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It was Mary’s birthday.Her uncle wrote a letter and told her he would like to send her some chickens.She was very happy because she liked eggs and chicken.”I can keep the chickens for their eggs or eat them,”she thought.
When the chickens arrived the next day, they were all in a box.Mary took the box off the truck and began to carry it into her garden,but the box of chickens was so heavy that she dropped(落下)it.The chickens all ran out.They ran here and there.Mary spent hours in trying to find them.
A few hours later her uncle came.He asked.”Did the chickens arrive safely?” ”Yes,but I dropped the box.The chickens ran everywhere.It took me the whole morning to look for them,”Mary said.
“Did you find them all?” asked her uncle.”I hope so,”Mary answered,”But l only caught(抓住)eleven of them” “That’s very interesting.I only sent you six.”her uncle laughed.
【小题1】Mary got a letter from her _____.

A.auntB.uncleC.grandfather D.friend
【小题2】When she got the letter, Mary was ______.
A.happyB.sadC.tired D.unhappy
【小题3】Why did Mary drop the box?
A.Because she didn’t like the present.
B.Because the box was too heavy.
C.Because she wanted to 1et the chickens go out.
D.Because she couldn’t wait to look at her present.
【小题4】It took Mary _____ to find the chickens.
A.an hourB.two hours
C.three hours D.the whole morning
【小题5】Did Mary know how many chickens her uncle sent her?
A.Yes.she did.B.Her uncle knew.
C.Maybe she knew.D.No,she didn’t.


解析【小题1】细节理解题,根据文中语句“Her uncle wrote a letter and told her he would like to send her some chickens.”理解可知。
【小题2】细节理解题,根据文中语句“She was very happy because she liked eggs and chicken.”理解可知。
【小题3】细节理解题,根据文中语句“the box of chickens was so heavy that she dropped(落下)it.”理解可知。
【小题4】细节理解题,根据文中语句“Mary spent hours in trying to find them.”理解可知。
【小题5】细节理解题,根据文中语句“I only sent you six.”her uncle laughed.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省姜堰市第二附属中学2011届九年级第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  First it was an earthquake.Then came a terrible tsunami.These natural disasters killed thousands of people in Japan on Mar.11, 2011.Then a nuclear crisis(核危机)put the island in danger and shocked the world.

  Damaged by the earthquake and tsunami, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant(福岛第一核电站)has put out dangerous radioactive(放射性的)materials.Experts from several countries are working to control the crisis.

  Although the reports say the leak so far will not cause huge health problems, people are worrying about nuclear safety.Switzerland has stopped plans to build new nuclear plants.Germany raised questions about its nuclear future.

  As for China, the government has suspended approving(暂停审批)new nuclear power stations and stepped up safety checks at existing plants, Xinhua reported.But it is reported that all nuclear power stations in China are safe.

  A nuclear power plant creates electricity.It is a clean energy source.In 1954, the world's first nuclear power plant was built in Russia.From then on, nuclear power has been widely used.

  But nuclear power plants have hidden problems.If radioactive materials get into the air or water, they can pollute soil and plants and harm humans and animals.Nuclear accidents, such as the Chernobyl(切尔诺贝利)disaster in 1986 in the Ukraine, have caused great damage to the nearby people and the environment.

  Will there be another choice for energy that we can use in the future? In recent years, scientists have found ways to make electricity from sunshine, wind and garbage.

  Some scientists say hydrogen(氢气)may be used to create power.Hydrogen is a clean resource to use, and will never disappear.Some car companies have already developed cars powered by hydrogen.But still, the technology for its production is only in early stages of development.


Which is the correct order of the following statements?

a.the leak of radioactive materials

b.a tsunami

c.an earthquake

d.a nuclear crisis

[  ]










The first nuclear power plant has been in use for ________ years.

[  ]










The underlined word “ they” in the six paragraph means ________.

[  ]


hidden problems


nuclear accidents


radioactive materials




We can infer that ________.

[  ]


Nuclear has huge power but it is harmless to people.


People are not afraid of nuclear safety because experts have confirmed the leak so far will not cause huge health problems


As a new clean power, Hydrogen will be in used very soon.


China will not build new nuclear power plants in the next few years.


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Another choice for energy in the future.


A terrible earthquake in Japan.


Hydrogen will surely take the place of nuclear power very soon.


A clean energy source-nuclear power


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届重庆万州岩口复兴学校初三下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

To make sure that there was enough   78  for his sister’s wedding meal(婚宴), Ma missed four school days. He   79  the time carrying water from a lake, 30 miles away from his home. “How I wish I could live   80  a river,” said Ma.
This is the dream of many in northern China.   81  it has the world’s third largest quantity(数量)of water, China is    82  of the 13 thirstiest(最干旱的) countries.
The areas that are in most need of water are western and northern China, where there is   83  rain. These areas have just six percent of the country’s total water, but that water has to feed one third of Chinese people. Much of the water comes from underground. But using much underground water has made the ground sink(下沉)in some places.
Things are getting   84  worse because people are wasting water. Half of the water that farmers use for crops goes to waste. Factories use more water   85  they need and they put dirty water into rivers and lakes. The less water there is, the more worried people will be. How can we use water in a smart way? It’s a question for you to think about on World Water Day, Mar 22.


科目:初中英语 来源:上海模拟题 题型:阅读理解

Answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答下列问题。)
                                                                                                                               Mar. 25, 2009
Dear Helen, 
       Thanks for your last letter. Yes, I'm enjoying myself on my exchange program in France. It's even
better than I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be.
My host family is really nice. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. And you wouldn't believe
how quickly my French has improved! I'm very comfortable speaking French now. Although I still make
lots of mistakes, it doesn't bother me as it used to. My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the
dinner table. As you can imagine, things are really not the same as the way they are at home. For example,
you're not supposed to put your bread on your plate. You're supposed to put it on the table! I thought that
was pretty strange at first, but now I'm used to it. You're not supposed to eat anything with your hands
except bread, not even fruit! (You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork.) Another thing is that it is very
rude to say you're full. If you don't want any more food, you should just say, "It was delicious." Also, it's
rude to put your hands in your lap. You should always keep your hands, but not your elbows, on the table.
I have to say, I find it difficult to remember everything, but I'm gradually getting used to things and don't
find them so strange any more. I'll write soon and tell you more about life in France. Hope you're having a
good school year.
                                                                                                                                               Mei Fei
1. Where is Mei Fei now? 
2. Was there any reason for Mei Fei to be nervous before she arrived there? 
3. What does Mei Fei think of her host family?
4. How does Mei Fei feel while she is speaking French now? 
5. What is the biggest challenge she is facing?
6. When can Mei Fei eat things with her hands? 
7. Why do you want to go there if you have the chance to take part in an exchange program? 


科目:初中英语 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

     A strong earthquake attacked Japan at 1: 46 pm. Mar 11st, 2011. I was shocked when I heard
about the bad news. Why there were so many disasters (灾难)in the world? 
     And some earthquakes even came with tsunamis (海啸). It was said that 300 thousand of people
died in 2004 as a result of the earthquake and tsunami happened in Indonesia (印度尼西亚). And
about 242 thousand of people died in Tangshan Earthquake in 1976 in China. Also in 2008, another
big earthquake happened in Wen Chuan, China, and more than 70 thousand people passed away.
     How awful it is when we talk about these disasters. Everyone should cherish what we have now. I
felt scary when I watched 2012,a movie about the end of the world. But the disasters happened are
more fearful.
     We live in Dalian, Liaoning province. Dalian is not far away from Japan, my colleague (同事) told
me that she would be too panic to go to bed tonight. It is funny. I did not worry about that. No one can
expect what will happen in the next minute. Just enjoy every minute in our life. 
      It is enough.
1. When did the earthquake happen in Japan?
A. Jul.28th 1976            
B. Mar 11th, 2011        
C. May 12th, 2008
2. Which earthquake or tsunamis made the people die most?
A. Tangshan Earthquake      
B. Wen Chuan Earthquake  
C. Indonesia Tsunamis
3. What's the cherish mean?
A. 珍惜                  
B. 憎恨                
C. 抱怨
4. What's the movie 2012 about? 
A. love story                
B. Chinese Kong fu        
C. the end of the world
5. From these passage, we can infer (推断) the writer is _______.
A. pessimistic (悲观的)      
B. optimistic (乐观的)    
C. indifferent (无所谓的)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In London,there are many great places of interest.Here is some information about them.If you have an interest in visiting London,read the following first.

Tower Bridge

    Address:London SE12UP United Kingdom

    Hours: 9:30a.m.一6:00 p.m. daily Nov.一Mar.

            10:00a.m.— 6:30 p.m. daily Apr.一Oct.

    Short introduction:Tower Bridge is famous all over the world,and is one of the most visited bridges in history.It was designed by Sir Horace Jones,and opened in 1894.

Tower Hill

    Address:London EC3N4AB United Kingdom

    Hours:9:00a.m.—5:00p.m. Mon.一Sat.;10:00a.m.—5:00p.m.Sun.

           (1st March—31St October);

           9:00a.m.一4:00p.m. Tues.一Sat.;10:00a.m.—4:00p.m.Sun.&Mon.

           (1st November—28th February)

    Short introduction:The Tower of London is nine hundred years old.

Buckingham Palace Rd

    Address:London SWIA 1AA United Kingdom


    State Rooms:9:30a.m.—4:15p.m.

    Short introduction:Buckingham Palace has been the official home of the British Royal Family since 1837.

The Clock Tower and Big Ben

Address:London SWIA2NE United Kingdom

Short introduction: The Clock Tower is the famous tower of the Houses of Parliament(国会).It is 96.3 meters tall and was built in 1959.“Big Ben” is the name of the clock inside this famous tower.

1.The information above is mainly about ________ .

A.famous hotels in London           B.the writer’s travel plan

C.places of interest in the UK         D.an introduction to England

2.When it’s 6p.m. on October l2th,you can visit______.

A.Tower Bridge                    B.Buckingham Palace

C.Tower Hill                      D.nowhere

3.If you want to visit the official home of the British Royal Family, you can go to________.

A.London EC3N 4AB United Kingdom

B.London SW1A 2NE United Kingdom

C.London SE1 2UP United Kingdom

D.London SW1A 1AA United Kingdom

4.Which building is the oldest?

      A.Tower Bridge.                    B.The Tower of London.

      C.Buckingham Palace.               D.The Clock Tower.

5.If you want to see “Big Ben”, you should go to_________.

A.The Clock Tower                   B.Buckingham Palace Rd

C.Tower Hill                        D.Tower Bridge

