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A strong storm hit the town of Carlton. Some people had cuts and bruises (青肿),but no one was badly hurt. The storm destroyed many buildings and bridges. So some people become homeless.

The people of Carlton helped one another put their town back together. One of those people was Leah Torres. Leah had an idea to collect food, clothing and other items, such as soap, dishes and towels, for people in need. Leah felt happy that she could help.

Leah was proud of her town. She decided to write a letter to the president of the United States. In the letter she told him about her town’s efforts (努力). She said that the nation might be able to solve its problems if people followed Carlton’s example, Leah didn’t tell anyone about her letter. Half a month later, when Leah and her parents turned on the television one day, the president was giving a speech. He began to read from a letter. Suddenly Leah recognized (认出) the sentences.

“That’s my letter!” she told her parents .

The next day Leah got a call from the White House. An assistant to the president was on the phone. “The president wants me to thank you for your letter,” he said. “He agrees with you that people should work together. He says that one person can make a difference in a town. And sometimes he can make a difference in a whole country. ” (选自课外必读书目《快乐英语阅读》,初二年级 第2卷,略有改动)

1.Where did this story happen?

A. The USA. B. The UK. C. Japan. D. China.

2.What happened to the town of Carlton?

A. An earthquake. B. A storm.

C. A flood. D. A heavy snow.

3.Which of the following did Leah collect for people in need?

A. Television. B. Bikes. C. Money. D. Clothing.

4.When did she find her letter on the television?

A. About two weeks later. B. About a week later.

C. About a year later. D. About a month later.

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Only the government could help the homeless.

B. We should try to write a letter to the president when we have problems.

C. Sometimes a person can make a difference in a whole country.

D. We should learn to live independently (独立地) when we are in trouble.








1. White House.句意:白宫。因此推断这个故事发生在美国。故选A

2. strong storm hit the town of Carlton.句意:强风暴袭击的卡尔顿镇。因此明确答案为第二项。故选B

3. had an idea to collect food, clothing and other items, such as soap, dishes and towels, for people in need.句意:利亚想到来收集食物,衣服和其他物品,如肥皂,盘子和毛巾,给需要的人。结合选项中列出的内容,明确第四项正确。故选D

4. a month later,句意:半个月之后,她发现总统在电视上读的信是她写的,分析:半个月接近于两个星期,因此第一项正确。故选A

5. says that one person can make a difference in a town. sometimes he can make a difference in a whole country.句意:有时候,一个人能在城镇中制造不同,有时候,他能使整个国家不同。结合选项第三项正确。故选C



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏兴化顾庄等三校八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

.– Mum, could I have some more ice cream?

-- Sorry, dear. There is _____ left in the fridge.

A. none B. no one C. no D. any


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南新初级中学七年级上第二次独立作业英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--I’m going to Yuannan next week. --Great!________.

A. Have a wonderful time B. Thank you

C. That’s all right D. Goodbye


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏靖江七年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My sister ___________ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day.

A. sometimes B. seldom C. always D. never


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏滨海县八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

写作 (共计20分)





sometimes sleep in class

listen carefully


copy others’

on his own, finish on time


no communication with parents

talk to parents politely


not wait for the traffic lights

follow traffic rules






3. 信中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

Hello, everyone! I’m glad to tell you that Andy has changed a lot.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏滨海县八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The sentence structure(结构)of “He often makes me happy” is ________.




科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏滨海县八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Which rhymes with “snow”?

—“________”, of course.

A. grow B. day C. kite D. shower


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江乐清育英寄宿学校九年级实验B班1月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

完形填空 ( 每小题 1 分, 计 15 分 )

Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and are creative. can develop your interests and help you learn new skills.

David Smith is a student, and his hobby is writing. the summer of 2000, he spent four weeks on a camp. As well as the usual activities, such as sailing, climbing and mountain biking, there was a writing workshop with a professional . “ She asked us to imagine that we were in a story. Then we wrote about our at the camp.”

In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life, and it as a book in 2003 . Many teenagers love his , and as a result, David has become a young writer.

David has been very lucky his hobby has brought enjoyment and success , but he is __ interested in many other things. “ I like playing volleyball, too,” says David. “ I spend some of my free time playing for my school team. I’ll write more books in the future, but I’m not sure.”

It’s sometimes difficult that we shouldn’t spend all our time on our favorite hobby. There are many other interesting things to do in life, and we should try to do something new or different .

1.A. other B. others C. the other D. another

2.A. Hobbies B. Knowledge C. Methods D. Teachers

3.A. During B. At C. For D. On

4.A. winter B. autumn C. summer D. spring

5.A. manager B. doctor C. singer D. writer

6.A. experiences B. examples C. excuses D. experiments

7.A. took out B. tried out C. came out D. went out

8.A. picture B. book C. hobby D. interest

9.A. successful B. normal C. polite D. lonely

10.A. or B. but C. because D. though

11.A. us B. it C. him D. her

12.A. too B. also C. only D. either

13.A. football B. volleyball C. basketball D. baseball

14.A. Usually B. Immediately C. Maybe D. Once

15.A. remember B. remembers C. remembered D. to remember


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东新泰放城镇初级中学五四制九年级上片区竞赛英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I found _____ necessary to save energy and protect the environment.

A. that B. this C. it D. one

