精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

—We can wear that blue suit to the theatre.

—Why not______the grey one there for a change?

A. try wearing B. trying to wear

C. to try and wear D. to try wearing


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版2017年秋八年级英语上册Unit4单元测试卷 题型:单项填空

This restaurant is very popular, because its Chinese _______ are very good.

A. meals B. pictures C. menus D. seats


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省温州市2017届九年级10月月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

I don’t want to get home too late because my parents will be ________ me if I’m late.

A. worried about B. proud of C. different from D. interested in


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市毕业班综合测试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Once upon a time there was a little cook. Her name was Caroline and she lived in a town. She was very cute and beautiful. Her eyes were as______ as the stars. Her lips were so pink that even the roses were interested by them. In the town, there was a king ______was always sad and easy to get angry. He did not have _____ cook in his palace because of his strange character. So he could only eat junk food while Caroline cooked nice meals for the poor kids in town.

One day, Caroline had______ great idea. She decided to go to the palace _____ to the king. When she rang the doorbell, the king opened the door _____. Caroline took a deep breath and asked the king with a nervous smile, “ Can….Can I use your huge kitchen to cook meals______ kids?”

The king thought for a second. Then he agreed to let Caroline______ his kitchen for two hours. Caroline jumped for joy at once. She picked______ vegetables from her family’s vegetables garden. Then she ______ all of them to the palace.

After a while, the king smelt the smell of cooking_______ from the kitchen. So he wanted to go in to see ____ Caroline cooked food. _______Caroline saw him, she asked him to taste the food that she was cooking. ____ delicious food it was!

From that day on, the people in that town had a happy king. They________to the parties in the palace. And the king shared his big table full of delicious food with the poor.

1.A. brightest B. brightly C. bright D. brighter

2.A. whom B. what C. who D. which

3.A. some B. each C. every D. any

4.A. / B. a C. an D. the

5.A. talking B. to talk C. talked D. talk

6.A. angry B. anger C. angrier D. angrily

7.A. for B. of C. to D. at

8.A. to use B. use C. using D. used

9.A. much B. most C. more D. many

10.A. carry B. carries C. carried D. was carrying

11.A. comes B. to come C. came D. coming

12.A. how B. what C. which D. that

13.A. If B. Though C. While D. When

14.A. What a B. What C. How D. How a

15.A. invited B. were inviting C. were invited D. was invited


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版英语 9年级上册Unit 2 Colours 检测题 题型:单项填空

Your son is old enough to______himself.Don’t always do everything for him.

A. wear B. dress

C. put on D. have on


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版英语 9年级上册Unit 2 Colours 检测题 题型:句型转换

1.There isn’t anyone in the dining room now.(改为同义句)

There __________ __________ in the dining room now.

2.Mrs Brown is so old that she could do nothing.(改为同义句)

Mrs Brown is__________ old to do__________.

3.There is something wrong with your watch.(改为否定句)

There is _______ ________with your watch.

4.I don’t know how I can spell the new words.(改为同义句)

I don’t know_______ _______ _______the new words.

5.Jane went to Beijing to visit the Forbidden City.(对画线部分提问)

_______ ________Jane_________to Beijing?


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag第二课时 section A 题型:单项填空

—Are the erasers on the desk?

—Yes,___________ are.

A. these B. those

C. it D. they


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版2017秋九年级英语 Test for Module 10 题型:翻译



I _____ _____ have a walk after supper,but now I'm used _____ _________ basketball.


Have you seen the photos t_______ ___ ________in the Ocean Park in Hong Kong?


I _____ __________ _______ seeing him there.


Can you work out the math problem ______ __________ ________?


The fruit ______ my sister _______ _________ is __________.


科目:初中英语 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标九上 Unit 9 单元测试 题型:单项填空

They had to continue _____ their homework after school.

A. do B. did C. to do D. does

