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When Yang Liwei came back from space, many reporters interviewed ________ and got some first-hand information.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
interview sb.使用代词的宾格.

科目:初中英语 来源:复习与测评 单元综合测试卷 九年级下册(配合牛津英语) 牛津版 题型:051

根据短文内容回答问题。(Answer the questions according to the passage.)

  You Ziming, a Junior 2 student at Guangzhou No.48 Middle School, is the luckiest boy in the country.

  The 14-year-old is the only student to have got a letter from Yang Liwei.After watching Yang go into space on October 15, You decided to write to him.A few weeks later, he got a letter and two signed(签名的)photos from Yang.

  “I like your drawings and the card very much,”Yang wrote,“You are a clever boy.Kids like you are the hope of our country.”

  You kept the letter secret until last week.He was not surprised to get the letter.He has known Yang for a long time.

  “Yang is a special friend of mine,”says You.“His words have encouraged me to work hard.”

  You became interested in space when he was aged four, and started reading about it.Three years ago he read that China was sending people into space.The news made him very excited and he decided to write a song for the astronauts.

  A few weeks after he had sent them the song, the astronauts phoned You.They loved the song and thanked him for it.You kept in touch with them all.When Yang went into space, You decided to send him a new letter.Yang was now You's hero.

  “Uncle Yang is a hero for me.He's done a lot for our country and I want to be a scientist like him when I grow up.”You said.

1.Why is You Ziming is called the luckiest boy in China?


2.You has known Yang Liwei for a long time, hasn't he?


3.What did You think of Yang Liwei's words in the letter?


4.How old was You when he knew that China would send manned spacecraft into space?


5.What's You Ziming's ambition now?



科目:初中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:016

When Yang Liwei came back from space, many reporters interviewed ________ and got some first-hand information.

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科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I've been a student reporter for more than two years. And it is hard work. But it's more than that. Sometimes I get to do really cool things. When Yang Liwei went to Shanghai Science Museum last October, it was my job to interview him. Hu Mengdie met Yang Liwei at the Shanghai Science Museum. But when I got there, there were so many people!  I thought there were a thousand other reporters trying to talk to Yang.

    When Yang came closer to me, I tried to ask him some questions.  "Was it cool to go into space?" I said. There were too many people. And they were talking so loudly that he couldn't hear me. But he was so close!  I wanted to remember that day. I put out my hand to him and shouted, "Uncle Yang, could I have your autograph?" I tried my best to give my pen to him, and he took it!

    But because there were too many people, I was soon pushed away.

    He smiled (微笑) at me and said, "I'm sorry, there are too many people." I tried to ask again, but a policeman pushed me away.

    After I tried six times, Uncle Yang finally saw me. He told everyone else, "This little girl has been here for a long time. Her pen is still in my hand, so I should sign (签名) something for her first."

When I held Yang's autograph in my hands, I was so excited. And when I looked up, he smiled at me again. Whenever I look at that piece of paper, I'll always remember his smile.


1. What does the writer do?


2. What does the underlined word "that" mean here?


3. Who did the writer interview last October?


4. Did the writer get Yang Liwei's autograph at last?


5. Translate the sentence "Whenever I look at that piece of paper, I ll always remember his smile." into Chinese.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The Internet is a big place.No one has enough time to find everything on the Internet.Yahoo gives us a lot of help.

Two Stanford University students, Jerry Yang and David Filo started it in 1994.They made a list of their favorite webpages.When their list got bigger, they make a database (数据库) to keep all the information.They let everyone use it for free.Soon, thousands of people were using it.

Then they made a new kind of software.It could store much information, so people can find information by using it.If you look for "animals", it will give you a list of webpages with the word.

Yahoo became a public company in 1996.As the company grew, Yang and Filo went on working hard.They put more uses in the software, such as shopping, free e-mails, etc.They started Yahoo in many different countries and in different languages.

Yahoo is famous on the Internet.More and more people like to use it to find information.

1.When Yang and Filo make a list of their favorite webpages, they                .

A.made people pay for using it                  B.were still university students

C.knew it wasn't useful                        D.were high school students

2.After the company became bigger, Yang and Filo               

A.became lazy                                           B.worked less

C.kept working hard                                   D.stopped working

3.Why people can find information by using the new kind of software?

4.Can people find Yahoo in many different countries and in different languages?

5.When did Yahoo become a public company?


科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

     The Internet is a big place. Nobody has the time to look at every webpage(网页) to find something. Yahoo can help
us to find what we need.
     Two Stanford University students, David Filo and Jerry Yang started Yahoo in 1994. They started by making a list of
their favourite webpages. When their list got longer, they made a database(数据库) to keep their information. They let
everybody use it for free. Soon, thousands of people began to use their service.
     They then made a new kind of software. It could take certain information and arrange it for someone to look at. If you
search for, say, "blue whales", the engine will give you a list of webpages with those words.
     Yahoo became a public company in 1996. Filo and Yang, still young men, became rich. As their company grew, they
went on working hard. They improved their software. They also added more services, like shopping, free e-mail, in many
different countries and languages.
     Yahoo. com is famous on the Internet. And unlike most other Web companies, Yahoo earns much money in fact.
1. When Yang and Filo wrote the first Yahoo software, they ________.
A. made people pay to use it
B. were still university students
C. knew it wasn't useful
D. were high school students
2. After Yang and Filo became rich, they _________.

A. became lazy
B. worked less
C. kept working hard
D. stopped working at Yahoo

3. What kind of Yahoo service is not discussed in the passage?
A. Buying and selling stocks(股票).
B. Search engine.
C. E-mail.
D. Shopping on the Internet.
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Yahoo is always a big company.
B. Yahoo is a Web company.
C. Yahoo makes people pay for their e-mail service.
D. Yahoo is losing money.
5. What does the passage suggest about most Internet companies?
A. They don't earn much money.
B. They're all famous.
C. They're just like Yahoo.
D. They're all in English.

