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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 In many middle schools, all students must wear the school uniform on school days. And here comes the question-do they like to wear the uniform?

Wang Ye is a 12-year-old girl from No. I Middle School. She says, “I don’t like my school uniform. It is not beautiful at all. I think girls should wear some colourful clothes. But I have to wear the uniform in the school.”

Zhao Kai, also a middle school student. has a different idea. He says, “I like my school uniform. It looks cool. All my friends think so.”

Zhang Wen, a 13-year-old girl, says, “I have to wear the school uniform on school days. I think it's a good rule (规章). It helps me, save time. Before, I didn’t know what to wear every morning and I was always worried about this. It took me lots of time to choose my clothes. But now I have more time to do other things.”

What about you?

1Why doesn’t Wang Ye like the school uniform?

A.Because it is too big for herB.Because it is old

C.Because she thinks it isn't beautifulD.Because she thinks it isn’t expensive

2Wang Ye wants to wear _________ clothes.


3What does Zhao Kai think of his school uniform?

A.It looks coolB.It looks expensiveC.It feels softD.It feels cold

4Zhang Wen is at the age of _________.


5Why does Zhang Wen like the rule?

A.Because it helps her study better.B.Because it helps her study harder.

C.Because it helps her save time. D.Because it helps her save money.


科目: 来源: 题型:


Hi, Bob

Where are you now? Are you on the train? What time does it arrive (到达)? I will (将要) wait for (等待) you at the station.

See you soon!


Hi, Kim

I’m on the train, but it’s late! It won’t arrive at 16:50, but 17:30. Don’t wait for me at the station. I’ll get a bus to your house. What’s the bus number?

See you later!


Hi, Bob

I’m sorry to hear that the train is late! It sucks! My house is near the Shopping Center. You can take the No. 16 bus and then get off at the Red Star Bookstore. It takes about twenty minutes. I’ll wait for you in the bookstore.

See you!



1Where is Bob now?

A.At home.

B.At school.

C.In a store.

D.On the train.

2The train will be ______ minutes late.





3How will Bob get to Kim’s house from the train station?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By bike.

D.By subway.

4What do the words “It sucks” mean (意思是)?






A.Bob is going to see his cousin.

B.Bob lives near the Shopping Center.

C.Kim has no time to go to the train station.

D.Kim will wait for Bob in the Red Star Bookstore.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1David was in the barber’s when the UFO arrived. (对划线部分提问)

____________________ David when the UFO arrived?

2We were listening to the teacher carefully when she came in. (对划线部分提问)

___________________ you _____________ when she came in?

3Lily followed her father to see her mother in hospital. (同义句)

Lily _____________________ her father to see her mother in hospital.

4Tom had a traffic accident yesterday. (同义句)

A traffic accident____________________________ Tom yesterday.

5She was so tired; it’s difficult for her to arrive on time. (同义句)

She was _____________ tired _______________arrive on time.


科目: 来源: 题型:


A. 小刚说:“日本对外贸易发达,铁矿、石油、煤炭等矿产资源储量丰富”

B. 小明说:“埃及的气候温暖湿润,农业发达,是世界上重要的小麦出口国”

C. 小薇说:“俄罗斯地跨欧亚两洲,亚洲部分是其政治、经济、文化中心”

D. 小莉说:“美国是一个农业大国,但天然橡胶等热带农产品仍需要大量进口”


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 There is a king in a country. He is very _________ and he has no _________. So he wants to find a new king in the country. The king gives all the children in the _________ a flower seed (种子) and _________ them, “If anyone can _________ the most beautiful flower. he will be the king.”

A child, David, also gets a seed. He plants It and looks after it well. But day after day, no flower comes out from the flowerpot. He is very _________. It is time to_________ the flowers to the king. The children from all over the country come with their beautiful flowers.

The king walks close to the children and sees their _________ flowers. He isn't happy. When the king comes to David, he sees no flower in his a flowerpot. The king _________.

“He is an honest (减实的) boy. He will be the__________ king,” says the king. “I boiled () all the seeds, so no flowers should be here.”












科目: 来源: 题型:



l. 尊敬老师,对人礼貌;

2. 帮助他人,友善待人;

3. 遵守交通规则,过马路走斑马线,不闯红灯;

4. 保护环境,不乱扔垃圾,不踩草地等;

5. 个人观点。

参考词汇:尊敬 respect;对

……礼貌 be polite to;斑马线 zebra crossing

Our city is now making its effort to become a national civilized city. As students, what should we do?



科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Bill lives in a very far village. He knows l 1 about the outside world.

One day, he got a radio f2 his uncle who lives in the city. He was very excited and s3the radio to all his friends.

"Great!" all his friends said. Bill felt very proud o 4 the radio.

However, the radio stopped w5 only a few days later. Bill was very sad but didn't know w6to do. His friend told h7 to go to the town to repair it. So he did. The man in the shop f8 two dead cockroaches (蟑螂) in the radio.

Bill started crying. The man was surprised, "W9 are you crying, my boy?" Bill cried, "Because the two singers died in my radio. How am I going to listen to nice s 10 ? "


科目: 来源: 题型:


catch not notice be have stop

1The rain __________ . Let's go out to play basketball.

2When I was young, my teacher told me that the early bird __________ the worm.

3--Please look at the sign.

-- Oh, I am so sorry. I __________ it just now.

4--I called you yesterday afternoon, but nobody answered.

--Oh, I _________ a party with my friends in the park.

5There ___________ a sports meeting tomorrow, isn't there?


科目: 来源: 题型:







