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科目: 来源: 题型:


A: Hi, Tom. Long time no see!

B: Hi, Black. 1?

A: Fine. Thanks for asking.

B: It must be a new shirt you’re wearing. 2?

A: It’s made of silk. It’s very soft.

B: It looks cool. 3?

A: 100 yuan.

B: It’s not very expensive. I also want to buy one. 4?

A: I bought it at Xidan.

B: OK! I like blue best. 5?

A: Yes, there is a blue shirt at that store.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 北京入选第二批“海绵城市”建设试点。“海绵城市”就是使城市像“海绵”一样,在雨季时增强对水的“吸收、存蓄、渗透、净化”功能,而在干旱缺水时可将水“释放”出来加以利用。


1水资源属于( )






2“海绵城市”的建设符合北京的自然环境特征,即北京( )



3为了雨季不再“看海”,北京建设“海绵城市”的主要举措有( )









科目: 来源: 题型:


A: You look worried, Carol. 1?

B: I think I am going to fail a math test.

A: Why? 2.

B: Yeah. I know I could pass the test. But I am not allowed (允许) to take the test.

A: Why was that?

B: 3. It’s against the school rule.

A: Well, the school has to have rules.

B: I know. 4?

A: Maybe you could talk to the teacher and explain.

B: 5. I will talk to the teacher after school and the teacher may understand and let me take the test later.

A: Wish you good luck.


科目: 来源: 题型:


A: Hi, Keith. Where are you heading for? Is it the gym?

B: Sure. You’re in great shape, Rod. 1?

A: Yes, I do a lot. I guess I am a really sports freak (狂热爱好者).

B: 2?

A: I do sports every day, mainly playing basketball.

B: I do it, too. Do you want to play it with me today?

A: Sure.

B: How well do you play? I just wonder if we can play together.

A: 3. To be exact, I am a top player.

B: I am afraid I am just a rookie (新手).

A: 4. Besides, I can help you.

B: 5. Many thanks.

A: Not at all.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 2012年7月29日,因连续降雨,使得太原一旧关高速公路的部分路段出现险情。上午10时,太旧方向415千米处出现山体滑坡。事发后,交警果断采取交通管制措施,确保了塌方路段的交通安全管控。22时许,事发路段恢复畅通。


1造成此次滑坡的原因,最有可能的是( )



2关于对该事件处理的措施,正确的是( )

①立即抢修路面,保证交通畅通 ②启用交通应急预案,疏导公路交通

③查找塌陷原因,然后再整修路面 ④废弃该公路,重建一条新的高速公路



科目: 来源: 题型:


A: Great weekend again! 1?

B: I’m not sure. What about you?

A: 2. Why not come along?

B: Sounds like a good idea. But the radio says it will be rainy tomorrow.

A: It’s just the time for it! I enjoy cycling on rainy days.

B: Well, you might catch a cold. 3?

A: That’s also good. Let’s meet at our school swimming pool at 9:00 tomorrow morning.

B: No problem. In the afternoon, we could go to the new library near our school.

A: 4.

B: Why not? 5.

A: You are right. OK, I’ll try to change myself. Let’s go to the library tomorrow afternoon.

B: I’m sure you will find it as interesting as doing sports.


科目: 来源: 题型:




科目: 来源: 题型:


A: Hello. Can I help you?

B: 1. Could you please give us the room number of Mrs. Taylor?

A: Is she a guest here at our school?

B: Yes, she is our English teacher.

A: 2?

B: She arrived yesterday.

A: Here we are… Room 602. 3?

B: Yes. That would be great if you call the room.

A: Wait a moment… She is not there. And she is not in the gift shop, either.

B: Oh, my god, I need to speak to her.

A: 4? It is time for breakfast. Maybe she is there.

B: I have already been there. She is not there. And she is not in the gift shop, either.

A: What a pity. What can I do for you?

B: Could you tell her to call me when she comes back?

A; 5. I will tell her.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1台湾素有“东方甜岛”的美称,主要是因为台湾盛产(  )

A. 稻谷 B. 甘蔗 C. 香蕉 D. 茶叶

2祖国大陆是台湾最大的贸易伙伴,下列不属于台湾发展外向型经济有利因素的是(  )

A. 海岛多港口 B. 加工工业发达 C. 山地面积大 D. 劳动力素质高


科目: 来源: 题型:


1下列关于我国地理位置及其优越性的表述,不正确的是(  )

A. 我国位于亚洲东部、太平洋西岸

B. 我国东临太平洋,东部广大地区雨量充沛,利于农业生产

C. 我国主要位于热带

D. 我国领土南北跨纬度近50°,南北气候差异大,为发展农业经济提供了有利条件

2两处下划线部分她忘记了歌词,请你帮她填上(  )

A. 长江 珠穆朗玛 B. 珠江 乔戈里 C. 长江 乔戈里 D. 珠江 珠穆朗玛

3歌词中的“兄弟姐妹”指的是56个民族,关于我国民族分布的特点,正确的是( )

A. 少数民族主要分布在东部和中部 B. 大散居,小聚居,交错杂居分布

C. 汉族主要分布在西南和西北部 D. 高山族主要分布在海南岛

