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2. 有好的餐桌礼仪,……(举一例说明)





2. 参加慈善活动,给需要的人提供帮助



在那天我将…… (谈谈方式和感想)

要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;

2. 必须包括表格中所有相关信息,并适当发挥;

3. 词数:100左右(文章开头已给出,不计入)

4. 不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。

This year will be the70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China. We Chinese are proud of it. As a middle school student, I should do as follows(如下):



科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 长三角一体化发展是国家战略,前景光明,道路曲折。为在复杂多变的现实条件下,集聚更多力量共同为国家发展重大战略提供支撑,2019年4月13日,上海财经大学成立了长三角与长江经济带发展研究院。


1长江三角洲是“鱼米之乡”美誉的地区,主要得益于( )

①温带海洋性气候 ②亚热带季风气候 ③竹青茶绿的丘陵地形 ④河湖密布的平原地形

A. ①③B. ①④C. ②③D. ②④

2长江三角洲发展经济的优势条件是( )

A. 毗邻港澳B. 集黄金海岸和黄金水道的区位优势于一体

C. 矿产资源丰富D. 扼长江出海口,濒临南海

3为了实现可持续发展,长江三角洲地区产业结构调整中,下列产业的比重将上升的是( )

①劳动密集型产业 ②资金密集型产业 ③技术密集型产业 ④资源密集型产业

A. ①②B. ②③C. ③④D. ①④


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【题目】 黄土高原是我国水土流失最严重的地区,黄土高原的土地总面约为53方平方千米,其流失面积大约43万平方千米,其中严重流失区约有25万平方千米。这里地面支离破碎,生产条件差。彻底治理黄土高原,是我国紧迫而艰巨的任务。


1黄土高原水土流失严重的人为原因是( )

A. 气候干旱,沙丘向南迁移B. 地面径流量少,降水集中多暴雨,流水侵蚀严重

C. 植被稀少D. 过度垦荒,不合理地利用土地

2整治黄土高原的中心任务是( )

A. 制止滥垦、滥伐、滥牧B. 在沟口打坝淤地,不让水土出沟

C. 开辟梯田,发展农业生产D. 实行水土保持,以生物措施为主,结合工程措施治理

3香港建设高层建筑和填海造地的最主要原因是( )

A. 人多地少B. 信息发达

C. 建筑水平高D. 资金雄厚


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【题目】世界上海陆分布不均(  )






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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Some people have a kind of magic. They will make you comfortable while they are around. You feel at ease while talking to them. How is it done Here are several skills that good talkers have. If you follow the skills, they'll help people feel relaxed and make friends with them quickly.

First of all, good talkers ask questions. Almost anyone, no matter how shy he is, will answer a question. One well-known businesswoman says, "At business lunches, I always ask people what they did that morning. It's a common question, but it will get things going." From there you can move on to other matters—sometimes to really personal questions. And how he answers will let you know how far you can go.

Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen to the answers. This point seems clear, but it isn't. Your questions should have a point and help to tell what kind of person you are talking to. And to find out, you really have to listen carefully and attentively. Real listening at least means some things. First it means not to change the topic of conversation. If someone insists on one topic, it means he's really interested in it. Real listening also means not just listening to words, but to the voice. If the voice sounds bored, then, it's time for you to change the topic.

Finally, good talkers know well how to deal with the moment of saying good-bye. If you're saying it, you may give him a handshake and say, "I've really enjoyed meeting you." If you want to see that person again, don't keep it a secret. Let people know your thoughts.

1Asking questions might be a quite good and suitable way ________.

A. for you to make more and more new friends

B. to begin your business talks

C. to get things going

D. for you to make a deep and lasting impression on others

2After asking somebody a question, it'll be polite of you to ________.

A. agree with what others say all the time

B. listen to his reply attentively

C. wait impatiently for his answer

D. go on asking him more questions

3Generally speaking, good talkers are persons who ________.

A. are not good at making any topic interesting

B. never talk too much or too little

C. always speak in a gentle way

D. know when they should change the topic of the talk

4If you really want to meet someone again, ________.

A. you may take him as your lifelong true friend

B. it seems necessary for you to let him know it

C. it's proper for you to give him a second handshake

D. it'll be helpful for you to have further understanding of him


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 I saw Tom Sawyer on the way to the town. When he saw me he looked frightened. “Huck! Why have you come back to scare me? I never hurt you,” he said. “I haven 't come back. Tom. I've never been away.”

“Aren't you a ghost?”

“No, it was a trick.” I said.

Then I told him that I wanted to rescue(营救) Jim—a slave(奴隶).

“I'll help you,” Tom replied excitedly. He loved an adventure more than anything else in the world.

When we got back to the farm, Tom said that he was Sid, Tom's younger brother. Aunt Sally was surprised to see him but was happy to have his two nephews(侄子).

That night, Tom and I went out to look for Jim. There were lots of huts in the garden. One of the huts was locked. So we guessed Jim was locked in the hut. We dug a tunnel under the wall of the hut that night. Finally, we succeeded. Jim was very surprised to see us.

“Hello, Jim!” Tom said. “But we aren't ready to do it yet, you'll have to wait a couple of days.” “Don't worry! you'll soon be free!”

Then we came back and talked about a plan to get away.

“I'm going to write a letter to Uncle Silas,” Tom said.” “Of course I won't sign it. It'll be anonymous(匿名的). I’m going to warn him that somebody's planning to steal the runaway slave .”I didn't understand why we had to look for trouble but I didn't say anything. “Well, Huck, if Uncle Silas knows, he'll try to stop the thieves,” says Tom.

So Tom wrote the letter and I put it under the front door. Uncle Silas found it in the morning. After reading it, he went out at once. At night, we successfully rescued Jim. We are very happy because Jim is a free man now. Though Tom got a bullet(子弹)in my leg, it was a great adventure.

1Who likes a great adventure best?

A. JimB. Uncle SilasC. HuckD. Tom Sawyer

2Why does Tom look frightened when he sees Huck on the way?

A. Because he thinks Huck is a bad man.

B. Because Huck is really a ghost.

C. Because he thinks Huck has died in his father's cabin.

D. Because he thinks Huck will tell Aunt Sally about everything.

3What’s Tom’s purpose of writing a letter?

A. In order to let Uncle Silas know his rescue methods.

B. In order to make the adventure more exciting.

C. In order to ask Aunt Sally to set Jim free.

D. In order to get Uncle Silas to rescue Tom.

4What theme does the passage show?

A. Rules and order.B. Education and social.

C. Freedom and slaveryD. Man and nature

