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19.Heat and cold can make pain go away.Heat makes our blood move faster and cold helps our nerves(神经)relax.
If you are in pain because you exercised a lot,your muscles(肌肉)need a lot of blood.Blood helps carry the pain away from your muscles.The more blood that comes and goes,the more pain is taken away.That's why sportsmen like to take a hot shower or sauna after exercising.Also,if a sportsman hurts a muscle,the team trainer will put something hot on the sore muscle.
Cold works if you hit your knee or hurt your ankle(脚踝).At this time,the injured area may get bigger.This is called inflammation.Cold helps to make inflammation smaller.Cold also makes your nerves relax.Nerves in your body tell your brain about pain.
It's always a good idea to ask a doctor about using heat or cold.Never use too much heat or cold!Put a towel around a hot water bottle or ice before putting it against your skin.If you don't,the heat or cold may hurt your skin.
Now if you ever get hurt while exercising or playing,you know what to do.Use heat or cold to help you!
61.What is this article mostly about?D
A.How we use heat and cold.
B.How blood carries pain away.
C.How pain works in the body.
D.How heat and cold reduce pain.
62.How does heat help to reduce pain?B
A.It makes the nerves relax.
B.It makes the blood move faster.
C.It makes the mind more active.
D.It makes the brain go to sleep.
63.What does the underlined word"inflammation"in the 3rd paragraph mean?A
64.What should you do before using heat or cold?D
A.Take medicine.
B.Talk to a friend.
C.Have a good sleep.
D.Ask the advice of a doctor.
65.We can learn from the text thatD.
A.we should take a hot shower if we hit our knee
B.we should put ice on our muscle when we feel tired
C.we should put our ankle into cold water when it is hurt
D.we should put something hot on our muscle if it is hurt.

分析 热和冷都能让疼痛消失,热能让血液加快,帮助我们的神经放松,冷能消肿,也能是神经放松,但是不能过度,过度就会伤害你的皮肤,在你锻炼或者玩耍受伤的时候,你知道用冷或者热去帮助你了.

解答 61.D.主旨题.结合第一段Heat makes our blood move faster and cold helps our nerves(神经)relax.可知本文是介绍热和冷怎样减轻疼痛,故选D.
62.B.细节题.结合第一段Heat makes our blood move faster 热加速血液循环减轻疼痛,故选B.
63.A.推理题.结合At this time,the injured area may get bigger.This is called inflammation.Cold helps to make inflammation smaller.受伤的区域会变大,冷能让其变小,可知是红肿,故选A.
64.D.细节题,结合第四段It's always a good idea to ask a doctor about using heat or cold.可知要先问问医生的意见,故选D.
65.D.细节题,结合第二段Also,if a sportsman hurts a muscle,the team trainer will put something hot on the sore muscle.可知对受伤的肌肉进行热敷,故选D.

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科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.My parents always ________ the best in me and encourage(鼓励) me.(  )
A.care aboutB.bring outC.help outD.have fun


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.RECENTLY hand-foot-mouth disease has spread across China.In the past three months,there have been about 41,846cases (病例) in 30provinces and regions.The number is increasing.Eighteen Chinese children have died of the disease so far this year.
What causes the disease and why is it dangerous?
Hand-foot-mouth disease is a common childhood illness.It mainly affects children under the age of 10.It gets its name from the rash (疹子) that develops on the hands and feet.It can also cause blisters (水泡) in your mouth.
A child who has the disease will usually have a fever,a runny nose and sore throat.He or she doesn't want to eat or drink because of pain in the mouth.
Hand-foot-mouth disease is mostly not serious.The fever and rash clear within a few days.But in some cases,the virus (病毒) affects the heart,lungs or brain.This puts the child's life in danger.
A virus causes hand-foot-mouth disease.The disease spreads easily where a lot of young children are together,such as in a child-care center.Sometimes it can also affect teenagers and adults.
In order not to pass on the virus,good hygiene(卫生) is important.We should wash our hands as often as possible.Especially we should wash our hands before meals and after going to the toilet.

71.More thanB people have caught hand-food-mouth disease this year.
A.thirty thousand                  
B.forty thousand                     
C.four million
72.Hand-foot-mouth diseaseC.
A.is a kind of cancer             
B.isn't dangerous at all             
C.can cause death
73.A patient of hand-foot-mouth mayB.
A.eat more                           
B.have blisters in the mouth        
C.have rash on the face
74.From the passage,we know that the hand-foot-mouth diseaseA.
A.spreads easily among the young children           
B.will not affect adults
C.didn't happen in China
75.Ccan help us to keep away from the hand-foot-mouth disease.
A.Passing on the virus         
B.Taking children to the child-care center
C.Keeping your hands clean.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.The white model plane ishers(her).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Why is clean water so important to developing countries?A recent report shows that about 80percent of diseases in developing countries are caused by poor water and low sanitation(卫生)conditions.In those countries,women and girls spend several hours collecting water,but often polluted,far away from their families.The polluted water more or less influences their health.In this case,there is an urgent(迫切的)need for people in developing countries to have access to(有机会或权利使用)clean water to improve their health.
Here is a short story about Hadjara Zakari,a 12-year-old girl in Niger.Having access to clean water changed her life.She learned about the importance of hand-washing when the school first received clean water three years ago.That evening,she told her father,"You shouldn't eat with me unless you clean your hands."Her father was very angry and shouted at her,"It's not up to you to tell me what to do!"Stunned(目瞪口呆的),Hadjara sat in silence.But she knew she was right.In  protest,Hadjara refused to eat dinner that night.After her father questioned Hadjara's head teacher,he understood the importance of hand-washing and his daughter's intentions(目的).The girl really wanted her family to live longer and healthier lives.
For people in developing countries,clean water can change many things,especially improve their health.So,from now on,let's avoid wasting water and take action to save water,which is important to people all over the world.

51.According to the recent report,poor water and low sanitation conditions can causeC.
A.traffic problems      
B.forest fires    
C.many illnesses
52.The key to improving people's health in developing countries isA in Paragraph 1.
A.to get clean water 
B.to exercise often    
C.to refuse drugs
53.What can we infer(推断)from Paragraph 2?C
A.Hadjara laughed at her father's foolishness.
B.Hadjara refused to eat dinner that night in order to lose weight.
C.Hadjara's father understood his daughter's love and care for him later.
54.The underlined word"protest"in this passage meansA.
55.The purpose of the writer is toB.
A.teach people how to wash hands
B.call on people all over the world to save water
C.show developing countries rich in clean water.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.A large part of China experienced larger amounts of smog (雾霾) than usual this January and the air was badly polluted.The distance one could see was shorter than 1,000 meters in Beijing,Tianjin,and the provinces of Hebei,Henan,Shandong,Jiangsu and Anhui.In some areas,it was down to 200 meters.
     People usually set off firecrackers (爆竹) to celebrate Spring Festival.But because of the smog,this year seemed very quiet.It was really different.A man called Zhang Wei said that his friends and he hadn't set off a single firecracker.
"We all suffered from last month's smog.If we don't call an end to the firecrackers,the environment will get worse and worse during the holiday."Said Zhang Wei.He called on more people to set off fewer firecrackers during this year's Spring Festival holiday by putting up a notice in his neighborhood.
     More Chinese looked forward to celebrating the holiday in a greener way.They decided not to set off firecrackers.They also decided not to waste food.They said that the new celebrations sounded fashionable.
     To clean the sky,more than ten provinces including Guangdong,Zhejiang and Jiangsu have started to use national 4 standard (标准),which is expected to reduce (减少) vehicle emission (车辆排放) by 30% to 50%.Beijing even has started to use the stricter national 5 standard.
     We still have a lot to do to improve the air quality.For example,using public transportation as much as possible is not a hard thing for us to do,but it matters a lot.
61.What happened in a large part of China this January?A
A.It experienced larger amounts of smog.
B.People set off lots of firecrackers.
C.There was a heavy rain.
D.Many car accidents happened.
62.How do people usually celebrate Spring Festival in China?B
A.By putting up a notice.
B.By setting off firecrackers.
C.By not wasting food.
D.By using public transportation.
63.How many provinces have started to use national 4 standard?D
D.More than ten.
64.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?D
A.Zhang Wei didn't set off a single firecracker this Spring Festival.
B.We should use more public transportation to help reduce the air pollution.
C.Zhejiang has started to use national 4 standard to reduce vehicle emission.
D.More Chinese think the celebration of setting off firecrackers is fashionable.
65.What's the best title for the passage?B
A.How to reduce the vehicle emission        
B.How to improve the air quality
C.What do Chinese do in Spring Festival    
D.Using public transportation.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.--How long can I _______your story book?
--One week.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.After a study showed that one in every ten meals in the country may be cooked with dirty oil,the State Fool and Drug Administrations(SFDA)on Thursday issues an emergency notice(发布紧急通知)to restaurant nationwide,warning them against recycling oil.
The swill-oil is cooking oil refined from kitchen waste that has been recycled.Although it looks clean and clear,it's actually so dangerous to people's health that it may cause cancer.
According to a reporter,the swill-oil business is extremely profitable.Recycling one ton of kitchen waste will produce130kg of swill oil.With its price being half that of normal cooking oil,a profit(利润)of 1.5to 2billion yuan is produced in the whole swill-oil business in the country every year.The profit is almost 200%,so it's easy to understand why the business is so hot.s
He Dongping,a professor from Wuhan Polytechnic University(WHPU)said:"To stop the use of dirty oil should start at its source,kitchen waste.And the first step is to find a good way of collecting kitchen waste.""However,it might take about 10years before China could solve the problem completely."he added.

66.According to the study,Cof us may have eaten the food cooked by dirty oil.
A.few                      B.nobody           C.many
67.It'sCto tell the difference between swill-oil and normal cooking oil just by looking..
A.fast                     B.easy               C.hard
68.The underlined sentence"The swill-oil business is extremely profitable"means that the swill-oil business is really aA.
A.big money-maker          B.common situation     C.terrible thing
69.We can infer(推断)from this passage thatB.
A.the biggest problem is that restaurants produces too much kitchen waste
B.the way of dealing with kitchen waste isn't good enough now
C.we can stop the use of swill-oil in a short time if we take it serious
70.The main topic of this passage is aboutB.
A.restaurant service          B.food safety        C.eating habits.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.Peter have threebasketballs (basketball).

