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My house is on a hill. There was only a small parking place. As a new driver, I was so scared when I realized I would have to reverse(倒车)out of the driveway. I knew that if I parked backwards(朝后), it would be easier to get out later. 1.

For three months, I didn’t even think of trying. 2 . But one day, I suddenly thought to myself, “How am I ever going to know whether I can do it if I don’t even try?”

So I started my car, went down that hill, turned around and reversed. I made it. I got into the parking place. 3 .

As weeks went on, I continued trying. The more I practiced, the better I did. But I had never practiced parking in the dark before. Then I decided to push myself.4.

When I slowly drove to the parking place, I couldn’t see anything. My heart was beating rapidly. A moment later I guessed I was getting somewhere, I let the car go. Oh, my god! The car hit a tree. 5. But I tried it after all.


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A.昼夜现象 B.四季变化 C.昼夜更替 D.板块运动



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【题目】【2016浙江衢州The Year of the Goat was a main reason for the low newborns in 2015, a report said.

There were 16.55 million babies born in China last year, about 320,000 fewer than 2014, the Year of the Horse, it said.

China began to allow couples where one partner was an only child to have a second child in late 2013, which made 11 million couples eligible (符合条件的).

People expected the policy to result in 1 million more births compared with 2014. However, that did not happen. There is an old Chinese saying that 9 out of 10 people born in the Year of the Goat are unlucky in their lives.

It was reported that the decline (下降) was mainly because of the Year of the Goat. China will likely welcome 17.5 to 21 million newborns yearly in the next five years.

In 2015, the number of wowen aged 15 to 49, considered to be of childbearing age, fell by 5 million from 2014, In addition, the group between 20 and 29 years old, who are main childbearing people, has declined by 1.5 million, the report said.

Among babies born last year, the number of first children dropped by 850,000 from 2014, or 4.1 percent, it said.At the same time, the number of the second children increased by 450,000.

The number of Chinese wowen of childbearing age reached the highest point in 2011 and then began to decline.

【1】You can probably read this passage in a(n) _____ .

A. advertisement B. newspaper

C. guidebook D. novel

2According to the report, the number of newborns declined in 2015 compared with 2014 mainly because of _____ .

A. the Year of the Horse B. the Year of the Goat

C. the working conditions D. the living conditions

3The number of Chinese wowen of childbearing age reached the highest poilt in _____ .

A.2011 B.2012

C.2013 D.2014

4From 2010 to 2014, the newborn numbers in China _____.

A. declined every year B. kept the same

C. increased every year D. doubled


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】【2016湖北孝感】阅读理解 阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择正确答案。

Dear mum and dad,

I’m writing this letter to you from the center of Australia. At the moment we’re staying near Uluru—that’s the aboriginal(土著) name for Ayers Rock. On the first day, we took a balloon tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was: 3.6 kilometers long and 384 meters high. The colors of the rock are fantastic, and at different times of the day, they change from purple to red. The Aborigines are the first people of Australia, and the ancient aboriginal stories describe the spirits that created the world. Uluru is a center of Aboriginal culture.

The Australians have many British relatives. That’s why they’re like us in many ways. Their family life is similar to ours, and they enjoy the same food and hobbies. The food and drink that most Australians like are grapes, lamb, ham and especially wine that they make in the south of the country. They love all sports, but football is the most popular. Most Australians live near the coast, so they also love going to the beach, swimming and surfing.

Although it’s December, it’s summer over here. The sunshine is very bright, and near the coast the countryside is very green. There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills, but the outback(澳洲内陆) is more like a desert, full of rocks and sand.

The next day after we arrived at Uluru, we went on a camel(骆驼) ride. The camel that I rode had a bad temper. When I sat on its back, it became very angry and refused me. So everyone else thought it was very funny that my camel kept lying down…

Finally, later this evening, we’re taking the plane back to Sydney and coming home, it’s been a fantastic trip!


【1】Which is NOT true according to Paragraph One?

A. Uluru is the name for Ayers Rock.

B. The height of Uluru is 384 meters.

C. The rock of Uluru doesn’t change colors.

D. Uluru is the center of Aboriginal culture.

【2】Tony may be a(n) ________.

A. British B. Australian

C. American D. Chinese

【3】________ is the most popular sport in Australia.

【4】The underlined word temper means “________” in Chinese.

A. 脾气 B. 记忆

C. 命令 D. 信心

【5】What is the best title of this passage?

A. A Balloon Tour B. An Aboriginal Letter

C. A Fantastic Trip D. A Summer Evening


科目: 来源: 题型:


William Lindesay, a British traveler and writer, has been exploring the Great Wallone of the humans most wonderful building projects. Not even a Chinese knows the Great Wall of China as well as he does.

When, as a schoolboy, Lindesay announced his plan to explore the Great Wall, nobody took him seriously. But Lindesay achieved his goal, by spending 25 years on the Great Wall and has become one of the worlds most famous experts on its rich history. Lindesay now lives and works in Beijing. This year his new book has come out, The Great Wall Explained, with a lot of photographs and articles.

Running on the Great Wall was a brave trip and Lindesay had already run 3,000 kilometers along it! During those years, he got to many villages along the way. He was often helped by friendly villagers, although they didnt quite understand why the Englishman would have such interest in the Great Wall.

【1】Who is William Lindesay?

2How long did Lindesay spend on the Great Wall?

3What's the name of his new book about the Great Wall?




科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】【2016山东青岛】阅读理解 阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳答案。A篇为判断正(A)误(B)题,B、C篇为选择题。

“I will think of it.” It is easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come from thinking?

Sir Isaac Newton was sitting in his garden when he saw an apple fall from a tree. He began to think and tried to find out why the apple fell. Then he discovered how the sun, moon, and stars are kept in their places.

A boy named James Watt sat quietly by the fire, watching the lid of the kettle move up and down. He wanted to find out why the steam in the kettle moved the lid. From that time he went on thinking and thinking. And when he became a man, he improved the steam engine (蒸汽机) so much that it could easily do the work of many horses.

James Ferguson was a poor boy. Once, seeing the inside of a watch, he wondered. “Why should I not make a watch?” But how could he get the materials to make the mainspring (钟表的主发条)? He soon found he could make it with whalebone (鲸骨). He then made a wooden clock which kept good time. His motto (座右铭) was “I will think of it.” And he made his thoughts useful to himself and the world.

Boys and girls, when you have a difficult lesson to learn, don’t lose heart, and don’t ask someone for help before helping yourselves. Think, and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose.

【1】From the passage, we know that some great things come from ______.

A. listening B. reading

C. speaking D. thinking

【2】The idea of Isaac Newton’s discovery was from ______.

A. the falling of an apple

B. the cleaning of a garden

C. the falling of a tree

D. the moving of a lid

【3】The achievement of James Watt was that he ______.

A. kept thinking

B. found the steam in the kettle

C. improved the steam engine much

D. watched the lid move up and down

【4】The right order of the following sentences is ______.

James Ferguson made a wooden clock.

James Ferguson saw the inside of a watch.

James Ferguson made the mainspring with whalebone.

A. B.

C. D.

【5】What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Learn to ask for help.

B. A difficult lesson to learn.

C. It is easy to say “I will think of it.”

D. Think, and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose.


科目: 来源: 题型:


图中甲地在乙地的 方向。

甲乙两地的实地直线距离是 米。

如果C、D两条虚线中有一条表示小河,该小河应位于 (C或D处)。



科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】【2016江西】请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Carlton Joseph is a fashion designer(服装设计师), but not just any fashion designer. He appears on television, he writes books, and he owns his fashion house.

Born in 1980, Carlton started designing clothes when he was eleven. His father owned a clothes store, and Carlton used to work there at the weekend. Then he did a design course at college.

When he was 21, someone suggested doing a TV program. He made his first show “Carlton’s Clothes” in 2004, and he wrote his first book in the same year. Since then he has written four more. Carlton got married to TV producer Susan Mills in 2005.

Three months ago, Carlton started his new company. He called it “Design Carlton”.

At work Carlton always wears black trousers and a blue coat, but at home, or when he goes out, he wears clothes with bright colors (red, blue and yellow). He is especially crazy about new glasses, he buys a new pair every few weeks. “I like to look different every day,” he says.

Carlton started wearing glasses when he was twelve. He dyed(给……染色) his hair red when he was 18. It is still red, and this year, for the first time, he has grown a beard. “My wife likes it, that’s why” is his explanation. But his beard is black.

1How old was Carlton when he wrote his first book?

A. 11 B. 21

C. 24 D. 25

2What does the underlined word /span>“it” refer to?

A. Carlton’s hair. B. Carlton’s beard.

C. Carlton’s coat. D. Carlton’s company.

3What is the main idea of paragraph 5?

A. Carlton likes to look different.

B. Carlton is a hardworking person.

C. Carlton is crazy about new glasses.

D. Carlton loves wearing colorful clothes.

4Which of the following if true according to the passage?

A. Carlton is just a common fashion designer.

B. Carlton started his new fashion company in 2005.

C. Carlton made his first show after he got married to Susan.

D. Carlton got some design experience before going to college.


科目: 来源: 题型:





A扩大 B缩小 C不变



科目: 来源: 题型:




A.世界上气候最寒冷的大洲 B.世界上纬度最高的大洲

C.世界上跨经度最多的大洲 D.世界上面积最大的大洲

(3)①②③④四大洋中, 洋面积最大, 洋纬度最高(填写大洋序号及大洋名称)。






