

C. she was well and strong enough

D. she went back to school

¡¾4¡¿span>It is clear that .

A. Felipe¡¯s brother often goes to see Donna in hospital

B. Donna can live a normal life without medicine

C. the doctors did several tests during the operation

D. the Carza have great peace because of Donna

¡¾5¡¿Which of the following may probably be the best title for the passage?

A. The Gift B. The Operation C. The Peace D. The Illness


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖеØÀí À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Tomorrow is Spring Festival.He ________ his uncle.

A.dropped by B.drop by C.drops by D.will drop by


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖеØÀí À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿China is a country ________ long history.

A.on B.with C.for D.of


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖеØÀí À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


¡¾1¡¿You must remember to come on time£®(¸ÄΪÆíʹѮ)

________ ________come on time£®

¡¾2¡¿The Students have to wear the uniforms£®(¶Ô»­Ïß²¿·ÖÌáÎÊ)

_______ _________the students have to________?

¡¾3¡¿Bob has to make the bed every day£®(¸ÄΪһ°ãÒÉÎÊÑ®)

________Bob________to make the bed every day?

¡¾4¡¿They can play with friends and watch TV on weekends£®(¸ÄΪ·ñ¶¨¾ä)

They_______ _______with friends________watch TV on weekends£®

¡¾5¡¿Don¡¯t fight with your classmates£®(ͬÒå¾äת»»)

You________ ________with your classmates£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖеØÀí À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Don¡¯t forget ________ the light when you leave the classroom.

A. close B. closed C. to close D. closing


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖеØÀí À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿¡¾2016ɽ¶«¼ÃÄþ¡¿ÔĶÁÏÂÃæ¶ÌÎÄ£¬´ÓÿСÌâ A¡¢B¡¢C¡¢D ËĸöÑ¡ÏîÖУ¬Ñ¡³öÄܻشðËùÌáÎÊÌâ»òÍê³ÉËù¸ø¾ä×ÓµÄ×î¼Ñ´ð°¸¡£

I arrived in the UK last weekend to learn English. So far I have already made a few friends and had some traditional English food there. But after having three days of hamburgers, sandwiches and potatoes, I thought none could be more delicious than Chinese food, especially my favorite ¡ªhuo guo. You can't imagine how excited I was when I got to know that there was going to be a free meal of hotpot to welcome the new students. On the way to the canteen, I seemed to smell huo guo in the air.

To my surprise, when I stepped into the room, I didn't see any sign of huo guo. Where was it?

With many questions in my head, I sat down to have the free meal. After talking with an English girl, I got to know that Chinese huo guo is completely different from hotpot. Chinese huo guo is written in two words-hot pot; and hotpot, one word, is a traditional English dish.

Hotpot is made from mutton and onion. On the top are pieces of potatoes. People put it in the oven all day in a heavy pot on a low heat. It takes very little effort to prepare. You can often see it at parties in the UK because it's easy to prepare for a large number of people and is not expensive.

Hotpot doesn't taste bad. However, I still miss huo guo-hot pot, two words!

¡¾1¡¿The writer felt excited when she learnt she would _______.

A. learn English in the UK

B. meet some new friends

C. have hamburgers and potatoes

D. have her favorite food

¡¾2¡¿ The underlined word "canteen" means a place for people to _______.

A. play sports B. have parties

C. have food and drink D. buy books and magazines

¡¾3¡¿Hotpot is often prepared for parties because it is_______.

A. very p opular B. quite expensive

C. easy to prepare D. good for health

¡¾4¡¿After the free meal, the writer learnt that_______.

A. "hotpot" wasn't "hot pot"

B. hotpot took little time to cook

C. hotpot wasn't traditional in the UK

D. the English girl knew little about hotpot


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖеØÀí À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Students in our school _______ know shouting in the library is not allowed.

A.need B.must C.may D.can


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖеØÀí À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿¡¾2016ºÚÁú½­´óÇìÖп¼¡¿Daming hasn't done much exercise _______ he got his computer.

A. when B. if

C. though D. since

