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Stephen Hawking’s story gives me much___ to face all kinds of difficulties.

A. chance B. wealth C. courage D. decision


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市朝阳区中考二模英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

International Museum Day is celebrated on May 18 each year. Here are some special museums that you must see.

Sweet Museum, Russia

Do you love candy? Don't miss the sweet world in Russia. You can find different kinds of sweet food here. But they are just models! Look, how big the lollipops(棒棒糖) are! People can ride on them. Want to taste the ice-cream? Be careful—the ice-cream balls are lights!

Museum of Failure, Sweden

There are more than 100 failed products in the museum. Some of them come from the world's most successful companies, like the Newton computer from Apple. Maybe success stories are similar and kind of boring, but we can find interesting stories in failures and learn something from them.

Cancun Underwater Museum, Mexico

It's a secret garden under the sea. You can either dive (潜水) or take a glass boat into it. Down here, sea animals live around 400 sculptures (雕塑). Each sculpture tells a story and it's made of special material, which is good for the sea life.

Museum of Broken Relationships, Croatia

Some relationships end—with lovers, with dreams and with cities. This special museum has a collection of objects from people around the world who want to lock their memories. Each of the object shares stories of their past relationships.

1.You can find different kinds of sweet food in Sweet Museum in________.

A.Russia B.Sweden C.Mexico D.Croatia

2.If you're interested in sculptures, you may go to ________.

A.Sweet Museum B.Cancun Underwater Museum

C.Museum of Failure D.Museum of Broken Relationships

3.People can know ________ in Museum of Failure and Museum of Broken Relationships.

A.lollipops B.sea animals C.stories D.glass boats


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年上海市奉贤区中考二模英语试卷 题型:单选题

Linda, what _________ will you need for your speech?

A.exhibition B.experiment C.exchange D.equipment


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市河西区中考二模英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Jack fell down and hurt himself badly yesterday.


A.That’s cool B.Nothing serious

C.It doesn’t matter D.I’m sorry to hear that


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市河西区中考二模英语试卷 题型:单选题

---__________ I have a ticket , please?

---Sorry,sir. All the tickets were sold out ten minutes ago.

A.May B.Need C.Must D.Should


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市河西区中考二模英语试卷 题型:听短对话回答问题

What was Mike doing this morning?

A.He was playing the piano.

B.He was playing the guitar.

C.He was playing the violin.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市河西区中考二模英语试卷 题型:听短对话回答问题

What’s wrong with the man?

A.He coughs a lot. B.He has a toothache. C.His foot hurts.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市津南区中考一模英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Planes have changed the world in the last hundred years. But this great change began with two ordinary people.

Orville and Wilbur Wright were two brothers who had a bicycle shop in Ohio, the USA. They were good at making bicycles, but planes were their real interest.

At that time, people knew how to build and fly gliders (planes without engines), but nobody could build a plane with an engine and fly it. The plane builders had two main problems: they could not make the wings strong enough, and the planes always crashed(坠毁) when they tried to take off.

The Wright brothers read about these problems in a newspaper, and they decided to look for answers. They made small model planes in the bicycle shop and they built a wind tunnel to test the models. They also built real gliders. Finally, they built a plane with an engine, which they called The Flyer.

On December 17th 1903, Orville and Wilbur pulled The Flyer onto a fat sandy beach. The plane weighed 275 kilograms and had a petrol engine. The day was very cold, and there was a wind of about 30 kilometres per hour. The brothers tossed(投掷) a coin to see who should fly first. Orville won. He climbed onto the plane and started the engine.

The Flyer began to move into the wind, Wilbur ran along beside the plane, And then the plane took off:It flew for only 12 seconds, but someone took a photograph, and the plane flew into the history books.

1.People have used planes with engines for more than _______ years.

A.50 B.100 C.150 D.200

2.What was one of the glider builders’ main problems before 1903?

A.None of them was good at making and selling bicycles.

B.Their planes could take off and fly for only 30 minutes.

C.They could not afford to buy an engine for their planes.

D.They could not make enough strong wings for their planes.

3.Why did the Wright brothers make models?

A.They made models to test their ideas.

B.They hoped to sell them for money.

C.They had nothing to do and did that for fun.

D.They weren't interested in making real planes.

4.How was the weather on the day of The Flyer’s flight?

A.Rainy. B.Warm. C.Windy. D.Hot.

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The Wright brothers owned a model plane shop in the USA before 1903.

B.When The Flyer began its first flight in 1903, it weighed 275 kilograms.

C.Orville and Wilbur both wanted to fly the plane first and Wilbur won at last.

D.The plane The Flyer succeeded in taking off and flew for only 12 minutes.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市毕业生学业考试模拟(二模)英语试卷 题型:完成句子


He has ________ ________ starting a novel for a long time.

