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任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分K2014 •浙江宁波)


   Do you think all plants need only light,soil and water? 1 Some plants “eat” meat. These plants usually grow in areas with poor soil. This soil can't give them all the food they need,so the plants have found another way of getting it —by eating insects (昆虫) and other small creatures. Don’t be scared,though. 2 Plants only eat people in books and films.

   One famous meat-eating plant is the flytrap (捕蝇草) .Insects fly into the plant and then the leaves trap them inside. 3 Curious insects go inside for a taste and discover that the flower is slippery. They slide down and become the plant's next meal.

   4 You can grow them in flower-pots,but you must water them often.

   A. Then you are wrong!

   B. Another meat-eating plant,the pitcher (捕虫草) ,has a sweet,sticky drink.

   C. They won’t eat you!

   D. Keeping some of these plants at home is easy.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. This passage is mainly about .

   A. flower-planting   B. grass-planting

   C. meat-eating plants   D. meat-eating insects


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

书面表达(共15分) (2014 •湖北襄阳)

   课堂是教育我们做人、教授我们知识、启迪我们智慧、传授我们方法、培养我们能力、发展我们个性、促进我们 成长的重要场所。在初中三年的课堂学习中你一定有许多难忘的瞬间。请以“An unforgettable class”为题写一篇英语短文讲述令你难忘的一节课。

1. 写作要点提示:

(1) 令你难忘的这节课发生的时间、涉及的学科等;

(2) 这节课中令你难忘的活动、事件的发生过程;

(3) 你的感受或评价。

2. 写作要求:

  短文的内容包含所提示的要点,语言要流畅,可围绕提示要点适当增加情节,以使短文的意思连贯;短文的 词数在90左右;短文题目已给出,但不计人总词数。

                    An unforgettable class



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. (2015 •浙江杭州) My time in the middle school was one of periods of my life.

   A. exciting   B. more exciting   C. the more exciting   D. the most exciting


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

9. I know,Xiao Ming is a hard-working student.

   A. As soon as   B. As far as   C. As well as   D. As long as


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Have you ever read the novel GTioyr SWp (《幽灵船》) ?It was written by a German writer,Dietlof Reiche. Dietlof Reiche is one of the most famous writers in Germany. Many of his works are popular among young people. Do you want to know the main idea of the novel? Just read on.

   Once upon a time,there was an old restaurant near the beach. The restaurant was famous for its walls. They were decorated with more than 6,000 kinds of shells. There Svas also a wooden statue (木雕像) and a picture of a captain on the wall,which both came from a ship called the Wind Bride. Leina,12, was the daughter of the restaurant owner. She met a boy called Felix. By accident,they found a black-and-white photo in which a man was hanging himself by a rope!Later she found the ship's log (航海日志) in her father's old box. When she wanted to find out whom the man was,the ship appeared on the beach. Leina and Felix heard some guys on the ship quarreling. When they got on board,however,they found nothing but blood. What on earth is going on? Read the novel Ghost Ship and find answers!

1. Who is Dietlof Reiche?

   A. He is Leina's friend. B. He is the writer of the novel.

   C. He is a guy on the Wind Bride. D. He is the owner of the restaurant.

2. The restaurant was famous for .

   A. its walls   B. its shells   C. its picture   D. its ship

3. Where did Leina find the shipJs log from the Wind Bride"!

   A. On the beach. B. On the wall of the restaurant.

   C. In her father's old box. D. Behind the picture on the wall.

4. What did Leina and Felix find when they got on the Wind Bride?

   A. Some sailors. B. Blood. C. Leina's father. D. Some guys.

5. After reading the passage,we can know some information EXCEPT .

   A. the main idea   B. the writer of the novel

   C. the characters of the novel   D. the price of the novel


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The emperor didn't want people (think) he was stupid.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. (2015 •湖北荆州) By bringing soccer to the schools,President Xi hopes he can a his dream and China's dream of playing for the World Cup,hosting the World Cup and finally winning the World Cup.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. This ruler is longer than that one.(改为同义句) 

That ruler isn’t  this ruler.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 许多鸟常年舒适地生活在自然保护区里。

Many birds live comfortably in the nature reserve  .

