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科目: 来源: 题型:


A. 沿海地区、交通方便 B. 风光优美、主要靠旅游业

C. 曾被帝国主义国家占领 D. 人口少,自然环境压力小


科目: 来源: 题型:


1被誉为“中华水塔”的三江源地区中的“三江”指的是( )

A. 珠江、长江、黑龙江 B. 黄河、长江、黑龙江

C. 珠江、长江、澜沧江 D. 黄河、长江、澜沧江

2建设三江源自然保护区的最主要目的是 ( )

A. 防止水源污染 B. 维护生态平衡

C. 增加木材蓄积量 D. 禁止滥捕滥猎


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】I still like those good old songs I often listened to ________________ myself in my spare time.
C.to enjoy


科目: 来源: 题型:

! You have missed theconcert.
He stood there .
, Jim walked out of theclassroom.
Can you a better way to solvethe problem?
Tom often the boy helping him dothe housework.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Ronald Reagan was the only actor to be president of (A) _______,but some film stars have also become successful public officers. (B) One of them is Shirley Temple, who is remembered throughout the world as a little girl who sang and danced in many films.
(C) ShirleyTemple began to make films at the age of five, and she was only nine when she played the part of Heidi. In almost every part of the world where films are seen on television, children and their parents still enjoy Heidi and other films of Shirley Temple.
(D)当秀兰·邓波儿21岁时, 她已经迈出了电影圈子。Twenty years later, many people thought of her as a little girl that Americans have always loved in the films. However, others knew her as an excellent woman with knowledge of world problems. One of the people who recognized these important abilities was President Richard Nixon, who sent her to work in the United Nations in 1969.
(E) Americans are becoming to realize that many film stars have other talents besides acting.
(2)将画线部分(B) 改写为:One of them is Shirley Temple, who is remembered the world as a little girl who sangand danced in many films.
(3)将画线部分(C) 译成汉语
(4)将画线部分(D) 译成英语
(5)将画线部分(E) 译成汉语


科目: 来源: 题型:



A.电脑软件开发 B.卫星导航应用

C.新能源新材料 D.飞机制造业


A.雄厚的科技力量 B.交通运输便利

C.位置优越,环境优美 D.丰富的资源和能源


科目: 来源: 题型:

John Grisham is one of the most popular American authors(作家) today. All of his books have been best-sellers (畅销书). And six books of his, including The Client,have been made into films.
Grisham was born in Arkansas in 1955. As a child, he wanted to be a professional baseball player. Later he changed his mind and studied accounting (会计学) at Mississippi State University. After 1981, he worked in a law firm (律师事务所) for nearly ten years. Although he was working 60-70 hours a week, he got up at 5:00 a.m. every day to write his first book, A Time to Kill. It took him three years to write this book and he finished it in1987. His next novel, The Firm, came out in 1991. It was his first big success.
Now Grisham lives with his wife and their two children in Mississippi. In his free time, he helps children develop their baseball skills.
(1)Which of the following statements about John Grisham is NOT true?
A.He is from America.
B.He is 50 years old now.
C.He has two children.
D.He can play baseball.
(2)______ books of Grisham's have been made into films.
(3)What did Grisham want to be when he was a child?
A.A lawyer.
B.A famous writer.
C.A professor.
D.A baseball player.
(4)When did Grisham begin to write his first book?
A.In 1984.
B.In 1987.
C.In 1990.
D.In 1991.
(5)Which book was Grisham's first big success?
A.The Client.
B.A Time to Kill.
C.The Firm.
D.We aren't told.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】关于经线和纬线的叙述,正确的是(  )。

A. 所有纬线的长度都相等 B. 0°经线和180°经线是东、西半球的分界线

C. 所有经线的长度不相等 D. 经度从180°经线分别向东、向西逐渐减小


科目: 来源: 题型:

In the USA, there are many types of restaurants. Fast food restaurants are very famous. You can find McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken everywhere.You look at a menu above the counter(柜台), and say what you'd like to eat. You pay the person who serves you. There's no need to leave a tip. In a coffee shop you sit at the counter or at a table. You don't need to wait for the waitress to show you where to sit. She usually brings you coffee when you sit down. You tell her what you'd like to eat and she brings it to you. You paythe cashier (出纳员) as you leave.A diner is like a coffee shop but usually looks like a railway carriage (火车车厢). In a family restaurant, the atmosphere is casual, but the waitress shows you where to sit. Often the waitress tells you her name, but you don't need to tell her yours. You add an extra fifteen percent to the bill as a tip. In top class restaurants, you need a reservation (预定) and you need to arrive on time. The waiter shows you where to sit. If you have wine, he may ask you to taste it. You can only refuse it if it tastes bad. When you get your bill,check it and then add fifteen to twenty percent to it as a tip for the waiter.
(1)Where are these restaurants?
A.In France.
B.In China.
C.In America.
D.In Japan.
(2)Which of the following is TRUE about fast food restaurants?
A.There is no waitress in them.
B.You need to pay a tip.
C.The menu is above the counter.
D.It’s hard to find fast food restaurants in the US.
(3)In what kind of restaurant should you book before you arrive?
A.In a top class restaurant.
B.In a fast food restaurant.
C.In a coffee shop.
D.In a family restaurant.
(4)How much do you need to tip at most in a top class restaurant?
A.Ten percent.
B.Twenty percent.
C.Thirty percent.
D.Forty percent.
(5)What's the passage mainly about?
A.How to pay for your food.
B.Where to find different restaurants.
C.How to give a tip to waitresses.
D.Different restaurants in the US.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Mark Twain tells a boy's story in The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn. Huck is a poor child without a mother and a home. His father drinks too much alcohol(酒精) and always beats him.
Huck's situation frees him from the restriction of society. He explores in the woods and goes fishing. He stays out all night and does not go to school. He also smokes. Huck runs away from home. He meets Jim, a black man who has escaped (逃脱) from slavery(奴隶制). They travel together on a raft (木筏) made of wood down the Mississippi River. Mark Twain started writing “Huckleberry Finn” as a children's story. But it soon became serious. The story tells about the social evil of slavery,which is seen through the eyes of an innocent child. Huck's ideas about people are formed by the white society in which he lives. So, at first, he does not question slavery. Huck knows that important people believe slavery is natural and this is the law of God. So, he thinks it is his duty to tell Jim's owners where to find him.
Later, Huck comes to understand that Jim is a good man. He finds he cannot carry out his plan to inform Jim's owners of his whereabouts (下落). Instead, he decides to help Jim escape. He decides to do this, even if God punishes him.
(1)The underlined word “restriction” probably means _________.
A.something that you are expected to do
B.something that you are not allowed to do
C.something that you are able to do
D.something that you look forward to doing
(2)Which of the following about Huck is NOT true?
A.His father likes to beat him.
B.He doesn't go to school.
C.He lives with his mother.
D.He smokes.
(3)What can we infer from the passage?
A.Huck will be punished by God for what he does.
B.Huck's childhood is full of happiness.
C.It's Huck's situation that makes him decide to help Jim escape.
D.Huck is a white boy.
(4)Why does Huck change his mind at last?
A.He has made friends with Jim.
B.He finds out the weakness of slavery.
C.He finds that Jim is a good man.
D.God tells him to do so.
(5)What is the passage mainly about?
A.The outline (概要) of The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn.
B.The childhood of Huckleberry.
C.The reason why Mark Twain wrote the story.
D.The effect of slavery.

