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—Could I your iPad, Alice?

—Of course. Here you are.

A. lend B. keep C. borrow D. return


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(甘肃兰州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:书面表达


同学们,在刚才的阅读中我们了解到一些有关西方饮食文化的有趣知识。现在某国外旅游杂志向你约稿,请你以 When in China, do as the Chinese do!为题写一篇文章,向西方读者介绍我们中国的饮食文化。以下是此杂志社发来的稿件要求,请仔细阅读,完成写作。



科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(福建漳州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- Excuse me, could you tell me ________?

--- On the Changjiang River.

A. where the accident happens

B. where the accident happened

C. where did the accident happen


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东济南市历城区中考二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mei Qiyue, 13, of Chongqing, leaves her dorm(寝室) early every morning and doesn’t return until late at night. She feels stressed in the dorm. “My roommates look down on me. When I say something, they never agree with me. Sometimes, they even laugh at me together,” said Mei. “The dorm is like hell. I want to leave the moment I walk in.”

Mei is not alone. Many middle school students lave such problems. Plans, opinions and other small differences can create conflict(冲突). “Most teenagers are the only child in the family where they are the ‘King’ or ‘Queen’. They can’t stand other kids’ different ideas, so conflicts between them come out in the dorm,” said Sun Yunxiao, a professor in Beijing.

According to Sun, roommate relations are important in schools, and students should be serious about them. He suggests that students should be patient, sincere(真诚) and cooperative in dealing with their roommates.

Zou Ming, 14, of Shanxi, and his roommates didn’t clean their dorm for a long time during their first semester. “Later, we began to hate each other because nobody would clean,” said Zou. “One day, we had a dorm meeting. At the meeting we discussed the problem seriously and decided each other of us would clean for a week.” After the meeting, they cleaned the dorm for the first time together, and the boys have become good friends.

“I think we should take care of the dorm like our family and our roommates like our brothers,” said Zou. “Only in this way can we have a happy dorm like and make lifelong friends.”

1.Why does Mei Qiyue dislike staying in her dorm?

A. Because she always thinks differently from others.

B. Because she thinks her roommates always look down her.

C. Because the condition of her dorm is very poor.

D. Because she is too shy to talk with anybody.

2.What makes students in dorms have conflicts, according to Professor Sun?

A. That they want to be the only one in the dorm.

B. That they hope to study in dorms rather than in classrooms.

C. That they are not used to hearing different ideas.

D. That they haven’t learned how to care about each other.

3.What was the original problem in Zou Ming’s dorm?

A. No one cleaned the dorm.

B. They hated each other.

C. They had no similar interests.

D. They didn’t help each other.

4.What problem does the story mainly talk about?

A. Students can’t make friends easily in a new school.

B. Chinese middle school students are not really to be independent.

C. Keeping good roommate relations is not easy for some students.

D. Students still need their parents’ help even when they are in middle school.

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Mei Qiyue’s roommates enjoy laughing at her, because she is different.

B. Most teenagers will be the “Kings” or “Queens” of our country.

C. Students should take roommate relations seriously.

D. Zou’s brothers should take care of the dorm with him.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东济南市历城区中考二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Is there on TV tonight?

— No, there isn’t.

A. something interesting B. nothing interesting

C. anything interesting D. everything interesting


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东济南市历城区中考二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Please call Xiaoxi 0531-88881234 if you have some important news.

A. at B. with C. for D. in


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东济南市历城区中考二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— does it take you from your home to school?

—About 10 minutes.

A. How long B. How often

C. What time D. How far


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏苏州市九年级二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Two policemen stopped Andrew Kershaw in his sports car one night, because he was speeding in the street of the town. The young man was very drunk. He knew he was in trouble, so he decided to make fun of them. He was a law student at the university, so he knew the law very well, better than most people.

When the policemen came to his car, Andrew asked one of the policemen to write down in his notebook everything they said. The policemen had to do this because it is the law, although people usually don’t know it. The policemen tested Andrew’s breath and the breathalyzer showed that he had too much alcohol in his blood. This all took a long time because the policemen had to write down everything that he and the policemen said.

In the end, by law, the policemen had to ask Andrew if he wanted to say anything. Andrew decided that he had two things to say and the policemen had to write down. The first thing was “Please don’t hit me again, officer”. And the second thing was “Does the other officer want £5, too?” Of course, the poor policeman had to read this in court, in front of the judge , and he was very embarrassed. Andrew, who was in court, thought it was very funny, until the judge took away his license for a year and fined(罚款)him £100, £90 for drunk driving, and £10 for his rudeness!

1. The policemen stopped Andrew in his car because __________.

A. it was very late B. he was drunk

C. he was driving too fast D. he hardly broke the law

2. The underlined word “breathalyzer” means __________.

A. a tool used for repairing machines

B. a machine used for examining patients

C. a person who is in charge of giving breath test

D. an instrument(仪器)used for testing and analyzing(分析)one’s breath

3.Andrew made fun of the policemen, only __________.

A. to be praised by the judge

B. to be asked by the judge

C. to be taken away by the judge

D. to be punished by the judge


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit2SectionA练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

(2013湖南邵阳)A terrible earthquake(地震) hit Ya’an,Sichuan Province ________ the morning ________ April 25.




