精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


Dear Mrs.Jackson,

I(1)______(hope)you and the family are well.I’m writing to you(2)_____(thank) you for the lovely time I had with you in England.Tim and Lucy(3)______(be)so friendly that I never felt lonely.You were very hospitable and made me(4)______(feel)like one of the family.

I(5)______(be)home for three weeks and I am already busy preparing for my school exams.My mother(6)______(have)an operation a week ago and fortunately everything went well.

Have you heard from Jose and Martina? Please(7)______(send)me their addresses because I have lost my address book.I received a letter from Matsuko and a postcard from Hans last Sunday.It was great(8)_______(have)so many friends in London.

    It would be really wonderful if you all can come to China next summer.My parents said they(9)______(love)you to come and stay in our house in the countryside.Then I’d be able to show you the most beautiful sights in Zhengzhou,and you(10)_______(be)amazed by the lovely Chinese food.



1.hope  2.to thank  3.were  4.Feel            5.have been  

6.Had  7.send    8.to have   9.would love     10.will be


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


    时    间

内    容


 1.谈谈“长大后你想做什么?”  2.谈谈如何过暑假


 1.唱歌、跳舞   2.表演短剧


 1.打扫教室     2.修理桌椅


 1.拍照      2.互留电话号码、地址





科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


be;      prefer;   try;   suit;  visit;  go;  learn

    Dear Pen Pal,

      I’m having a great time in Hong Kong,although I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai.Still it′s a great place  l  and I'm lucky to be here for my six-month English course.Some other students  2  French.I might like to learn it too.What languages would you like to learn?

     There  3  just so much to see and do here.Last night I  4  to a Chinese music concert.Most of my friends like loud music that they can dance to.I  5  quiet,traditional music so the concert  6  me just fine.What kinds of music do you like?

     Before the concert we went for Italian food.Do you like it? There are lots of different kinds of food here.I don′t know what  7   next.What kinds of food do you prefer?


P:Paula    B:Bob

P:Hi,Bob.You look   8    !

B:I don′t feel great,Paula.

P:Is there something   9    ? Have you been to the doctor′t s?

B:No,I′m not i11.I’m just a bit tired.I′m probably not sleeping enough.

P:You shouldn′t go out so late then.

B:I'm not going out at all actually.I′m too busy  10  .I   11   last night.

P:Staying up? But the exams are two months away.

B:I know.but I've got a lot to do.I didn′t do much last term.1 wish I had been more like you!

P:Well,yeah,1 went to every class and I took lots of  12  .After class I spent time looking through all the key points I made during class.

B:Have you started preparing for the exams?

P:Not yet.I'll start next week,but I'm not going to stay up all night doing it.If you don′t sleep enough.you can′t  1 3  and you don′t learn anything.Anyway you   should have a  weekend off.

B:I don′t think so.I can′t  14  the time.

P:Of course you can.Why don′t you go to do some  15  work with me? You used to be a  member of our Helping Team.

P:I know, I do need some time to relax.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

---Have you packed the costume         father bought for you        ?

----No, mum. I’ll do it in a minute.

A. /; yet     B. who; yet    C. which; already    D. what; already


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I        about it so I didn't go to the hospital to see her.

A. don't tell       B. didn't tell C. am not tell.    D. wasn't told


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

-- Is this MP3 yours?

--Oh, it's not         . It's_         .

A. yours, he's      B. his, me       C. mine, his      D. her, your brother's


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Not long after I first came to China, I had a telephone call from a young Chinese friend. “We just    1    married,” said the young man. "My wife    2    I would like you to come to our house    3    dinner next Saturday. “

      “That's    4    ,” I said. “I'd love to. I wish to see you and your    5   very soon.” “She     6    beautiful, and she can't cook well. But I hope you'll come. “

      When I heard this, I was very much    7   . Was he   8   tired of his new wife?   9 was he saying this to me?

      But when I saw his wife at the door, I found she was a quite beautiful young woman. Only then did I    10   that he wasn't saying bad words about his wife.  He was just being polite.

1. A. did        B. got         C. made         D. had

2. A. and        B. but         C. or            D. so

3. A. with       B. in          C. during         D. for

4. A. bad        B. wrong      C. wonderful      D. quiet

5. A. husband    B. wife        C. son           D. daughter

6. A. isn't       B. is           C. wasn't         D. was

7. A. glad       B. happy       C. surprised       D. frightened

8. A. yet        B. still         C. also           D. already

9. A. Why       B. Where       C. What         D. When

10. A. remember  B. regret       C. refuse         D. know


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

一Have you ever been anywhere for a trip?

一A trip? I _________ away from my hometown even once.

A. went            B. have gone      C. have never been   D. have been


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

——Who is the girl over there?


——Oh,yes.I remember        her in Grade 7.

A.meet    B.to meet    C.meeting    D.meets

