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科目: 来源: 题型:








科目: 来源: 题型:



You ______ _______!


You can’t______ _______!


I ______ think it ______ a good idea.


You ______ wait ______ him here.


We _______ _______ the school rules.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Four students from different countries are camping and they are talking about the weather. Let's listen to them.

Wu Ling: It's cool and sunny most of the time in our country. I live in Beijing, a beautiful city. It's July now. Though it is a little hot, I still feel comfortable.

Waxili: I live in Moscow. There are storms too often there. When the sky is dark and clouds are moving across the sky, the storm is coming. I don't like that. Always it's not safe in the storm.

John: I live in the north of Canada. It's quite cold in winter, so we wear warm clothes. Many people like snowy weather because they can make snowmen and enjoy themselves.

Joe. I come from Australia. I never see a snowy day. It's very hot most of the time in our country. Though it's winter now, it's not very cold.

1It is in Australia when the four students are camping.

A. spring B. winter

C. autumn D. summer

2 doesn't like the weather of his country.

A. John B. Wu Ling

C. Waxili D. Joe

3Many people in enjoy snow.

A. Beijing B. Canada

C. Moscow D. Australia

4Joe has never experienced a day before.

A. snowy B. rainy

C. windy D. cloudy

5The passage is mainly about________.

A. different cities B. different talks in different cities

C. different countries D. different kinds of weather in different areas


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Collecting coins in my hobby, and it has brought me a lot of fun. Now I share the hobby ________ my children. Getting children interested in coin collecting ________ easy. Here are four ways I have used to get my kids ________.

Start small

Many coin collectors buy coins of great value(价值). But children needn’t consider the value. Let your children start with a set ________ Jefferson Nikcels(5分镍币). This set is the ________ to collect and almost all of them can be ________ in coin shops.

Bring home surprise

OK, you know the coin they are looking at is ________ and common. But you should be excited at ________ they are looking at.

Buy them a nice box

Go shopping and choose ________ nice box for your children ________ their coins in. ________ will help them to keep their collection organized. _______, having a nice box will keep their excitement high. Every time they show their collection to their friends, they will feel good.

Give them one of ________

Find a great coin in your collection and hand it down to your children. This coin needs to be a bit common, so ________ something happens to it, the world doesn’t end. But it also ________ to be special, or your children may have no interest in it.

1A. by B. in C. on D. with

2A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

3A. started B. start C. starts D. starting

4A. so that B. so far C. such as D. such that

5A. easy B. easier C. easyer D. easiest

6A. find B. found C. finding D. finds

7A. use B. useful C. useless D. uselessly

8A. what B. when C. who D. where

9A. a B. an C. the D. /

10A. keeping B. kept C. to keep D. keeps

11A. It B. What C. These D. Those

12A. Also B. Too C. Although D. Because

13A. you B. your C. yours D. themselves

14A. if B. that C. what D. which

15A. needed B. needs C. is needing D. need


科目: 来源: 题型:



You must ________ ________ ________ the thief, or your wallet couldn’t be stolen.


You should find a job and not ________ ________ your parents.


The professor speaks ________ ________ ________ ________.


I am ________ ________ ________ ________ you.


She owns a clothes shop. ________ ________, she owns a shoes shop.


Mr. Green looked unhappy. What ________ ________ him?


The laptop is ________ ________ ________ the desktop.


科目: 来源: 题型:





科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】There are five children talking about the seasons.


I like winter because I live in Israel. In winter it's rather warm and sometimes gets even close to 30°C, but never as hot and wet as in summer.


Summer is the best,by far. I like the heat,the beach and the sunshine. I spend lots of time outdoors in summer. Winter is the worst, I think, as there is nothing good but cold.


Any season is okay but winter. I hate cold; I bate snow; and I really hate having to wear a coat. In winter everything is white and gray. I miss the green.


In spring, temperatures are nice. I'm excited to fish because the winter is gone. I also like summer because I can go swimming in my big pool. And baseball season starts. All of us will have a good time for this wonderful game.


Summer is too hot and winter is too cold. Spring is okay but we get some storms. So autumn is my favourite season. It has warm days and cool nights. The leaves are turning to very beautiful colours; the squirrels are running, trying to gather up all of the nuts; apples are fresh.

1Simon's favourite season is________ .

A. spring B. summer

C. autumn D. winter

2 doesn't like winter.

A. Daniel and Sandy B. Simon and sandy

C. Simon and Peter D. Simon and Peter

3Amy likes in spring.

A. going swimming B. flying kites

C. going fishing D. playing baseball

4Peter thinks that__________.

A. autumn is a nice season B. there is too much rain in autumn

C. it snows a lot in winter D. squirrels like fresh apples

5Which one is TRUE?

A. Daniel doesn't like the hot weather. B. It is not cold in winter in Israel.

C. Sandy hasn't seen the snow. D. The five children live in the same city.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Dear Lin Tao,

How are you? Right now I'm watching the weather report on TV. It says it will snow in Beijing. But it's summer in Australia now! Our summer is in December, January and February. It's really hot now. I like summer because my favorite sports are swimming, beach volleyball and surfing.

Our autumn is from March to May. Some trees turn yellow and orange, but many trees are green all year. The weather is warm and sunny. We often go to the Blue Mountains to enjoy the fresh air!

Winter in Sydney starts in June and ends in August. The weather is not very cold. It never snows, but it rains a lot. Helen and I like to watch football games, even in the rain. Sometimes we go to a beach and watch whales swimming in the sea.

Spring here is from September to November, I like spring best. The weather gets warmer and everything begins to grow. Trees turn green and flowers come out. My family often has a barbecue at a park or on a beach.

What about the seasons in Beijing? I know they are really different! What do you usually do in different seasons?

Please write back soon!

Best wishes.


1When David wrote the letter, it was in Australia.

A. spring B. summer

C. autumn D. winter

2It's in autumn in Australia.

A. really cold B. rainy and wet

C. warm and sunny D. very cold

3David doesn't like to in summer in Sydney.

A. go surfing B. play beach volleyball

C. go swimming D. watch whales in the sea

4How long does the spring last in Sydney?

A. 8 weeks. B. 12 weeks.

C. 16 weeks. D. 20 weeks.

5Which of the following is NOT true according to the letter?

A. David's favorite season is spring.

B. In winter it doesn't snow in Australia.

C. David often goes to the Blue Mountains in autumn.

D. David told Lin Tao lots of places of interest in Australia.


科目: 来源: 题型:





科目: 来源: 题型:


1The number of students ________ (be) bigger than before.

2Nowadays, people work as the killers of the environment, like ________ (pollute) the river and killing the wild animals.

3She went to see a film without ________ (tell) her parents.

4Friday is my ________ (busy) day in a week.

5Of all the subjects, I like English ________(good).

