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小题1:You can make cookies if you promise not to make a       (混乱) in the kitchen.
小题2:Everyone         (除了) Adam went to the concert yesterday. He was badly ill.
小题3:Li Keqiang, the new premier of China,         (回复) to a lot of questions smartly and humorously at his first meeting with reporters.
小题4:The PE teacher was         (解释) the rules of the football match to the boys while the girls were practicing volleyball nearby.
小题5:We all support the Clear the plate project which         (鼓励) people to save as much food as possible.

小题4:was explaining

小题4:当女生在旁边练习排球的时候,体育老师给男生正在解释足球赛的规则。be + doing表示现在进行时 was explaining正在解释

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

用所给词的正确形式填空 (10分)
小题1:He went out without _______________(say) a word.
小题2:----Where ____________(be) you an hour ago? ----I ________(be) in Mrs Green’s office.
小题3:They _____________(go) to visit a farm last Sunday.
小题4:She ________________(not study) hard last term.
小题5:The firemen _______________(put) out the fire and we were safe.
小题6:Thank you for ________________(write) to me.
小题7:They spent three hours ______________(walk) around the museum that day.
小题8:When he met his old classmate, he stopped ________(chat) with her.
小题9:We often see the boy          (read) English early in the morning.
小题10:He forgot             (bring) his new book to school this morning.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Thanks very much for i___________(邀请)me to your birthday party.
小题2:One who isn’t p_________(耐心的)can do nothing.
小题3:Light music often makes people feel r_________(放松的)
小题4:Being blind and deaf,the poor boy can’t i____________(想象)what his future will be like.
小题5:There is something wrong with my ipad.I have to have it r_______(修理)at once.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Zhao Xing, with only a __小题1:___(地图), a travel bag, and 30 yuan , left the Chinese mainland for the __小题2:___(第一)time to Taiwan. At the __小题3:___(机场), she was helped by a man who even told her his phone number.  A bus driver was kind to wake her up when she fell __小题4:___(睡着的) on the ride.
In Taiwan, Zhao told the man who__小题5:___ (给) her a ride that she was from Beijing. The man asked if there was __小题6:___(任何事) else he could do to help make her journey __小题7:___(更好的).
“After coming back and thinking over everything I’ve experienced ,I realized that the people impressed me the most, not the beautiful scenes or tasty food.” Zhao __小题8:___(写) in her online diary.
From Beijing to Taiwan, so close, so __小题9:__(遥远的) away. Zhao’s wish is to encourage others to realize their __小题10:___(自己的) dreams of making the world a smaller , more friendly place for all.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:---How is your business going?
--- It couldn’t be _______ (bad).
小题2:Each of us _______ (breath) heavily after running on the playground every morning.
小题3:For everyone’s _______ (safe), we should always remember the law against driving after drinking.
小题4:Such a camera can help spacemen film _______ (they) during the flight.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。
小题1:Computer is one of the greatest ______ (invent). I can’t imagine life without it.
小题2:What do you go to the library for?       (search) for some information about my project.
小题3:He looked ___________(angry) at me just now.
小题4:The ______(lose) of my lovely dog made me very sad.
小题5:It is _________(frost) in Jiangsu today than yesterday .
小题6:It ___________ (not allow) to add unhealthy food additives(食品添加剂) in any food in China now.
小题7:July 1st this year is the ____________ (ninety) birthday of the CPC(中国共产党). There    would be no new China without our great Party.
小题8:I was glad to chat with my friend Mary on QQ yesterday. We_____(not chat) with each other on QQ for a long time.
小题9:My album is different from all my           (friend).
小题10:I found my father still ___________ (wake) when I entered his room at 11 last night.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:It’s my cousin’s         (第十) birthday next week.
小题2:My grandpa always        (看) sports news if he is free.
小题3:Donations are welcome         (在……期间) the charity show that will be held in our school.
小题4:You look so tired. Why not stop for a good         (休息)?
小题5:I like to keep my window open in the morning. I want to let the         (新鲜) air in.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

小题1:Don’t forget to buy a s       before you post the letter.
小题2:The old man lives in the house by himself , so he feels very l           .
小题3:You must t       away the waste . It’s very dirty.
小题4:Mother often w         me to practice playing the guitar harder.
小题5:The students often have a f         exam at the end of the term.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:If you want to be a __________(科学家),you must study really hard on your lessons.
小题2:I had an unpleasant ___________(经历)last Sunday and I didn’t tell it to anyone.
小题3:Mary made her             (决定;决心) to get better grades.
小题4:Don’t be ____________(紧张的). Everything is OK.
小题5:Everyone wants __________(自由), especially our teenagers.
小题6:Sorry, I kept you ____________ (wait) for a long time.
小题7:They enjoyed ______________ (them) yesterday.
小题8:Becoming a _____________ (profession) athlete might seem like a dream job.
小题9:Wuhan is one of the ________ (hot) cities in China.
小题10:Be careful not to get ___________ (injure) when you exercise.

