精英家教网 > 初中地理 > 题目详情

【题目】Who sings better, Lucy or her sister?

Lucy. She sings ______ her sister.

A. as beautiful as B. more beautiful than

C. more beautifully than D. the most beautifully




科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Mom, when can I go out to play football?

—Finish your homework first, or I ______________ let you go out.

A. dont B. didnt C. wont D. havent


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Jill still went to school _______ she was ill yesterday.

A. even though B. no matter C. as long as D. so that


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)

Helen: Hello, Alice!

Alice: Hi, Helen! 1

Helen: Pretty good.

Alice: I want to see the new cartoon movie this weekend. 2

Helen: Id love to. But I have to visit my grandparents this Saturday. 3

Alice: OK. Lets go to see it on Sunday morning.

Helen: Great. 4

Alice: Lets go to Movie World. It has the biggest screen and the most comfortable seats.

Helen: How are we getting there?

Alice: 5

Helen: OK. Lets meet at half past nine in front of the cinema.

Alice: See you then.

【1】A. What are these? B. Is this pencil yours?

C. Hows it going? D. What are you doing?

【2】A. Can you go with me on Saturday? B. Are those your grandparents?

C. What do you think of cartoons? D. Whats your favorite cartoon?

【3】 A. Do you like Wednesday? B. What about Sunday?

C. Did you go with anyone? D. Why not go fishing?

【4】A. Which cinema shall we go to? B. Whats going on around the world?

C. How much is a movie ticket? D. How long does it take to get there?

【5】A. Its the most popular cinema. B. She usually walks to school.

C. We go to movies once a week. D. I think we can ride our bikes.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Your mother seldom watches Korean dramas, _______ she?

_______. I have seen her moved into tears by the love stories in them many times.

A. doesntYes, she doesnt B. doesntNo, she does

C. doesYes, she does D. doesNo, she doesnt


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Its hard to predict what will happen in the ______________ / fjut/.

A. father B. future C. forest D. picture


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Where are you going, Tom?

Im going to the ____________ to watch movie with Jane.

A. hospital B. theater C. library D. restaurant


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1. I am ________ (thin) than Kitty.

2. Summer is the ________ (hot) season in a year.

3China is one of ________ (large) countries in the world.

4Who has the _________ (many) books, Tom, Amy or Daniel?

5Those flowers are much ________ (beautiful) than these ones.

6The busier he is, the ________ (happy) he feels.

7The piano is too ________ (expensive). I don’t have enough money to pay for it.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Everyone likes gifts. Some little kids think they don't get enough gifts. Some old people think they get too many gifts. Different people like different kinds of gifes.Some presents are never too small. A litlke child may give his mother a leaf from a tree. It is enough to make her very happy.

Gift giving is different in different countries.

In Japan

People sometimes give special gifts but they are not opened.

The same gift may be given away to someone else.

Many people have enough things and don't want too many gifts themeselves.

In Canada

Many people will nol give big gifts to someone else.

They will pay for a park beach or a tree to help remember a person.

In the USA

Some peopke ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy ther gifts.

In Sweden

Ding something for someome is the best gift. People don't need to spend too much money. Instead. Making a meal is enough.

1People in different countries give ____gifts.

A. diffrent B. same C. expensive

2In Japan, people sometimes give special gifts.but they are not ___.

A. closcd B. opened C. broken

3In Canada, many people will pay for a park bench or a tree to help remenber a(n) _____.

A. animal B. thing C. pcrson

4In ______,some people give money to charity

A. China B. the USA C. Cmada

5In Swedetn. Making a ____ as a gift is enough.

A. meal B. potato pie C. tea

