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Choose the best answer according to the passage.


Some British and American people like to invite friends and colleagues(同事)for a meal at home.You should not be upset if your English friends don’t invite you home.It doesn’t mean they don’t like you.

Dinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 p.m,and end at about 11.Ask your hosts what time you should arrive.It’s polite to bring flowers,chocolates or a bottle of wine as a present.

Do you want to be extra(特别的)polite?Say how much you like the room,or the pictures on the wall.But remember--not to ask how much things cost.

You’ll probably start the meal with soup,or something small as a “starter”(开胃菜),then you’ll have meat or fish with vegetables,and then a dessert,followed by coffee.It’s polite to finish everything on your plate and to take more if you want it.Some people eat bread with their meal.but not everyone does.

Before they take out their cigarettes after the meal,most people usually ask, “Do you mind if I smoke here?”Did you enjoy the evening?Call your hosts the next day,or write them a short “thank you” letter.Perhaps it seems funny to you,but British and American people say”thank you ,thank you,and thank you”all the time.

1.If you aren’t invited to dinner at home by English or American friends,______.

A. it shows they don’t like you. B. it doesn’t show they don’t like you.

C. it shows they don’t want to make friends with you.

2.When your friend invites you to go to his or her home,________

A. you may take a small present with you. B. you shouldn’t take anything with you.

C. you may go at any time.

3.In England and America,it’s not polite to __________

A. ask the price of the thing. B. eat all the food on your plate. C. talk to your hosts.

4.In the passage,the order of the serving of a meal is_______.

A. dessert-meat or fish with vegetables-coffee-soup

B. coffee-soup-desert-meat of fish with vegetables

C. soup-meat or fish with vegetables-dessert-coffee

5.Which is NOT right?

A. In England or America,it usually takes more than three hours to have a dinner party at home

B. You mustn’t smoke after a meal when you are with some American or English people

C. If you enjoy the evening,you can write a short “thank you” letter to your host or call them


科目:初中英语 来源:甘肃省张掖市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

A:What’s up?

B:I need some help.1.?

A:What about a scarf?

B:No,that’s too boring.


B:Oh,that’s too expensive.

A:How about buying some tennis balls?

B:No way !That’s too cheap.


B:Flowers? She likes flowers best,4.

A:Let’s go to flower store.

B:OK.Thank you !

A: 5.

A.Why not buy a camera?

B.It’s a good idea.

C.What should I get for my mom for her birthday?

D.I am glad to help you.

E.I think it is good to give her some flowers.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省句容市、丹阳市2017届九年级下学期中考网上阅卷第二次适应性检测(二模)英语试卷 题型:书面表达



•用英语交流 • 彼此礼貌待人•


•英语晚会 •演讲比赛• 趣味游戏


•提升口语能力• 结交更多朋友•





Dear Mary,

I’m expecting you to join us!



科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省句容市、丹阳市2017届九年级下学期中考网上阅卷第二次适应性检测(二模)英语试卷 题型:单项填空

—Do you know which city Mr Zhang has gone to part in the celebrations?

—Sure. He went to Shanghai with his secretary.

A. take B. to take C. taking D. will take


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省句容市、丹阳市2017届九年级下学期中考网上阅卷第二次适应性检测(二模)英语试卷 题型:单项填空

— These days the TV series In the Name of the People (《人民的名义》) is very hot. Have you seen it?

—Yes, it’s quite perfect play, so I can’t wait to turn on the TV when I get home.

A. an B. a C. the D. /


科目:初中英语 来源:黑龙江省牡丹江管理局北斗星协会2017届九年级中考一模英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Life is full of chances and challenges. Especially we are struggling for the coming senior high entrance examination.For students, if we don’t study hard,_______,we will fall _____other students. At first, I didn’t know______the word “exam” meant. Later, I knew an exam was a ______ of competition. In competitions, there were always ______ and losers. As I grew up, I got to know competitions well. In one’s life, there must be competitions, so people could ______.

Never too be late to learn everything.Some of us hate studying,someday they will regret what they did at school. Each time I saw children ______ games, and heard their laughter, I ______ I were that age again. However, I remembered my parents’ words--You must work very hard _______have a good future. So I_______up my pen and began to study hard again. Don’t you think about what you will do after graduation in two months?

Maybe I was still not ______what competitions really meant. One day, I was ______an English-speaking competition. When I went to the stage, I saw other students looking at me kindly. I was a little nervous but proud of myself.So many people focus on me.I suddenly knew what the competition was. It was not as cruel ______ my teacher and parents told me.

In fact, competitions were important and necessary.Try your best to get good grades in order to achieve your aims in the following senior high school.I learned a lot ______ what I experienced. Now I understand more about the life. Competitions are important for us all.I’m sure ____ can win a bright future if he puts his heart in schoolwork !Success is coming to all the students of Grade Nine ,come on!

1.A. because of B. sooner or later C. at the same time

2.A. behind B. after C. over

3.A. how B. where C. what

4.A. few B. number C. kind

5.A. winners B. teachers C. soldiers

6.A. developed B. improve C. stronger

7.A. to play B. playing C. would play

8.A. found B. thought C. wished

9.A. so that B. in order to C. as for

10.A. picked B. dropped C. took

11.A. agree B. sure C. believe

12.A. joining B. entered C. taking part in

13.A. as B. than C. better

14.A. above B. under C. from

15.A. anyone B. someone C. nobody


科目:初中英语 来源:黑龙江省牡丹江管理局北斗星协会2017届九年级中考一模英语试卷 题型:单项填空

--Could you tell me_______?

--At nine o’clock, in ten minutes.

A. how will he leave B. when he has left

C. why he is leaving D. when he will leave


科目:初中英语 来源:黑龙江省牡丹江管理局北斗星协会2017届九年级中考一模英语试卷 题型:单项填空

I was waiting for the bus at the station _________ a car accident happened.

A. while B. when C. as soon as


科目:初中英语 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2017届九年级中考适应性训练英语试卷 题型:单项填空

—Let's go on a picnic this weekend, OK?

—That sounds .

A. great B. well C. hardly

