精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

A2.Sandy sat in the back row,so she did not hear Neil clearly. She asks Simon some questions about Neil's presentation. Help Simon answer Sandy's questions.

1 Where is the city of Liverpool?


2 Is Liverpool a new city?


3 Howmany old buildings are there in Liverpool?


4 When was Liverpool the European Capital of Culture?


5 What is the most famous band from Liverpool?


6 Does Neil like living in Liverpool?


Part A2

1 It is in the t;K,next to the sea.

2 No. Ft is very old. It celebrated its 800th birthday in 2007.

3 There are over 2. 500 old buildings in Liverpool,

4 It was the European Capital ol Culture in 2008.

5 The Beatles are the most famous hand irorn Liverpool.

6 Yes. he loves living there as there are so many things to see and do.

题目来源:2016年译林英语补充习题七年级下册 > Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr Wu has found an advertisement for robots in a magazine. He is calling the robot shop to find out more details. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the words in the box.

battery     customer   iron    order    properly

quality   regret   satisfied   satisfy   virus

Shopkeeper: Hello,New Star Robot Shop. May I help you?

Mr Wu: Hi,I saw your advertisement in a magazine and Tm thinking of

a robot.

Shopkeeper: What do you need your robot to do?

Mr Wu: I need one that can clean my flat,  (2) clothes and

cook meals.

Shopkeeper: I see. What else?

Mr Wu: I need it to be able to listen to me and talk with me.

Shopkeeper: So you need one with a speaker.

Mr Wu: Right. I hope my robot will be able to do the things ⑶ according to my instructions.

Shopkeeper: OK. We'll try to (4) your needs.

Mr Wu: By the way,how many (5) do your robots use?

Shopkeeper: Most of our robots use two. They can last for 200 hours.

Mr Wu: Oh,I don't want my robot to catch any (6)

Shopkeeper: Don’t worry. The (7) of our robots is up to standard.

Mm,I think Model II will be suitable for you. All the

(8) who have bought this model are (9) with it. You could give it a try and Tm sure you won't (10) it. Would you like to come to our shop and have a look?

Mr Wu: OK.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A2 .Mr and Mrs Wang are doing their monthly accounts. Mrs Wang is reading out the


Water; yuan.

Electricity, (2) yuan.

Food, (3)   yuan.

Transport, (4) yuan.

Telephone, (5)   yuan.

The total is (6) yuan.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Simple future tense with will and shall

A1. Fill in the blonks with the simple future tense of the verbs in brackets.

1 I (help) Amy with her homework this evening.

2 The Wang family (go) on holiday next week.

3 It (not be) cold tomorrow.

4 Grandpa and Grandma (come) to see us this weekend.

5 We (visit) the zoo this Sunday.

6 Next year,the school (have) a new football field.

7 The party (begin) at 7 p.m. on Saturday.

8 There (be) a lot of rain next month.

9 I (not go) to the shopping mall this Saturday.

10 Ben's father (travel) to the USA next month.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 B. Benny meets some people ot the community centre. Listen to him and complete I the table below.




What can he/she do?

Mr Chen

Flat 3,Floor 10,Building 15


help people (2) their TVs,fridges and washing machines

Mr Wei

Flat 2,Floor



help the community centre


Mrs Wei

Building 26


help people prepare (6) for community shows

Miss Li

Flat (7) . Floor 15,Building 31


help people (8) the right hairstyle


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Noun + ’S 

A1.Complete the answers with noun + 's.

1 Q: Whose book is this?

A: It's (Tommy) book.

2 Q: Whose car is that?

A: It's (Mr Wang) car.

3 Q: Is this your watch?

A: No. It's (Steven) new watch.

4 Q: Who's Jane?

A: She's (Emily) new friend.

5 Q: Whose toys are those?

A: They're the (children) toys.

6 Q: Are these glasses yours?

A: No. They're (Grandma) glasses.

7 Q: Is that Tommy's shirt?

A: No,ifs not It's (David) .

8 Q: Are these the students' books?

A: No,they aren't. They're (Miss Luo) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.Write the names of the different forms of transport in the blanks. Which kind of transport is the most convenient? Which is the most expensive? Discuss what you think with a classmate.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Simple past tense (II)

A.  Complete the questions and answers with the simple past tense of the verbs in brackets.

1 Q:   you (watch) the match?

A: Yes,we (do) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B. Listen to Benny talk to his friends and Miss Luo about where they are going to take Ted. Then match the person with the place each suggests.

1 Mary   a The Palace Museum 

2 Cathy   b Beihai Park 

3 joe c Beijing Zoo 

4 Miss Luo   d The Beijing Capital Theatre 

