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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Sally likes making friends on QQ. Let’s look at three of her friends.

Chinese name: Lin Peng

English name: Bob

School: Guangzhou, China

Favorite sports: soccer

Phone number: 8623-0146

Chinese name: Wang Yunmei

English name: Gina

School: Kunming, China

Favorite sports: tennis

Phone number:8735-2019

Chinese name: Liu Shiqi

English name: Cindy White

School: London, England

Favorite sports: volleyball

Phone number: 9472-0155

1Call ______ to find Lin Peng.

A. 8623-0416 B. 8623-0146 C. 8735-2019 D. 9472-0155

2Gina is ______ friend.

A. Lin Peng’s B. Wang Yunmei’s C. Liu Shiqi’s D. Sally’s

3Liu Shiqi likes ______.

A. Cindy White B. London C. volleyball D. 9472-0155


科目: 来源: 题型:


A高处天气晴朗能见度好, B高处风景好

C好处视野好, D大地是圆的


科目: 来源: 题型:



(Jim; can)



(Mrs. Green; help; me; English)



(my sister; can; I; can’t)



(what; your; favorite; or)



科目: 来源: 题型:



A. 西临太平洋,北回归线从北部穿过

B. 西隔台湾海峡与广东省相望

C. 平原多分布在台湾岛西部沿海地区

D. 台湾岛全部是温带季风气候


A. 甜菜 B. 甘蔗 C. 香蕉 D. 菠萝


科目: 来源: 题型:


Let's Learn Chinese

Can you speak Chinese? Do you want to learn Chinese?

Join the Chinese club now.

Time: 900 a. m. 1130 a. m. (from Monday to Friday) Call Henry at 4580874.

Let's Learn Chinese

Can you speak Chinese? Do you want to learn Chinese?

Join the Chinese club now.

Time: 900 a. m. 1130 a. m. (from Monday to Friday) Call Henry at 4580874.

1We can learn to do kung fu ______.

A. at Mr. Cai’s home B. on Friday afternoon

C. in School’s P.E. Building D. from Monday to Friday

2The Time Band will meet on ______.

A. Friday afternoon B. Monday morning C. Saturday afternoon D. Sunday morning

3Cathy can sing well and she wants to meet some music lovers. She can ___.

A. call 968-5788 B. call 798-3643 C. call 458-0874 D. call 845-7341

4If (如果) you can teach people how to ____, you can join in the School Trip.

A. do kung fu B. swim C. speak Chinese D. play the guitar

5Which of the following is TRUE?

A. You can go to the Chinese club on the weekend.

B. Henry is in the kung fu club.

C. You can call Tina on Thursday.

D. The Chinese teacher needs to teach 3.5 hours on Monday.


科目: 来源: 题型:








科目: 来源: 题型:



1)台湾北临 海,钓鱼岛是我国固有的领土,它位于台湾岛的 方向.

2)台湾的种植业主要分布在 ,台湾因物产丰富而享有盛誉,请写出台湾的两个美称:

3)台湾的铁路线大致呈 状分布.



科目: 来源: 题型:


A. 绕地球一周 B. 到达北极点 C. 到达南极点 D. 回到北京


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Hello, I'm Peter. I come from Japan (日本). I can speak a little English and French (法语). But I can't speak Chinese. I get up at 6: 00 and go to school at 7: 30 in the morning. I like P. E. best at school. It is exciting. I don't like math. I think it is difficult and boring. I want to visit China. I want to learn kung fu.

My name is Jill. I come from the USA. I'm 13 years old. I go to school at 7:40 and I go home at 5:00 in the afternoon. I have lunch at school. I like music best. It is relaxing. I want to join the music club.

I'm Mark. I'm from England. I can speak English and a little French, but I can't speak Japanese. I like art and I want to join the art club. I also like math, because it is interesting and fun. I have a pen friend in China. His English name is Jack. I want to see him one day.

1Peter can't speak ________.

A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D. French

2What subject does Jill like best?

A. Art. B. Math. C. Music D. English.

3What club does Mark want to join?

A. The art club. B. The English club . C. The music club. D. The basketball club.

4_______comes from America.

A. Peter B. Jack C. Mark D. Jill

5Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Jill has lunch at home. B. Peter can't do kung fu.

C. Mark has a pen friend in Japan. D. Mark doesn't like math, but Peter does.


科目: 来源: 题型:



A. 东北方向 B. 西南方向 C. 东南方向 D. 西北方向


A. 热带、亚热带季风气候 B. 地中海气候

C. 温带大陆性气候 D. 温带季风气候


A. 农业为主 B. 博彩业为主 C. 重工业为主 D. “进口—加工—出口”型经济

