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科目: 来源: 题型:


What's the best way to overlook(俯瞰) a beautiful city? If you find climbing a mountain tiring, there is another way that is more r1: take a Ferris wheel (摩天轮)!

Ferris wheels sit in the middle of some great cities around the world. These tall, wide wheels move round and round w2 carrying people. You can have such a wonderful time c3 with friends while enjoying a fantastic view under your feet.

The first Ferris wheel was b4 in 1893 by US engineer George Ferris Jr. in Chicago, US. The giant wheel shocked people. At that time, it was the l5 and tallest single piece of steelwork that had ever been made. Ferris wheels q6 became tourist attractions.

Now, with many countries racing to build the tallest, greatest or coolest Ferris wheel, the big round wheels are becoming p7 in amusement parks and carnivals (嘉年华). Here is one of the top Ferris wheels around the world. Would you like to try it?

With the h8 of 443 feet (about 135m), the London Eye is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe. It has enough space for 800 people on one turn and each car can carry as m9 as 25 people. By taking it, visitors can get a 360-degree view of London Tower, Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. One complete ride t10 30 minutes. The London Eye is at the center of the New Year’s celebrations, as bright, sparkling fireworks rain down from the wheel.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1pay, the, phone, library ,across, from ,is ,the _______________________________.

2there, a ,.is, hotel ,the, in ,neighborhood _________________________________?

3is ,the ,this ,beginning, the ,garden ,of, tour ____________________________________.

4I ,you ,are ,know ,next, arriving ,Sunday ____________________________________.

5hope ,I ,you ,a ,good ,have ,trip ____________________________________.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】— Tom, you kept me waiting for twenty minutes.

— Sorry! I was just about to leave the telephone rang. And it was from my sister.



科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Miss Tang says ________ to the kids in West China will _________ to their study.
A.giving our books away, make a difference
B.give our books away, make a big difference
C.handing out our books, make it different
D.hand out our books, make it different


科目: 来源: 题型:


1I don’t like the park because it’s very ________________ (嘈杂).

2Peter needs some money. He can go to a ________________ (银行)to get some.

3The supermarket is on the_________________ () Avenue.

4Let’s read from the ______________ (开始) of this book.

5Do you have anything to eat? I’m so _______________. (饥饿的)


科目: 来源: 题型:



科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】My mother _________ in the country, but now she _______ in the city and likes the city life.
A.is used to living; used to live
B.is used to live; is used to living
C.used to live; used to living
D.used to live; is used to living


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Yu Gong did what he could ________ the mountains in front of his house________ get to the other side more easily and quickly.
A.move, in order to
B.to move, so that
C.to move, in order to
D.move, in order that


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】我国东南部人口稠密,西北部人口稀疏,其分界线大致是( )


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】俗话说“一方水土养育一方人”。下列自然景观和人文活动与我国秦岭—淮河以北地区相符的是(  )

