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If you are a teenage boy and want to succeed, you’d better read this great book!

From Boys to Men, by an American author Michael Gurian, tells you that you are living through the best years of your life.

__1.__ But the book says your mind is growing, too.

__2._ To do this, you should stop spending much time playing computer games and you should start playing sports. Sports, the book says, can keep you healthy and teach you important life skills. __3.

The book also tells you what to do if you’re being bullied(欺负).__ 4.____Such experience can also help you become more successful.

To become a successful man, you must believe in yourself. But, most importantly, the book says, you must always dream of success. _5.__ Real men always want more.


A. Sports can also teach you how to be a leader and how to work as part of a team.

B. It says you have to stop being scared of such bullies.

C. You may think that only your body is growing at the period.

D. Never be happy with what you’ve got.

E. The book tells you that you need to help your body and mind grow.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东官庄镇闫家峪中学八年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Jane Goodall is one of the most well-known scientists in the world. Much of the information we have today about chimpanzees(黑猩猩) comes from the research of Jane Goodall.

Jane Goodall was born in London in 1934. She became interested in animals and animal stories when she was a very young child. She always dreamed of working with wild animals. When she was eleven years old, she decided that she wanted to go to Africa to live with and write about animals. But this was not the kind of thing young women usually did in the 1940s. Everybody was laughing except her mother. “If you really want something, you work hard, you take advantage of opportunity, you never give up, you find a way,” her mother said to her. The opportunity came at last. A school friend invited her to Africa. Jane worked as a waitress until she had got enough money to travel there.

In 1957, Jane Goodall traveled to Africa. She soon met the well-known scientist Louis Leakey and began working for him as an assistant. He later asked her to study a group of chimpanzees living by a lake in Tanzania. Very little was known about wild chimpanzees at that time.

Jane spent many years studying chimpanzees in this area of Africa. It was not easy work. They were very shy and would run away whenever she came near. She learned to watch them from far away using binoculars. Over time, she slowly gained their trust(信任). She gave the chimpanzees human names such as David Graybeard, Flo and Fifi. Watching the chimpanzees, she made many discoveries. They ate vegetables and fruits. But she found that they also eat meat. A few weeks later, she made an even more surprising discovery. She saw chimpanzees making and using tools(工具) to help them catch insects.

Jane Goodall has written many books for adults and children about wild chimpanzees. Her most recent book is called Hope for Animals and Their World. It tells about saving several kinds of endangered animals.


From the first two paragraphs we know Jane Goodall is a __________, and she had a special interest in ___________ when she was a young girl.


In order to __________ to travel to ___________, Jane Goodall once worked as a waitress.




What is Jane Goodall’s most surprising discovery?



What is Jane Goodall famous for?



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北黄冈市罗田县八年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

书面表达 (10分)



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北黄冈市罗田县八年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There was snow last winter.

A.too much B.much too C.too many D.many too


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃武威永昌镇和寨九年制学校八年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


A: Hey, Gina. Do you want some ice cream?

B : No, thanks. 1.

A: Really? Where are you going?

B: I'm going to play baseball. Do you want to come?

A: Sorry, I can't. 2.

B : Well, come later then. We're playing all afternoon.

A: 3. But I'm not very good at baseball.

B : Don't worry about that. 4. You can just watch.

Come on, it'll be fun.

A: Well, OK. 5.

B: OK. See you!

A.It sounds nice.

B.See you later.

C.I need to study.

D.I'm going out.

E.I don't think so.

F.You don't have to play.

G.You can do that again.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃武威永昌镇和寨九年制学校八年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Parents find it difficult ________ with their children.

A. talk B. talked C. talking D. to talk


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃武威永昌镇和寨九年制学校八年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

–This boy is very clever.


A. So is he B. So he is

C. He is so D. He so is


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃嘉峪关市八年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


你的朋友经常和父母吵架,请你写一封信给他建议:1. 如果是他遇到问题,应该和父母谈谈,父母会乐意帮助他 2. 在家经常帮忙做做家务 3. 告诉父母自己的喜好 4. 少玩电脑游戏

Dear Mike,

I’m sorry to know that you often argue with your parents. Well , I think I can provide you with some advice.






科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建晋江平山中学八年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


A: Hi, Lily! Did you go to the concert last night?

B: Yes, 1.

A: 2.

B: It's moving. Many famous singers sang at the concert. 3.

A: What does it mean?

B: 4. You know many children in the world don't have enough food.

A: 5.

B: I think people all over the world should help them.

A: That's right!

A. That’s true.

B. How did you like it?

C. I went there with my parents.

D. It was called “saving the children”.

E. The concert was held for collecting money for poor children

