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---Daming didn’t finish his homework yesterday.

A.So did IB.Neither did I
C.So I didD.Neither I did


解析试题分析:句意:大明昨天没完成他的作业。我也没完成。So do I的用法,该结构主要用来说明前面所说的情况也同样适用于后面的人或物,“……也一样”。该结构中的助动词do 根据前文的情况也可换成is, am, are, was,were, does, did, can, could 等,但是如果前面所述情况为否定式,则用neither, nor引出倒装句。结合句意,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

When he grows up,he’s going to do    .

A.what he wants to do B.what does he want to do
C.what he want to do D.what will he want to do


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

—What would you do _____ you had millions of money?
—I am not sure _____ what you said is just my dream!

A.if, because B.whether, after
C.if, when D.whether, because


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Don't give up, Tom. You haven't realized ______ great progress you've made!

A.whatB.what aC.howD.how a


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

— I really hate winter, because I’m afraid of coldness.
— __________
A. So did I.   B.So I do.      C. So do I.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

--Is your name Jim Green?

A.Yes, I am B.Yes, it is
C.No, I am D.Yes, I’m


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

I have a wonderful friend. Her name is Emily. We have been friends ever since kindergarten. Last year, Emily started to     my things all the time. I     lent (借出) her what she asked for because I wanted to be nice.    then I noticed that she was not always returning the things she had borrowed!
One day I asked Emily to give my things back. She said that she    remember what she had borrowed. I made a list and gave it to   5. The next day she brought back only one thing. It was a dirty T-shirt.
The next time I went to Emily’s house. I saw that her room was very untidy. I asked her      we could look for my things together.
“I know they’re here    ,” she said.
Emily and I played some music on the computer and sang while we worked. The     lost thing that I discovered was my purple hat. It was under a pile of clothes in a chair. We kept finding     things.
Emily has stopped borrowing things. Also, she is trying to keep her room     . I hope she can do it all the time.

A.borrow B.lend C.buy D.sell
A.never B.sometimes C.always D.sometime
A.If B.Or C.So D.But
A.would B.couldn’t C.might D.needn’t
A.him B.her C.me D.them
A.where B.why C.if D.who
A.somewhere B.anywhere C.where D.nowhere
A.first B.last C.second D.third
A.less and less B.fewer and fewer C.more and more D.better and better
A.dirty B.small C.wide D.tidy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Everybody sometimes loses things. People often lose things when they are travelling or when they are        a hurry. That’s     there are lost and found offices at     and stations. What can you do when you       things ? Let me tell you.
In some big cities there     some lost and found offices. Some clerks are working in the offices. When they get a new thing, they always check       . They want to find out who its owner(主人) is. They are happy to see an ID card(身份证). They can find the owner’s       and address on the ID card,      they can find the owner easily.
When you lose things, first of all, you should think. If you can’t do that, just take out your mobile phone and       . Maybe you can get a       .

A.for B.at C.in D.on
A.what B.where C.who D.why
A.schools B.hospitals C.airports D.restaurants
A.find B.lose C.get D.bring
A.have B.has C.are D.is
A.careful B.carefully C.careless D.carelessly
A.photo B.class C.friend D.car
A.so B.because C.but D.although
A.run B.go C.wait D.stand
A.call B.visit C.present D.way


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

 Barack Obama is the 44th president (总统) of the United States. His date of birth is August 4th, 1961. He was elected (被选举为) president on November 4th, 2008.Obama has a very healthy lifestyle. As a president, he is always very busy and works about 10 hours a day. But he still spends some time doing exercise. At about 7:30 every morning he goes to a gym. He does exercise there for about 90 minutes every day. He says that doing exercise makes him young and healthy. Doing exercise can make him relaxed. His eating habits are also very healthy. He usually stays away from junk food. He eats a lot of vegetables and fruit every day. He doesn’t like coffee or ice cream. His favorite food is the pizza (比萨饼) from a restaurant in Chicago. The restaurant’s name is Italian Fiesta Pizzeria.
Do exercise every day from now on. You’ll be as healthy as Obama!   
【小题1】Obama does exercise ______.

A.every day B.once a weekC.twice a weekD.three times a week
【小题2】Obama was _________ years old when he was elected president.
A.27B.37 C.47 D.57
【小题3】Obama likes ______ best according to the passage.
A.coffee B.ice creamC.pizzas D.hamburgers
【小题4】We can learn that ______ from the passage.
A.Obama doesn’t eat breakfast with his family
B.Obama goes to bed before 10 o’clock every night
C.Obama does exercise in a park every morning
D.Obama thinks doing exercise is good for him
【小题5】The passage is mainly about _________.
A.Obama’s workB.Obama’s hobbiesC.Obama’s familyD.Obama’s lifestyle

