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In the west, there can be some abbreviations(缩略词) in some advertisements(广告) of the newspaper. Here’s an advertisement for an apartment(公寓套房). Most of the words in it are abbreviations, for example, Lrg. apt, i.e.(即) Large apartment; lrg. lvrm, i.e. Large living-room. Now, please read the advertisement carefully, and then fill in each blank with ONE word.

For Rent(出租)

Lrg. apt                 Fourth flr.                   Very quiet bldg.

No pets.                Two bedrms.                 Lrg. lvrm.

Ut1. pd.                 Unfrn.                     Gd. 1ctn.

$220 per mo.                                       Call 662-3940


1.The apartment is on the            floor of the building.

2.If you rent(租用) the apartment, do(千万) remember not to bring any           , like

 dogs, cats, birds and so on.

3.There is a large living-room and two            in the apartment.

4.The location(位置) of the building is very           .

5.If you rent the apartment, you must pay(付)            dollars(美元) every month.

1. fourth/4th    2. pets/pet      3. bedrooms  4. good       5. 220


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

____that a computer game?

       A. is             B. Are                C. Is                   D. am


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

What does it feel like to break a bone (骨头)? It’s different for everyone, but the pain is often sharp (严重). If the break is small, however, the person may not feel much pain at all. If you think that you or someone else has broken a bone, the most important things to do are to stay calm, make the hurt person comfortable, and call the doctor. Do not move the injured body part since movement could make it worse.

To treat the break, the doctor will need to take an X-ray. This gives the doctor the information he or she needs to set (接上) the bone: to put it back to its normal place. If the bone is large or it is broken in more than one place, the doctor may need to use metal pins (钢钉) to set it. After the bone has been set, the next step is usually putting on a cast, the special, hard thing that will keep the bone in place for a month or two.

Your bones are excellent at healing themselves. Broken bones will produce many new cells (细胞) and tiny blood vessels (血脉). These cover both ends of the broken part, and close up the break until the bone is as whole and strong as before.

1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. How to Know if a Bone is Broken

B. How Broken Bones Heal Themselves

C. Common Causes (原因) of Broken Bones

D. What You Should Know about Broken Bones

2. When someone breaks his bone, the following should be done except ______.

A. asking the doctor for help            B. comforting the hurt person

C. moving the injured part                  D. staying calm

3. Which is the correct order to treat the break?

   a. take an x-ray  b. use metal pins to set it  c. put it back to its normal place  d. put on cast

A. a→b→c→d      B. a→c→b→d       C. a→d→c→b             D. d→a→b→c

4. The underlined word “heal” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “______”.

   A. break again        B. become worse   C. wound or hurt         D. become healthy again

5. Where would you probably read this passage?

   A. In a story book.  B. On a poster.    C. In a health care book.       D. In a chemistry book.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 ______ scientists have done a lot of research on A (H1N1) flu, there are still some cases for further study.

A. As   B. Once   C. If     D. Although


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

           How to Use an ATM(自动取款机)

Pat Brown went to her bank to ask for an ATM card. It looks like a credit card(信用卡). A few weeks later, the bank posted her a card and a four number personal identification number(PIN).

Her PIN is 1234.

As Pat was getting ready for bed one night, she remembered that she had only 2 in her bag. The next day she had to give 10 for a lunch for a co worker. She didn’t want to get up early to go to the bank. So she had to go to the bank that night. She used her ATM card to withdraw(take out) 50 from her checking account(现金帐户).

These are the steps she followed to withdraw money. First, she put her card in the lower slot(狭孔) on the right side of the machine. She made sure her card was facing the right way. Second, the computer screen (window) said, “Please enter (put in) your PIN.” Pat pressed(按) the numbers 1,2,3,and 4. Next, the screen said, “Please select type of transaction(交易) you want by pressing other keys.” Pat pressed the bottom key for withdrawing money.

Then the screen said, “From which account?” The choices it gave were Checking, Savings, and Money market. Pat pressed the key for Checking. Next, the screen said, “Please select(choose) amount of transaction.” Pat pushed the number 5 and then 0 three times, until the screen read,“50.00.”The screen then read, “Please wait.” In less than a minute, it read, “Please lift(put up) the lid and take your money.”

Pat lifted the lid marked Withdraw. She counted her 50 to make sure the ATM hadn't made a mistake. Then she waited for her withdrawal slip to come out of the slot at the upper right corner of the machine. Pat checked the slip to make sure it was correct. Then her ATM card was returned through the card slot. She put it in her bag and walked away. If Pat had made a mistake at any point by pressing the wrong button (number),she could have pressed Cancel and started over again.

 1. What was Pat's first step? ________.

A. Pressing the withdrawal button

B. Inserting (put...into) her ATM card

C. Counting her money

D. Getting her withdrawal slip

2. What did Pat do immediately after choosing the account? ________.

A. Selected whether to withdraw deposit, or transfer money

B. Lifted the lid and removed her money

C. Selected the amount of money she wanted to withdraw

D. Got away her ATM card

3. When did Pat enter her PIN? ________.

A. Right after inserting her card

B. Right before selecting the account

C. Right before selecting the amount of money

D. Right after selecting withdrawal 

4. What did Pat do when the screen said, “Please lift the lid...”? ________.

A. Got out her card

B. Took her $50

C. Selected the type of transaction she wanted

D. Picked up her withdrawal slip


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I hope we'll study ______ home ______computers in the future.

A.in;with             B.at;on                  C.at;with             D.in;on


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


— Do you have time     your hobbies?

               — Well, the exam is just around the corner. I have to spend most of my time

     my lessons.

          A. on; on                      B. for; for

          C. for; on                    D. on; for


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The taxis in this city ________ in the same color. You can see them everywhere.

A. are  B. has  C. is  D. have


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


   1.That is her sister.(变为复数句)________ _______her________.

   2.These are my friends.(变为单数句)_______ ________my___________.

   3.That’s my father.(一般疑问句)_______ _______your father?

   4.These are his grandparents.(一般疑问句)________ ________his grandparents?

   5.This is her father and this is her mother.(同义句)________ _______her___________.

   6.Thank you for the photo of your family.(同义句)

     _______for your________ _________.

   7.Is that his grandfather?(否定回答) No,_______ ________.

   8.Is this your aunt?(肯定回答) Yes,_______ _________.

