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The Spring Festival(春节) is the Chinese New Year’s Day. It usually comes     February. Everyone in China       the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festival       , Li Hong usually      his parents clean their house and      some shopping and other housework. On that       everyone in China eats dumplings, New Year’s cakes, and other good       . Li Hong likes New Year’s cakes. But Wang Hai says dumplings are       than New Year’s cakes. The Chinese people       the New Year’s cakes and dumplings in their houses . How     they are!
A.helps B.makesC.getsD.takes
A.find outB.buyC.eatD.sell
A.happyB.delicious C.lovelyD.great


小题1:考查介词及语境的理解。A. after 在......之后;   B. on 在......之上;  C. in 在......里;D. By通过。月份前用介词in。句意:它经常在2月来临。故选C。
小题2:考查动词及语境的理解。A. has 有;   B. like 喜欢; C. remembers 记住; D. likes喜欢;everyone做主语,谓语用单数形式。根据常识可知中国人喜欢春节。句意:在中国每个人都非常喜欢春节。故选D。
小题3:考查动词及语境的理解。A. goes  去; B. comes 来; C. reaches 到达; D. hears听见.根据Li Hong usually     his parents clean their house可知李荣家打扫房子,说明春节要来临。句意:当春节来临时,故选B。
小题4:考查动词及语境的理解。A. helps 帮助;  B. makes 做; C. gets 得到;  D. takes拿走.help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事。句意:李荣帮助他的父母打扫房间。故选A。
小题5:考查动词及语境的理解。A. buys 买;  B. does 做; C. goes 去;  D. carries带着。do some shopping[d购购物;o句意:李荣帮助他的父母打扫房间,买东西和做其他家务。故选B。
小题6:考查名词及语境的理解。A. morning 早晨; B. evening 晚上;C. day 一天;  D. afternoon下午。On that day 在那一天,在具体某一天用介词on。句意:在那一天,中国人都吃饺子。故选C。
小题7:考查名词及语境的理解。A. food 食物;  B. drinks 饮料;C. vegetable 蔬菜; D. fruit水果。根据dumplings, New Year’s cakes, 可知这里指的是食物。句意:在那一天,中国人吃饺子,年糕和其他好吃的食物。故选A。
小题8:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. smaller 更小的;  B. better 更好的;C. bigger 更大的;  D. sweeter更甜的。 根据Li Hong likes New Year’s cakes.可知李荣认为年糕好,有but来表示转折,故此处李海觉得饺子比年糕好。句意:但是李海说饺子比年糕要好。故选B。
小题9:考查动词及语境的理解。A. find out 找出; B. buy 买;C. Eat吃;   D. sell 卖;因为New Year’s cakes and dumplings 是中国人新年时吃的食物。句意:中国人在家吃年糕和饺子。故选C。
小题10:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. happy 快乐的; B. delicious 美味的;C. lovely 可爱的; D. great好的。结合句意,中国人过春节在家吃美味的年糕和饺子,可推断他们是多么幸福快乐。句意:他们是多么快乐啊!故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

December 25th is Christmas Day. In most countries it is the most important day in the year. All the people come back to their homes to have the day with their parents or their children. On Christmas Day bells ring everywhere. The ringing bells tell people Christmas is coming. People sing and dance day and night. They have a good time.
Most families buy a Christmas tree for their children. And there are some presents hanging from the tree here and there. People also put presents in children’s stockings. In many places, Father Christmas himself brings presents to them. He is a kind man and in red clothes. There is a big bag on his back. In it there are a lot of presents.
Christmas is also a day when people enjoy all kinds of food. But some poor people have no homes and have no food to eat. They die of cold and hunger(饥饿)on Christmas Day.
小题1:Christmas is a very important day in some countries in a year.
小题2:Many people have a good time on Christmas Day.
小题3:Father Christmas wears red clothes.
小题4:There are a lot of Christmas trees in Father Christmas’bag.
小题5:Some poor people die on Christmas Day because they have no homes and no food to eat.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Singapore: A Fine City
Singapore welcomes tourists. When you come to visit Singapore, please keep the laws of this country. Here are some points that you must remember.
SMOKING: Cigarette smoking is a danger to health. It is not allowed in lifts, cinemas, theaters, all government offices and on buses. If you break it, you have to pay fines of up to $ 1,000.   LITTER: Singapore is the Garden City of Asia---clean and green. Dropping litter in public places is not allowed. You can be fined up to $ 500 for dropping litter ---even if it only a piece of waste paper or a cigarette end.
EATING OR DRINKING: In Singapore, when you take a subway or a bus, you are not supposed to eat or drink anything, or you'll be fined up to $ 500.
RIDING: When you ride a bike across an underpass(地下通道), please push your bike across the underpass, or you have to pay $ 1,000 for riding your bike.
JAYWALKING*: You must always use the pedestrian(步行者, 徒步的)crossing. You can be fined $ 50 for crossing the street less than 50 meters from a crossing. These laws are also for children who are old enough to be in the street on their own.
小题1:The underlined word "fine" in the passage means ________.
小题2:When you come to visit Singapore,you should remember to ___________.
A.go shoppingB.keep the law of this country
C.go sightseeingD.visit some fantastic sights
小题3:Singapore is a city with _________ according to the passage.
A.cigarettesB.green plantsC.litterD.bikes
小题4:What will happen if you drop a piece of waste paper in Singapore?
A.You have to pick it up.
B.You have to sweep the street.
C.You will be fined up to$500
D.You will be told not to do it again.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you write your own blog(博客)?Do you often       others' blogs on the Internet?
All over the world, not only famous persons but also many students use blogs as diaries and places to share their experience and        advice or help.
“I write my activities every day,       funny things or worries in my life.” says Lali, a 16-year-old high school student at Cambridge High School in Washington." I like putting pictures on my blog because it can make my blog more      and more people will like it, It's a good way to        my life to the world." She has had her blog for eight months.
Students like writing blogs     they can write anything they want to, but don't need to       any money.
Once(一旦)you start to write your blog, you will        that you open up a new world. But what you write down may trouble you      . So, use the blog carefully       you can keep yourself away from some trouble. The blog makes everybody's life colorful.
A.learn fromB.deal withC.ask forD.depend on
A.only whenB.even thoughC.so thatD.ever since


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In 2013, China chose “中国梦,”which means “Chinese dream,” as the Character of the Year to symbolize the overall feeling of the past 366 days. It’s easy to see why the word “dream” would be chosen as so many Chinese dreams have been recently realized: space exploration, a China-made aircraft carrier and a Nobel Prize-winning author.

Finishing national dreams makes us proud, but realizing personal dreams makes us worthy in our own eyes. Though the media would try to convince you, there is no set of “approved” dreams that we should all go after. Some may strive for money, fame and power, but others have more humble dreams that are just as important: learn English, study abroad, achieve inner peace, and be of service to humanity. It’s normal for people to create lofty New Year’s resolutions and just as normal to start strong and give up a few weeks later on our goals. How do we make sure that we achieve our dreams? Make your resolutions SMART and they’ll come true.
S — specific, detailed goals are easier to accomplish.
M— measurable goals enable you to complete a fixed amount of something.
A— achievable goals are possible, not ones that would take magic or miracles to accomplish.
R— relevant goals are meaningful to you.
T— time bound goals have an ending date. They’re not infinite. You know when you’re done.
Trip Bethel, a local college professor suggests that all goals should be positive and future-focused. “You can’t make a goal about being perfect. You’ll always disappoint yourself. But you can make a goal about perfecting your process. Then, you’re always on the way to a better life.”
Trip says many people write endless lists, but he just writes his resolutions once. He states them simply on a piece of paper and then puts the paper away for a year. “Often, when I look at the paper a year later, I’ve accomplished everything, or gotten close. There is something about writing things down that makes goals real and the opportunities to achieve them will come into your life.”
小题1:In 2013, China chose “__________” as the Character of the Year?
C.futureD.Chinese dream
小题2:What if you finish our national dreams? We will feel___________.
小题3:What does “SMART” means? It means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and ____.
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.Dreaming in 2013B.Dreaming Big in 2013
C.Dreaming Big in 2012D.Dreaming in 2012


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever studied abroad? If you come to Australia as a foreign high school student, you can have a lot of fun there, especially on holidays.
There are many festivals in Australia. The most important one is Christmas. Since it is a long holiday, most foreign students in Australia love to fly back to their home countries to spend the time with their families and friends, but a few students still stay in Australia during the holiday to get part-time jobs. It is quite easy to find a part-time job at Christmas.
Students often take part in another major social activity. They go to the beach to have fun in the sunshine. The summer in Australia is from December to February, so going to the beach in December is very popular among Australians.
Easter in March is another important holiday in the year. It actually combines "Good Friday" and "Easter Monday". Almost every shop closes on Good Friday. And people usually go to see Easter Show.
The Chinese new year is not a public holiday in Australia, so every Chinese student still has to go to school to study and do his or her normal duties.
小题1:                   is the most important festival in Australia.
A.EasterB.ChristmasC.The Spring FestivalD.New Year’s Day
小题2: Most foreign students in Australia often                   during the Christmas holiday.
A.get a part-time job in the restaurants
B.go to the beach to have fun in the sunshine
C.fly back to their homeland to stay with their parents
D.go to school to study
小题3:                 in December is very popular among Australians.
A.Skiing on an iced lake
B.Hiking in the mountains
C.Studying in a school library
D.Going to the beach to enjoy the sunshine
小题4: From the passage we can see that                       .
A.all the foreign students in Australia will go home during Christmas
B.people in Australia usually go to see Easter Show in March.
C.it’s hard to find a part-time job at Christmas
D.Chinese students in an Australian school needn’t go to school when Spring Festival comes
小题5:Which is the best title for this passage?
A.Christmas time in Australia
B.The holidays in Australia
C.Enjoy your visit to Australia
D.Have you ever studied in Australia?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June. It is a day to thank fathers. On that day, fathers usually receive greeting gifts and cards. On the cards, children will write, “Thanks, father.” “Best wishes for Father’s Day” and so on. Father’s Day is also a day families get together at home as well as in the restaurants.
Where does the idea for the holiday come from? We should thank an American. In 1909 she wrote letters to some important persons. In her letter she advised to make Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June. In June in 1910, people celebrated(庆祝) the first Father’s Day in Washington. People whose parents are dead often decorated(装饰) their graves(坟墓) with flowers on these days. These are days of family fun and creating good feelings and memories(记忆,回忆).
小题1:When is Father’s Day?                     
A. The second Sunday in May.   
B. The third Sunday in June.
C. The third Saturday in June.    
小题2:On Father’s Day           usually receive gifts and cards.
A. fathers   B. mothers    C. father
小题3:Where does the idea for the holiday come from?             
A. China.   B. England.    C. America.   
小题4:When did the people celebrate the first Father’s Day?           
A. In June in 1900.            B. In July in 1910.       C. In June in 1910.
小题5:Which sentence is not TRUE?               
A. On the cards, children will write “Thanks father.”
B. Father’s Day is also a day students get together at school.
C. In 1909 an American wrote letters to some important persons.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The city of Yangzhou came into being at the Spring and Autumn Period ( about 500 AC ).
As the key transportation link at joint place of the Great Canal(运河)( Beijing-Hangzhou) and Changjiang (Yangtze River), Yangzhou has been from the Sui Dynasty (600 AD.) an economically rich city, and then reached its top in the Tang Dynasty. At that time Yangzhou was a famous port and one of few biggest cities in East Asia.
With the improvement of the local economy and easy transportation way, there happened in the history a special local culture, which has an important place in Chinese culture. Many famous men of letters, poets, artists, scholars(学者), statesmen, scientists and national heroes in the history were born in, lived in or had connection with Yangzhou. Li Bai, one of the greatest Chinese poets visited and stayed in Yangzhou several times in his life and one of his famous poems about Yangzhou has been so popular that Chinese of all ages can sing it and has become a symbol of Yangzhou . Zheng Banqiao, a famous Chinese painting painter in the Qing Dynasty heading a group called “Eight Eccentrics”, had strongly influenced Chinese paintings. Wang Zhong and Yuan Yuan and some other scholars formed school of Yangzhou Scholars and achieved great success in the study of classic Chinese and writing. Zhu Ziqing, one of most famous modern Chinese writers and scholars, had always been proud of himself as a native of Yangzhou and thanked the city for being nourished(养育) by its rich culture. Quite a few other names you may come across frequently in the study of Chinese culture and history have connection with Yangzhou . Yangzhou was so attractive and important that many Chinese emperors in history had come specially to visit or check the city. Emperor Suiyang, who ordered to cut the Great Canal so that he could come more easily and quickly, died on his last trip to the city and buried(埋葬) here. Emperor Qianlong had come all the way from the north and visited the city nine times.
小题1:Which of following sentences is NOT right according to this passage?
A.Yangzhou joined the Great Canal (Beijing-Hangzhou) and Changjiang (Yangtze River).
B.In the Tang Dynasty Yangzhou was a famous port and one of few biggest cities in Asia.
C.Emperor Suiyang was buried in Yangzhou.
D.Emperor Qianlong visited Yangzhou nine times.
小题2:We can infer(推断)the poem mentioned in this passage by Li Bai is _______.
小题3:Who influenced Chinese paintings a lot according to this passage?
A.Zheng BanqiaoB.Zhu ZiqingC.Wang Zhong D.Li Bai
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Yangzhou:An Economically Rich City
B.Yangzhou:An Easy Transportation City
C.Yangzhou:A Historical Culture City
D.Yangzhou:A Famous Tour City


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Americans are very direct people. When they want something, they say“Yes”, and when they don’t, they say “No”.If they want something different from what is given, they ask for it.  Here’s an example : I arrive at someone’s house and he or she gives me wine, but I don’t want wine. Maybe I don’t like it or maybe I just don’t want it. I will say “No thanks”. If everyone around me is drinking something, I would ask  for something else,“No thanks. But I’ll take a bit of tea if you have some.” It’s a polite way to ask something you really want. If I really want wine, I just say “Yes, thank you”. Unless they happen know the Chinese customs(风俗;习惯),westerners will not ask you again and again after you to eat or drink something.
小题1:If Americans want something, they would say“__”.
A.yes, thank youB.No, thanksC.No, I’m sorryD.Yes, why not
小题2:When Americans don’t want what is given, they would say“__”
A.No, I don’tB.No,thanksC.Yes, thanksD.No, I’m sorry
小题3:In this passage,“westerners” means__.
A.the people who lives in the west of their county
B.the visitors who go to the western countries
C.the people who lives in the western countries
D.the people who know the customs of the west
小题4:The Chinese people might __if you don’t want something given.
A.be gladB.say“thank you”C.Get angryD.Ask you again to take it
小题5:From this passage we know that __.
A.the Chinese people are direct
B.The Chinese customs are better
C.the westerners are more polite
D.Different countries have different customs

