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      Betty is an American school girl. She is very happy because her parents will take her to China for a visit. They are going to fly from New York on June 30 and get to Beijing on July

1. They will stay at Lido Holiday Inn. Their Chinese friends will show them around Beijing. They are going to visit the Palace Museum,the Summer Palace,the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall. They will also visit some Chinese homes and try some Chinese food. They will spend a week in Beijing and then go to Xi’an,Guilin and some other places for sightseeing.

The whole trip will take three weeks and she is sure she will have a great time in China.

() 1. Betty is very happy because she will with her parents.

   A. visit China   B. go home   C. watch TV   D. cook the meal

() 2. Their friends will show them around Beijing.

   A. Australian   B. Chinese   C. American   D. Britain

() 3. From the text we can know that they will in Beijing.

   A. cook Chinese food   B. learn to speak Chinese

   C. try some Chinese food   D. learn to skate

() 4. After they visit Beijing,they will go to .

   A. Xi'an and Guilin ’   B. The Summer Palace

   C. Shanghai   D. Hainan Island

() 5. How long will the whole trip take?

   A. One week. B. Two weeks. C. Three weeks. D. Four weeks.

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C


1. A 由本段第二句 She is very happy because her parents will take her to China for a visit.可知选A.

2. B 由本段第五句 Their Chinese friends will show them around Beijing.可知选B.

3. C 由本段第七句 They will also visit some Chi nese homes and try some Chinese food.可知选C.

4. A 本段倒数第二句 then go to Xi'an,Guilin and some other places for sightseeing.可知选A.

5. C 根据最后一句可知整个旅行会持续三个星期。

题目来源:2016年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空八年级 > PASSAGE B 阅读理解


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











Let me tell you something 1 my little dog,Snoopy. Snoopy is a

healthy 2 dog. He looks very 3 . He has two small eyes,two big ears,4 short legs and a small tail.

It's great fun 5 with him. I often teach him 6 to play games. Now he can play many kinds of 7 . If I say “Go to 8 !” he goes to his bed and lies 9 If I say “ 10 basketball!” he goes to catch a ball and puts it into a 11 . If I say “Please 12 for us!” he dances to the music. Can he sing a song? Of course he can. But he does not 13 in English or Chinese. When he sings,14 can understand 15 .

() 1. A. for   B. to   C. at   D. about

() 2. A. China   B. America   C. American   D. England

() 3. A. boring   B. lovely   C. ugly   D. dangerous

() 4. A. one   B. two   C. three   D. four

() 5. A. played   B. to play   C. play   D. plays

() 6. A. what   B. where   C. how   D. when

() 7. A. game   B. games   C. a game   D. sport

() 8. A. sleep   B. play   C. swim   D. bring

() 9. A. down   B. up   C. in   D. to

() 10. A. Do   B. Help   C. Run   D. Play

() 11. A. floor   B. basket   C. bed   D. sofa

() 12. A. write   B. cry   C. dance   D. jump

() 13. A. sing   B. say   C. show   D. speak

() 14. A. somebody   B. many   C. nobody   D. some

() 15. A. he   B. his   C. him   D. they


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











Hello,my name is Peter. I study at a school in the UK. School days usually begin at 9:00 a. m. in the UK. So I usually go to school at 8:45 a. m. School is over (结束) at 3:30 p. m. So I have enough time to go to clubs.

Tm good at all my lessons. But my favourite lesson is Cooking. All my teachers are very friendly and helpful. I never go home for lunch,I have lunch at school with my classmates. After lunch,we often go to the school field. Sometimes we play ball games,sometimes we just sit under the trees,reading or chatting. Sometimes we also go to the Computer Center to listen to music or send e-mails (邮件) to our friends.

I like my school and have a wonderful time at school every day.

() 1. Schools in the UK usually start at .

   A. 8 : 45 a. m. B. 9 :00 a. m. C. 3 : 30 p. m. D. 8 : 30 a. m.

() 2. Peter's teachers are all very .

   A. friendly and helpful   B. beautiful

   C. polite   D. busy

() 3. How often does Peter go home for lunch?

   A. Seldom. B. Always. C. Every day. D. Never.

() 4. After lunch,the students can .

   A. listen to music   B. write e-mails

   C. play ball games   D. A.B and C

() 5. Which one is NOT true?

   A. School is over at 3. 30 p. m. in the UK.

   B. Peter is good at all his lessons.

   C. Peter has no time to go to clubs every day.

   D. Peter has a wonderful time at school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


                                A ten-year-old teacher 

      How young can a teacher be? A teacher can be any age. Just ask Chrissie Mckenney. She was only 10 when she started teaching.

      How did Chrissie get the job? It was not easy. Chrissie wanted to help children who can't hear. But the school had never had such a young helper. Could Chrissie do it?

      First,Chrissie learned to sign. Signing is a way of talking with your hands. Soon it was easy for Chrissie to talk to the children. So the school let her help. Now Chrissie visits the school almost every day. The children love their young teacher. She is their friend.

() 1. Chrissie wanted to help children who can't .

   A. hear   B. see   C. play   D. look

() 2. This story tells about a .

   A. special class   B. young teacher   C. silly person   D. poor worker

() 3. In the third part of the story,what does the word “sign” mean.

   A. 看   B. 手势   C.听  D.标牌

() 4. The school let Chrissie help because she .

   A. was too old   B. could sign   C. could not hear   D. could speak

() 5. You can guess from the story that most teachers Chrissie.

   A. are older than   B. do not like   C. are just like   D. play with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


                 Some interesting animals


People in India think the cow is the mother of the earth. It gives so much but asks nothing in return. 5o in many Indian dties : people don't eat or sell beef.   Cows in India can walk free (免费) with the cars.


The zebra 诞马) belongs to (属于) the horse family.   They live in southern and central Africa. Zebras have excellent hearing and eyesight and are capable of running at speeds (速度) of up to 40 miles per hour.


The kangaroo is the symbol of Ajstralia. They can't walk. They use their strong back legs to jump. They can jump over 56 kilometers each hour. They can go over nine meters in one jump!

Gum trees

「he polar bear lives in the snow and ice. It is 3 meters long and it weighs (重) 450 Kilos. It can stand up on its back legs because it has very wde feet. It can use its front legs as arms. It can swim well.

Sea animals

() 1. is a member of the horse family.

   A. The cow   B. The zebra   C. The kangaroo   D. The polar bear

() 2. The kangaroo can't walk with its legs,but it can .

   A. fly   B. swim   C. jump   D. run

() 3. If you walk in the street,you can meet a cow in .

   A. China   B. Australia   C. Africa   D. India

() 4. The polar bear lives on .

   A. sea animals   B. grass   C. beef   D. gum trees

() 5. “In return” in the sentence “It gives so much but asks nothing in return. ” means in Chinese.

   A. 归还   B. 回报   C. 轮流   D. 要求


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      A young man was going to spend his holiday in a mountain village. That night he l at a small hotel (旅馆) near the train station. 2 going to bed,he went to the owner of the hotel and said,Excuse me,sir.Will you please 3 me up at four forty-five tomorrow morning? I'll take the five o’clock 4 .”

      “Oh,sorry,M the owner said in a hurry.I'm afraid I can't”.I won 't be able to get up so 5 .”

      The young man was going to return to his room 6 he stopped and asked ,“ Have you got an alarm clock (闹钟) ?Maybe it can help me.”

      “Yes,here you are,young man ,” said the owner. The young man thanked the owner7 . But as he looked at the alarm clock closely,it seemed there was 8 wrong with it.

      “Will it 9 on time?” he asked.

      “Sure!You just give it a good shake (摇晃) at a quarter 10  five,and it will do! ”

() 1. A. worked   B. stayed   C. studied   D. played

() 2. A. Before   B. After   C. While   D. When

() 3. A. wash   B. beat   C. wake   D. watch

() 4. A. ship   B. plane   C. train   D. bus

() 5. A. early   B. late   C. quickly   D. happy

() 6. A. when   B. because   C. until   D. after

() 7. A. angrily   B. happily   C. sadly   D. luckily

() 8. A. something   B. nothing   C. anything   D. everything

() 9. A. shout   B. cry   C. ring   D. run

() 10. A. past   B. to   C. of   D. from


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Dear editor (编辑) ,

      Can’t your newspaper do something about the custom (习惯) of hitchhiking?

      A short time ago,on a car travel I counted at least 50 people standing beside the road,asking for rides. Many of them were young women.

      Don’t they understand how dangerous it is to get into the car driven by a stranger? How much do they know about the driver? Is he a good driver or not? They know nothing!

      Many of these young hitchhikers may come from good families. Don^ their parents teach them anything about the world? I always taught my children not to talk to strangers. I never let them take rides from people they didn't know.

      Isn’t there enough crime (犯罪) today without asking for trouble by hitchhiking? On the other hand,hitchhiking may bring some traffic trouble. Don’t you think what I said is true?

A Worried Grandfather

() 1. The word “hitchhiking” means .

   A. waiting for a bus at the bus stop

   B. driving in a dangerous way

   C. going on a long way by getting free rides in other people's car

   D. asking a stranger the ways in a car

() 2. The Worried Grandfather .

   A. doesn’t like young women to drive cars

   B. thinks it is dangerous for a young woman to get into a stranger's car

   C. likes drivers to be careful and strict in their work

   D. never lets his children get into other people's car

() 3. The Worried Grandfather .

   A. was hit by a car when he was standing by the road

   B. is a good driver and often gives free rides to strangers

   C. is in trouble now and he wants to get some help from the newspaper

   D. sees much of the world and he is very careful

() 4. The Worried Grandfather wrote the letter to tell.

   A. the newspaper to let its readers know the danger of hitchhiking

   B. young women never to go on a long travel alone

   C. young people to listen to their parents at home

   D. his children not to talk to strangers on the road

(5. What do you think a good editor is going to do after he gets the letter?

   A. He will either return the letter to the old man or give it to the police station.

   B. He will write back to the Worried Grandfather and tell him not to hitchhike. G. He will ask someone to write something about it in the newspaper.

   D. He will hold a meeting to tell the drivers to make the traffic trouble less.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      A hot dog is one of the most popular American food. It was named after frankfurter,a German food. You may hear “hot dog” 1 in other ways. People sometimes 2 “hot dog” to express pleasure (快乐) .For example,a friend may ask 3 you would like to go to the cinema. You might say ,“Great. I'd love to."Or,you could say , 4 ! I'd love to go. People 5 use the expression to describe someone who is a show-off,who tries to show eve ryone else how 6 he is. You often hear such a(n) 7 called a hot dog. He may be a basketball player,for example,who 8 the ball with one hand making a(n) 9 catch seem more difficult. You know he is a “hot dog” because when he makes such a catch,he bows (輔身弓) to crowd,hoping to 10 their cheers.

() 1. A. cooked   B. eaten   C. picked   D. used

() 2. A. speak   B. tell   C. talk   D. say

() 3. A. where   B. how   C. if   D. when

() 4. A. Excuse me   B. Don’t worry   C. Never mind   D. Hot dog

() 5. A. ever   B. yet   C. also   D. still

() 6. A. kind   B. hopeful   C. great   D. careful

() 7. A. person   B. dog   C. hand   D. action

() 8. A. catches   B. plays   C. throws   D. passes

() 9. A. funny   B. easy   C. exciting   D. good

() 10. A. lose   B. win   C. avoid   D. explain


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      The bicycle is really important means of transportation in China. Bicycles have become more and more popular in China. People ride bikes to their workplaces,to shopping centers,to schools,and so on. During the rush hour,you can often see a boiling sea of bicycles running in all directions. With the largest number of bike riders in the world,China is often thought to be “the kingdom of bicycles”. There are many advantages about the bicycle. For ex-ample,bicycles do not cause air or sound pollution (污染) ;compared with cars,bicycles cause no environmental (环境的) problems; bicycles save energy (能源) and parking place; riding bikes to travel can be a wonderful experience (经历) ;the bicycle allows us to go anywhere nearby easily;bikes are not very expensive,and almost every family can afford them;riding bikes regularly does good to people's health.

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ; 2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为翻译句子;5题为找主 题句。

1. Bikes are not very expensive,and almost every family can afford them.()

2. China is called “  ”,because China has the largest number of bike riders in the world.

3. What are the advantages of the bicycles? You can give two examples.




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