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                       Wonderful Events

HORSE RACING   ALL YEAR ROUND Races Starting at   3 p. m. Every Sunday Racetrack Only 20 Miles Away   Lots of Free Parking Space Free Presents No Children Allowed

100 YEARS OF   PICTURES Then &Now (Photo Show) See   the Wuhan History From 1910〜2010 February 1〜April 30 City Art Museum 750 High Street Tuesday   to Sunday 10 a. m.〜5 p. m.

WEEKEND SALES   This Saturday 2〜6 p. m. Everything 20 -40% Off Visit Us at Block G. Grandview Mall   Realize Your Dreams , Save Time and Money Fall in Love with   Prices We Offer

DANCE PARTY   Celebrate a Special Date Bringing Your Sweet Heart Sunday Night, Country Club   Live Band from 9 p.m.〜1 a. m. $25 a couple(夫妇);$15 single person

(   ) 1. People can see the photo show at         .

   A. Grandview Mall

   B. City Art Museum

   C. Racetrack

   D. Country Club

(   ) 2. Who can NOT go to the horse race?

   A. A single person. B. A couple.

   C. Children. D. The sweet heart.

(   ) 3. What can you do if you only have time between 5 p. m. to 6 p. m. on Saturday?

   A. Go shopping.

   B. Go to see the photo show.

   C. Go to the dance with your sweet heart.

   D. Go to watch the horse race.

(   ) 4. How much will Mr. and Mrs. Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party?

   A. 15 dollars. B. 25 dollars.

   C. 20%〜40% off. D. For free.

(   ) 5. Where can you see the above advertisements?

   A. In a book. B. In a magazine.

   C. In a newspaper. D. On TV.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3. ―I'm going to act in Jack Chan's new movie!

      ―Congratulations!You're really         .

   A. a lucky dog   B. a black sheep

   C. a cold fish   D. a white elephant


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  I once thought I would be a perfect (完美的〉mother. It (1)       me 16 years to learn that I could not be. I know that I made some mistakes. (2)       I could raise (抚养) my children again,I        (3) repeat (重复) those mistakes. Maybe I would make new (4)       But I think I would do a (5)       job.

  I would try to understand my children. I often did what my (6)       would have done. I        (7) their ways of raising children. For example,I made my]3-year-old son,David,come home early,but he (8)       this rule. He saw no reason (理由) for it. (9)       a girl,I had to come home early. I wanted my son to do the (10)       thing. But now I wonder why I wanted things done in a certain way.

  My father was sick when I was young. So my sister,my brother and I were (11)       all the time. We did not cry in anger or laugh for (12)       . I just wanted my children to be quiet,too. I never stopped (13)       "why".

It was hard for me to let my children show anger. I        (14) them when they started to get angry. Now I would tell my children, "It is all right to show love and anger. Your feelings are reasonable. I love you (15)       you feel."

(   ) 1. A. cost   B. spent   C. took   D. used

(   ) 2. A. If   B. When   C. Because   D. Whether

(   ) 3. A. would   B. wouldn't   C. could   D. no longer

(   ) 4. A. ways   B. friends   C. rules   D. ones

(   ) 5. A. worse   B. better   C. busier   D. easier

(   ) 6. A. parents   B. children   C. teachers   D. friends

(   ) 7. A. went   B. found   C. followed   D. improved

(   ) 8. A. enjoyed   B. hated   C. agreed   D. believed

(   ) 9. A. For   B. To   C. With   D. As

(   ) 10. A. same   B. different   C. difficult   D. excited

(   ) 11. A. strange   B. noisy   C. lively   D. quiet

(   ) 12. A. danger   B. happiness   C. illness   D. pain

(   ) 13. A. to ask   B. asking   C. to answer   D. answering

(   ) 14. A. liked   B. understood   C. stopped   D. encouraged

(   ) 15. A. no matter how   B. no matter where   

       C. no matter who   D. no matter when


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  In learning English,one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. It is the groundwork (基础) of reading and writing. You'd better (1)       your best to speak while you do much listening. Don't be (2)       of making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop (阻止) you from further improving your (3)       A good (4)       to further improve your English is to write―keep a diary,write notes or letters. Then if you can,ask some others to go through (浏览)(5)       you have written and tell you where it is wrong. Many mistakes in your speaking will be (6)       found when you write. Through correcting mistakes,you can do better in learning English.

  If you are slow in speaking,don't (7)       about it. One of the helpful ways is reading,either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose (8)       interesting to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you either. When you are reading (9)       this way,don't stop to (10)       the new words if you can guess their meanings. You can look them up in a dictionary some other time.

(   ) 1. A. have   B. send   C. make   D. try

(   ) 2. A. sure   B. proud   C. afraid   D. tired

(   ) 3. A. English   B. Chinese   C. Japanese   D. French

(   ) 4. A. start   B. idea   C. time   D. way

(   ) 5. A. how   B. when   C. what   D. why

(   ) 6. A. happily   B. easily   C. really   D. slowly

(   ) 7. A. talk   B. fear   C. worry   D. hurry

(   ) 8. A. something   B. everything   C. anything   D. nothing

(   ) 9. A. by   B. on   C. at   D. in

(   ) 10. A. look at   B. look for   C. look up   D. look over


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



























3 4



5 6

7 8


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M   T   W     T F



M   T   W     T F



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9   10    11  12 13



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(   ) 1. Mary is allowed to order her lunch from a small restaurant on the third Thursday of every month. During the month of November,she orders it on the         .

   A. 16th   B. 17th   C. 21th   D. 14th

(   ) 2. January 8,2007 will fall on         .

   A. Saturday   B. Sunday   C. Monday   D. Tuesday

(   ) 3. The dates of the first Sundays of October,November and December are       .

   A. the 5th,the 1st and the 31st   B. the 5th,the 30th and the 3rd

   C. the 1st,the 5th and the 3rd   D. the 1st,the 4th and the 2nd

(   ) 4. During the month of December,Kate is learning to swim. She needs to attend lessons once a week. The day she can attend the most lessons is         .

   A. Sunday   B. Monday   C. Tuesday   D. Wednesday

(   ) 5. Tom's birthday is on the 13th of December. The number of days from the date        (not included) shown on the calendar until his birthday is         .

   A. 3   B. 13   C. 28   D. 30


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

                     Welcome to Tongjiang Zoo 

  Do you want to see the animals from nearly every part of the world in just one place in one day? Come to Tongjiang Zoo. The zoo has more than 2,000 animals of 400 kinds. Big elephants from Yunnan,tigers from the south and the northeast of China,and the African lions,giraffes,and zebras,are all waiting for you. Lovely pandas and clever monkeys are going to make you laugh. A lot of other animals which you have never seen are waiting to meet you. It's home to a collection of animals.

 Tongjiang Zoo was built in 1985 and is about 20 ,000 square meters.  There is basic information of each kind of animals about their living habits and birth places there. You can certainly learn a lot. You are welcome to take photos with some animals there,too. Ticket Price Grownups: ¥30. 00 Children; ¥15. 00 Children under Six:Free Opening Time From Monday to Friday: 9: 00―16: 30 Saturday and Sunday: 8: 00—17: 30 Keep the zoo clean. Do not feed or go near the dangerous animals.

(   ) 1. The animals in Tongjiang Zoo are from         

   A. Yunnan

   B. South China

   C. Northeast China

   D. different places

(   ) 2. Mr. and Mrs. Green are going to the zoo with their five-year-old son. They have to pay        for the tickets.

   A. fifteen yuan   B. thirty yuan

   C. fortyfive yuan   D. sixty yuan

(   ) 3. The zoo closes at        on weekends.

   A. 5: 30 p. m. B. 4: 30 p. m.

   C. 9: 00 a. m. D. 8: 00 a. m.

(   ) 4. Visitors        in the zoo.

   A. mustn't take photos with all animals

   B. mustn't go close to the dangerous animals

   C. can give food to the animals

   D. can throw your things around

(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. The zoo has a history of more than twentyfive years.

   B. You can see many rare (珍贵的) animals in the zoo.

   C. You can see 2,000 kinds of different animals in the zoo.

   D. You can get some basic knowledge of the animals in the zoo.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  New rules and behavior standards for middle school students came out in March. Middle schools are going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won't only have high marks (分数) ,they will also be kids who don't dye their hair,smoke or drink. The followings are some of the new rules.

  Tell the truth. Have you ever copied someone else's work in an exam? Don't do it again!That's not something an honest (诚实的) student should do. If you have played computer games for two hours in your room,don't tell your parents you have been doing your homework.

  Participate in more school activities. Good students are kind to other people and love animals. April is Birdloving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join!You can learn more about animals and how to protect them. When more people work together,it makes it more fun for everyone.

  Have you ever quarreled with your teammates when your basketball team lost? Only working together can make your team stronger. Be tolerant and generous to others,but strict with yourself.

  Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe you'll discover Earth H some day. Don't laugh at new ideas. Everyone's ideas are important. You should welcome them,because new ideas make life better for everyone.

  Protect yourself. Has anyone ever taken money from your classmates? Don't let it happen to you. If you have to go home late,you should take care of yourself and let your parents know.

  Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But some things on the Internet are not suitable for kids. So only keep to web pages that are good for you. You can use the web for fun or homework. Can't you find any good web sites for children? Here are some: http: // kids,eastday. com; http: // www. chinakids. net. com.

(   ) 1. An honest student should         .

   A. tell the truth,even when you have done something wrong

   B. copy other people's work in an exam

   C. try to think of others,not only yourself

   D. not quarrel with your teammates when your team lost

(   ) 2. The main idea of the fourth paragraph (段落) is about         .

   A. making the team stronger   B. being strict with others

   C. learning from each other   D. working together with others

(   ) 3. The new school rules tell students to         .

   A. live on the moon   B. discover Earth  

   C. look down on new ideas   D. be open to new ideas

(   ) 4. Good web sites for children can         .

   A. be a waste of time   B. make life much easier

   C. help them with their studies   D. do homework for them

(   ) 5. The new school rules will help kids by telling them一         .

   A. how to study well

   B. what is right and what is wrong

   C. what they should do only at school

   D. how they can protect themselves


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Reading is an activity people enjoy a lot in their free time.

   Some like reading newspapers and o (1)       enjoy novels or comic (喜剧的) books. My f (2)       books are those about the lives of great people. Reading them always gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my o (3)       life better.

  Great people are remembered not because they were handsome or beautiful,but because they did not give up w (4)       their lives were difficult. They tried to use e (5)       chance to change their lives and make the world better.

  One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright,the two brothers w (6)       invented the airplane. The plane has m (7)       the world into a small village. Hard work,not good luck,is the r (8)       why the Wright Brothers could invent this convenient (方便的) machine and become great people. Today we will remember them when we see planes i (9)       the sky.

  Whenever I read s (10)       about great people,I always learn a lot from them and they encourage me to march on.

1. o       2. f       3. o       4. w       5. e      

6. w       7.m        8. r      9. i      10. s       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 One day,Betty saw an advertisement in a magazine. It offered a packet of 100 mixed stamps for $ 10. Betty wanted to start a stamp collection,so she ordered the packet. One hundred mixed stamps seemed a good way to begin a collection. She sent a packet order to the stamp company,and waited excitedly for the stamps to arrive.

  Betty checked the mail every day for four weeks,but the stamps didn't arrive. So Betty decided to write to the company.

  "Dear Sir / Madam," she wrote, "A month ago,I sent you a postal order for $10 as payment for 100 mixed stamps. But they haven't arrived yet. Please send them by return of mail."

  Another month passed,the stamps still didn't arrive,neither did she receive any reply to her letter. She asked her father for advice. Mr. Wilson said, " You must write a stronger letter. Make the stamp company worry that you will report them to the city government."

  "Dear Sir / Madam,”Betty wrote in her second letter, "I'm writing to complain about your poor service. Two months ago,I sent you a postal order for $10 as payment for 100 mixed stamps. I did not receive the stamps. A month ago,I wrote to inform you of this. I still haven't received the stamps and you haven't replied to my letter. If I do not receive the stamps within seven days,I shall report this matter to the city government."

  Two days later Betty received the stamps in the mail.

(   ) 1. From the reading we learn that         .

   A. Betty's father is a city official

   B. Betty wanted to collect stamps

   C. the advertisement was not true

   D. the stamp company had no mixed stamps at all

(   ) 2. The word "inform" in the reading means       .

   A. warn   B. tell   C. introduce   D. trouble

(   ) 3. Betty wrote the second letter because         .

   A. her father told her to do so

   B. she wanted her $10 back

   C. the company didn't receive her first letter

   D. she could get more than one hundred stamps

(   ) 4. How long did it take Betty to get her stamps?

   A. Four weeks. B. Four months.

   C. Less than a month. D. More than two months.

(   ) 5. We can infer that         .

   A. the company wanted to get more money from Betty

   B. the company didn't want to get into trouble

   C. the company had no people to do the job

   D. Betty wrote to the city government

