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科目: 来源: 题型:


【1】How will you ________ (实现) these goals?

【2】_______ (虽然) it was raining, we still went there.

【3】Only in this way can you improve your ________ (口语) English.

【4】I hope I can make some _______ (进步).

【5】After school, he ________ (继续) to do his homework.


科目: 来源: 题型:



Compared with the past, our life is getting _____________________.


These products are of good quality, _____________, they aren't very expensive.


I can still remember, ____________it was so long ago.

【4】 课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。

Teachers will never_____________ by computers in the classroom.


I didn't buy the car. The simple ___________________ we couldn't afford it.


科目: 来源: 题型:


Do you sleep well? If your answer is no, the following might help you.

Set a certain bedtime and rising time

A certain bedtime and rising time can help you build up your body clocks. Set a bedtime which is good and natural for you. Don’t change your bedtime and rising time on weekends.

Avoid exciting activities just before sleeping

Exciting activities get your thoughts running. At the same time, if you make tomorrow’s plan or read an exciting story before turning off the light, it doesn’t give you enough time to relax before you try to sleep.

Keep the bedroom for sleeping only

It’s a bad habit for you to use your bedroom as a place to eat, watch TV, read, talk on the phone, or discuss important matters with your family members. Break that habit to get better sleep.

Don’t go to bed too early

Your body usually lets you sleep only the number of hours it needs. You should decide how many hours you must sleep in order not to experience daytime sleepiness.

Take a warm shower before your bedtime

A twenty-minute warm shower at a temperature of about 45 –50 not only is a great relax at day’s end, but also raises your body temperature by several degrees. The coming drop in temperature of your body will naturally make you feel sleepy.

【1】If you want to build up your body clocks, you should ______.

A. set a certain bedtime and rising time

B. go to bed neither too early nor too late

C. keep the bedroom for sleeping only

D. take a warm shower before sleeping

【2】Why should you avoid exciting activities just before sleeping?

A. Because they will get your thoughts running

B. Because you have to make tomorrow’s paln

C. Because you should read an exciting story

D. Because you will have to turn off the light.

【3】Your bedroom should be kept for ______ only.

A. talking B. eating C. reading D. sleeping

【4】According to the passage, ______ will make you feel sleepy.

A. taking a cold shower B. your body temperature dropping

C. your daily experience D. raising your body temperature


科目: 来源: 题型:



Your son _____ great ______ ______ his English last term.


I _____ _____ you would mind ______ me.


_______ ______ ______ difficult the problem may be, we will work it out.


Mr. Brown is a hard-working man. He has ________ ________ ________.


That's the key ______ ______ ______ for.


科目: 来源: 题型:


A: What's wrong, Jim? You look unhappy.

B: I'm not. I feel a little worried about my English.

A: 【1】

B: I'm not getting along well with it.

A: 【2】

B: Well, I seldom have chances to meet English people.

A: 【3】

B: Where should I go?

A: 【4】

B: But... it seems English people never speak to me.

A: Ah! You should speak first.

B: 【5】

A: The weather! English people are always interested in weather.

A. You should go to an English corner.

B. What can I talk about?

C. You should learn English well.

D. What's the problem?

E. Why so?

F. What can I do for you?

G. You should go out more.


科目: 来源: 题型:


A: Hello! This is Follow Me. Can I help you?

B: Yes. ____【1】____

A: What are your problems?

B: First of all, ____【2】____

A: Listen to English tapes and repeat what you hear. And keep practicing.

B: ____【3】____

A: Listening to more tapes will help improve your listening skills.

B: What about new words?

A: First, you should try to guess the meaning of them. ____【4】____

B: OK. Thank you very much.

A: You're welcome. ____【5】____

I am afraid to speak English in front of others.

B. I hope your English will improve soon.

C. I can't get the pronunciation right.

D. Then you can look them up in a dictionary if necessary.

E. Keeping a diary can improve your writing skill.

F. And I can't understand the teacher when she talks to the class.

G. I have some problems with my English.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】词汇:根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成下列句子( 10分)

1The interesting story made people______________(relax).

2April Fools Day is a_____________(celebrate) that takes place in different countries around the world.

3I think the music is too (noise).

4His teacher didnt k ______ him off the team even if he lost the game.

5】You are s_____________to shake hands when you meet a Chinese friend..

6There are 1,000 students in our school in t___________.

7Life is full of the_____________(出人意料的).

8】Yesterday was the_______________(不幸的)day of my life.

9Mr.Wang is our soccer_____________(教练).He is strict with us..

10_______________(财富)is regarded as the symbol of social status.


科目: 来源: 题型:



Few people like changing their habits, good or bad. Whether it is smoking, drinking or over-eating, they “enjoying” them to the end.

On every packet of cigarettes(香烟), people are warned against the of smoking: “Warning: Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health”. , millions of them start smoking or go on smoking. Why?

Facts show that families and surroundings(环境) play a very important part in smokers. All those smokers come from smoking families or have smoking or relatives. Films and TV plays also play a part. People their “heroes” on TV drinking alcohol(酒) or smoking cigarettes. “Heroes” seem to fear , neither killing themselves nor killing others with alcohol and cigarettes. If they are not afraid of the harm of smoking and drinking, should common people be afraid?

The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokers’ habits. Even warnings, like showing pictures of smokers who have died of cancer, don’t seem to work.

Knowing and believing seem to be two things. If smoking is really as harmful as doctors say, it is time for smokers to think about it and try to give it up!

【1】A. stopB. continueC. finish D. avoid

【2】A. chancesB. excusesC. causes D. dangers

【3】A. MoreoverB. AlsoC. However D. Otherwise

【4】A. influencingB. explainingC. improvingD. describing

【5】A. parentsB. unclesC. brothers D. friends

【6】A. hearB. catchC. watch D. face

【7】A. somethingB. nothingC. anything D. everything

【8】A. whatB. howC. when D. why

【9A. strongerB. worseC. longer D. harder

【10】A. similarB. pleasantC. differentD. boring


科目: 来源: 题型:


however, speak, express, period, pride

【1】Words can't _______ how excited I am now.

【2】The work must be finished in a one-month _______.

【3】—Our class won the Olympic Math contest.

—Congratulation! You must be _______ of it.

【4】She said it was so, he made a mistake, ________.

【5】A guest _______ gave us a talk about environment last week.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】句型转换: 10分)

1I had finished my home work before supper.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ ______you your homework befpre supper?

2The girl is very beautiful.(改为感叹句)

_____ ______the gil is!

3We must clean our classroom every day.(改为被动语态)

Our classroom must every day by us .

4Where does he live? I dont know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)

I don’t know __________ he ___________ .

5Both my father and my brother love watching basketball matches. (改为否定句)

_____ ______ my father nor my brother ____________ watching basketball matches.

