精英家教网 > 初中物理 > 题目详情
【小题1】Kindness is one of his c_________.
【小题2】How many countries does the UK c________ of?
【小题3】Being e_______ to the sun is harmful to your skin.
【小题4】He was a_______ of stealing.
【小题5】She said that she a______ her knowledge of English by her careful study.
【小题6】He has an __________(乐观的) attitude toward his future.
【小题7】Exhausted, I ______(溜进)into bed and fell fast asleep.
【小题8】His friends were _________ (热心的) about his theory.
【小题9】Jane was writing a letter and __________(同时) Pat was watching TV.
【小题10】A giant machine, always ________ (贪婪的) for more, swallows all the waste.


科目:初中物理 来源: 题型:

【小题1】We should not judge a person by his __________ 外表).      
【小题2】How did the people __________ (反应)to the latest news?     
【小题3】Schools need __________(志愿者)to help children to read.       
【小题4】It was said that the little child had been __________(咬)by the fierce dog.          
【小题5】Police asked __________(过路人)if they had seen the accident.  
【小题6】I like to read books on __________(电子的)music.         
【小题7】We may __________(自信地)look forward to the future.      
【小题8】 Lesinko is quite f_________ with China Central Television. He worked there for 25 years.                                                                 
【小题9】 I don’t like b__________ with the sellers over the price of the goods.    
【小题10】The scientist encourages the young to e__________ unknown fields.
【小题11】The hotel bill c__________ every fee, including the broken glass.
【小题12】The doctor p__________ the operation successfully.           
【小题13】It is a__________ to the weather forecast that we know there will be a heavy snow in 3 days.                                                        
【小题14】Both the Winter and the Summer Olympics are held every four years on a r__________ basis.                                                 【小题15】To be honest, some parents don’t a__________ great importance to their children’s character training.                                            


科目:初中物理 来源: 题型:

【小题1】Kindness is one of his c_________.
【小题2】How many countries does the UK c________ of?
【小题3】Being e_______ to the sun is harmful to your skin.
【小题4】He was a_______ of stealing.
【小题5】She said that she a______ her knowledge of English by her careful study.
【小题6】He has an __________(乐观的) attitude toward his future.
【小题7】Exhausted, I ______(溜进)into bed and fell fast asleep.
【小题8】His friends were _________ (热心的) about his theory.
【小题9】Jane was writing a letter and __________(同时) Pat was watching TV.
【小题10】A giant machine, always ________ (贪婪的) for more, swallows all the waste.


科目:初中物理 来源: 题型:

【小题1】Kindness is one of his c_________.
【小题2】How many countries does the UK c________ of?
【小题3】Being e_______ to the sun is harmful to your skin.
【小题4】He was a_______ of stealing.
【小题5】She said that she a______ her knowledge of English by her careful study.
【小题6】He has an __________(乐观的) attitude toward his future.
【小题7】Exhausted, I ______(溜进)into bed and fell fast asleep.
【小题8】His friends were _________ (热心的) about his theory.
【小题9】Jane was writing a letter and __________(同时) Pat was watching TV.
【小题10】A giant machine, always ________ (贪婪的) for more, swallows all the waste.


科目:初中物理 来源: 题型:

【小题1】Kindness is one of his c_________.
【小题2】How many countries does the UK c________ of?
【小题3】Being e_______ to the sun is harmful to your skin.
【小题4】He was a_______ of stealing.
【小题5】She said that she a______ her knowledge of English by her careful study.
【小题6】He has an __________(乐观的) attitude toward his future.
【小题7】Exhausted, I ______(溜进)into bed and fell fast asleep.
【小题8】His friends were _________ (热心的) about his theory.
【小题9】Jane was writing a letter and __________(同时) Pat was watching TV.
【小题10】A giant machine, always ________ (贪婪的) for more, swallows all the waste.

