精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A: 小题1:___________________________, sir ?
B:  Yes, please.小题2:_______________________ a pair of sports shoes.
A: What size do you want, please ?
B: Size forty one.
A: OK! What about this pair ?
B: Size forty one.
A:  OK!  What about this pair ?
B: Sorry !  I 小题3:______________ black shoes.
A: Oh, we 've also got blue ones.
B:  Can I 小题4:__________________ on ?
A:  Yes, please .
B:小题5:__________________ each pair ?
A: Thirty- five yuan.
B: All right. I 'll take it.

小题1:Can I help you/ What can I do for you
小题2:Iwant to buy/ I 'd like/ I 'm looking for
小题3:don't like /hate
小题4:try them
小题5:How much is

小题1:联系下文可知A是一位商店的职员,联系下文答语可知填:Can I help you/ What can I do for you。
小题2:结合语境可知B代表的是一位顾客,联系下文可知句意为,我想买一双运动鞋。故填:I want to buy/ I 'd like/ I 'm looking for。
小题3:根据上文Sorry ! 可知我不喜欢黑色的鞋,故填:don't like /hate。
小题4:联系下文on,结合语境可知考查短语try on试验,试穿。注意人称代词做动词短语宾语时,一般要放在动词后面,介词前面。结合语境可知此处代词指的是前文提到的鞋,用人称代词复数,故填try them。
小题5:根据答语可知此处问的是价格,each pair相当于单数名词,故谓语动词用单数,填How much is。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:One day Alice was             by the river with a book.
小题2:---You like              classical music, don’t you?
--- Yes, I like this kind of music very much.
小题3:--- How long have you         in the Middle School Attached to Guangxi University?
--- More than one year.
小题4:There is a boy            Li Lei in our class.
小题5:--- I hope you will enjoy             at the birthday party, Tony.
--- Thanks, Miss Green.
小题6:Have you heard the            news?
小题7:Best             to you!
小题8:I like shopping very much. My mum and I go shopping              a week.
小题9:This is Jim’s             brother. He is two years older than Jim.
小题10:           a white rabbit ran past the little girl. She began to cry.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:My dream is_________(become) a great writer like MoYan.
小题2:The museum_________(build) eight years ago.
小题3:We _________ (learn) 3,000 English words by the end of last term.
小题4:He was last seen_________ (leave) his office in New Town at about 7.pm
小题5:Although shopping online is fast and easy, you’d better __________(not be) crazy about it.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Everyone wants to have healthy teeth. When you laugh, you will open your mouth and _小题1:______ your teeth. The healthier your teeth are, the happier you feel. Why is that?
It’s because your teeth are important in many ways. You can take .___小题2:_____ of your teeth by doing like these:
Brush your teeth ______小题3:___ a day, after getting up and before going to bed. And brush all of your teeth, not just the ____小题4:____ ones. Spend at least three _____小题5:____ each time you brush. Be sure your toothbrush is _______小题6:__. You should use your toothbrush for three months and then ____小题7:____ it.
Clean your teeth with dental floss(牙线). It feels ___小题8:___ when you do it for the first time, but soon you’ll get used to do that. Brushing __小题9:___ your teeth healthy. You also need to care about what you eat and drink. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and drink water _____小题10:__of other drinks.
Do you want have white and healthy teeth? Please brush your teeth!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Let’s _ 小题1:   computer games.
B: That    小题2:   fun. Where’s your computer?
A: I don’t have a    小题3:  . Do you have a computer?
B:    小题4:   , I don’t. But I have a    小题5:  . Let’s watch TV.
A: No, that sounds    小题6:   . Let's play tennis. I have a tennis racket.
B: Good.    小题7:   is it?
A: On the sofa. Do you have a    小题8:   ?
B: No, I don’t.   小题9:   your brother have a racket?
A: Yes, he does.    小题10:    he has tennis balls.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:I meet Jim              (on / in)my way home.
小题2:Let’s go              (fish / fishing).
小题3:There are six              (knife / knives)in the bag.
小题4:My grandparents are old. My father              (have to / has to)live with them.
小题5:—            (Whose / Who’s)the girl in white?
—She is my friend.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

They______  __________ ______ computer games.
__________  _________  _______ this T-shirt_______?
He ______ cool________  white trousers.
I ________  ________ ________ money_____ buy my mother a new watch
Thank you_______   ________ these books to the office for me


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

     seem     will    except   hero   tell
小题1:The astronaut is our national flying ______.
小题2:The office is open every day ______Sunday.
小题3:She said she ______send an e-mail to me the next day.
小题4:It ______that American fast food is the most popular in the world.
小题5:Bob ______ me the good news yesterday.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Let's play basketball, Jenny.
B: Sorry.__小题1:___ I just like computer games.
A: Do you have a computer game?
B: ____小题2:_____
A: Does your sister have a computer game?
B: _____小题3:____
A: OK. Why don't we have something to eat first and then play computer games together?
B: Good idea!
A: What do you like to eat?
B: _____小题4:_____
A: _____小题5:_____
B: She likes ice cream best.

