【1】小明旅途中一直食欲不振,一次他在某火车站看见小商贩卖当地特产“羊肉泡馍”,吃后感觉不错。则这个火车站所在的铁路线的名称是:( )
A. 京广线 B. 京包-包兰线 C. 陇海线 D. 成昆线
【2】在随后,他发现火车便在很多、很长的隧道里穿行,则此时火车经过的地形区是:( )
A. 黄土高原 B. 太行山脉 C. 秦岭 D. 四川盆地
【3】游览过杜甫草堂后,中餐桌上摆着香辣的火锅,他认为这种饮食文化与当地地理特征关系密切。请帮他找出是哪一项?( )
A. 物产丰富,人称“天府之国” B. 多阴雨天气,可用辛辣食物去除体内湿气
C. 山地气候显著,变化多端 D. 当地人生活达到小康水平,乐于享受生活
科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:
【题目】2016年11月2日,国务院总理李克强对吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚和俄罗斯四国进行友好访问.小明想在地图上找到这些国家,他应该查找( )
科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:
【题目】我国的季风气候具有显著的大陆性特点,其具体表现是( )
A. 冬季,我国是世界上最冷的地方
B. 夏季,我国是世界上最热的地方
C. 我国大部分地区气温年较差比世界同纬度地区偏大
D. 我国大部分地区降水的季节变化不大
科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:
【题目】 可燃冰,又名天然气水合物,被称为能满足人类使用1000年的高效清洁新能源,是今后替代石油、煤等传统能源的首选。2017年5月18日,中国在南海试采可燃冰成功,这是中国,也是世界的首次可燃冰试采成功,中国实现了在能源勘查开发领域由“跟跑”到“领跑”的历史性跨越,中国将推动整个世界能源利用格局的改变。
【1】传统能源石油在世界上储量最大的地区是( )
【2】东临南海,且位于中南半岛上的国家是( )
科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:
科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:
【1】台湾素有“东方甜岛”的美称,主要是因为台湾盛产( )
A. 稻谷 B. 甘蔗 C. 香蕉 D. 茶叶
【2】祖国大陆是台湾最大的贸易伙伴,下列不属于台湾发展外向型经济有利因素的是( )
A. 海岛多港口 B. 加工工业发达 C. 山地面积大 D. 劳动力素质高
科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:
材料一 我国是世界上水土流失最严重的国家之一,水土流失面积超过180万平方米,约占全国陆地面积的1/5。每年流失表土在50亿吨以上,流失的土壤养分相当于全国一年的化肥产量。
材料二 新中国成立以来,我国耕地逐年减少,耕地流失严重。据调查统计,1980~1999年的20年间,我国挤占挪用及损毁的耕地超过600万公顷,平均每年流失耕地超过30万公顷。耕地减少加剧了我国人口与耕地的供需矛盾。
材料三 我国土地荒漠化正以每年1000~2000平方千米的速度蔓延。因过度开垦,过度放牧引起的草原退化、土地沙化面积有160多万平方千米。风消蔓延导致许多地方的牧场、良田和村庄被毁、埋没。
科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:
【题目】I was in line waiting to pay. In line there were two people before me. A little boy was buying some rather strange clothes. He chatted with anyone who was interested in the clothes and soon we learnt that he was going to a kindergarten(幼儿园) party. He had done a great job of putting together interesting costumes.
I noticed that the little boy was paying mostly with change(零钱). It seemed that he had robbed his pig bank(猪形储蓄罐) to do this shopping. However, the cashier told him he was short after counting all the money. The boy thought for a moment and said, “Please keep the shirt and I will come back with more money. “
It was clear that he had already used all the money he had and he was $ 8.00 short. The lady in front of me said, “Well, I could pay half of that. “I told the boy that I could pay the other half. We dug into our handbags. However, both of us only had ten-dollar bills(纸币) and we needed the cashier to get the change for us. Other shoppers began digging into their pockets to find some change. It was amazing and touching as all these strangers seemed to react(反应) with the same mind. All wanted to be of help. Within minutes the cashier said, “I have too much money.” The cashier didn’t need our ten-dollar bills. Then the lady in front of me, who had been the first to offer help, said, “Wait! I didn’t even get a chance to give anything!”
I smiled at her and said, “You did your share, because it was your idea and you started all this. “ The little boy smiled and thanked us. We wished him the best and he left. I was left with a good feeling. I had seen the love and goodness of others all around me. The woman in front of me smiled and said, “It sure feels good to give, doesn’t it?” I smiled back and said, “Yes !”
【1】What is this passage mainly about?
A. Love and goodness. B. Culture and tradition.
C. Friendship and honesty. D. Communication and understanding.
【2】Why did the writer and the woman both feel glad?
A. Because the boy had saved some money.
B. Because they both didn’t need to give anything.
C. Because the cashier didn’t look down on the boy.
D. Because all the shoppers around were willing to help the boy.
【3】What’s the correct order of the following events?
a. The cashier got enough money for the boy’s shirt.
b. The cashier counted the boy’s money.
c. The shoppers looked for some change in their pockets.
d. The boy went to the line to pay.
A. b, a, c, d B. b, c, a, d C. d, b, c, a D. d, c, a, b
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