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Running is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for our health. Doctors say many of the health problems come from these bad habits: eating too much, drinking too much, smoking too much and not having enough exercise. Doctors tell us, "Eat less, don't smoke, and exercise more."
Running is good exercise because it helps build a strong heart. It also helps most people lose weight. One 68-year-old woman runs three times a week. She runs to lose weight. "I love to eat," she says.
Running is good for our health in other ways, too. Many runners say running makes colds and other small health problems go away. "Running is my doctor," says one man.
Running can also help people to relax. So today men and women of all ages enjoy running.
小题1:What bad habits do the health problem come from?
A.Eating too much.
B.Drinking too much.
C.Smoking cigarettes and not having enough exercise
D.All the above(以上所有)
小题2:What do doctors tell us to keep healthy?
A.Eat less,don't smoke and exercise more.
B.Eat more,drink more and sleep less.
C.Eat less,drink less and sleep less.
D.Smoke a lot and exercise more.
小题3:The underlined word means ______________ in Chinese.
小题4:The third paragraph shows____________.
A.running helps people to relax
B.people who like running have many healthy problems
C.running helps build a strong heart.
D.people who like running have fewer healthy problems
小题5:The writer mainly tell us ________
A.how to run
B.running is a good way to keep healthy
C.how to lose weight
D.running is better than doctors


小题1:细节题。根据文章Doctors say many of the health problems come from these bad habits: eating too much, drinking too much, smoking too much and not having enough exercise.医生说许多健康问题都是来自这些坏习惯:吃的太多,喝酒太多,抽烟太多,没有足够的锻炼。故选D
小题2:细节题。根据文章Doctors tell us, "Eat less, don't smoke, and exercise more."医生告诉我们要少吃,不要抽烟,多多锻炼。故选A
小题3:细节题。根据文章It also helps most people lose weight.跑步也能帮助很多人减轻体重。故选B

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Special Satellites
Man has invented four kinds of satellites. The first kind of satellite studies the__1__of the earth. They are used to make maps. They also help countries to see where they may__2___ oil or gold. The second kind of satellite is used to guide ships and planes. A ship or a plane can _3__a message to the satellite, and the satellite can find out __4___ the ship or the plane is.
The third kind studies the weather. These satellites_5__ the cloud and strong winds moving across the earth. They warn countries to make preparations when _6__ weather is coming.
___7__kind is used for communication. Telephone calls__8_countries can be sent by these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of calls at the same time. The call is sent to the satellites, then the __9__sends it to the station in the country and the country is being phoned. These satellites also carry pictures, they can receive and send __10__at a time, which we can watch on TV.
A.The lastB.OtherC.OneD.Another


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

With more and more farmers working in big cities, their children go into the cities, too.However, problems appear. One of these problems is that is difficult for these children to receive education in cities.
Luckily, there are some free schools for them, but they are not enough. Ten-year-old Li Xin is one of the lucky girls who get a chance to study in one of these schools. She is very happy. She studies in a school specially for migrant workers’(外来务工人员的)children. For children like Li Xin who don’t have enough money, these free schools are their best choice, because they have free classes, textbooks, uniforms and meals in the schools.
But there is a long way to go. The free schools for children from migrant workers’ families are not enough because to run such a school is not easy and needs lots of money. A school officer said they needed at least one million yuan to run the school. “Luckily, some people and companies donate(捐赠)money, used books and a lot of other things to help us. There are also some volunteers teachers,” he added.
Anyhow, we must try to give these children an equal(平等)chance to get better education so that we can make our society harmonious(和谐的).
小题1:From the passage, we know that Li Xin’s parents used to be __________.
小题2:The school provides Li Xin with the following things free except_____.
小题3:What does the underlined word “run” mean in Chinese in the passage?
小题4:The passage mainly talks about__________.
A.what jobs migrant workers can do in big cities
B.the development of big cities
C.helping migrant workers’ children go to school
D.what difficulties those free schools face now


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Future and Today
  It is well known that everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. But do you know what future really is ? I have to say that future is now. That is to say we must treasure every minute now. If we want to have a bright future, we should know how important time is and use it well.
  There is an old English saying: "Gain time, gain life." Then what's time? Time is something that we can't see or touch, but we can feel it passing by. Time is always with us. When we are at table, time passes; when we play, time goes by unnoticeable. We always say "Time is money", but time is even more precious(珍贵的)than money, because when money is spent , we can earn it back. But if time is gone away, it will never return. So, some of us even say time is priceless(无价的).
  We should always remember: future is now. For us students, we should try our best to work hard in order to create a great future of our own. We should make the best use of every hour and be the master of today. We should do everything before us as well as possible. And never put off what can be done today till tomorrow.
  As we all know , "Time and tide wait for no man." If you waste today, you will regret tomorrow. So from now on, work hard. Tomorrow will be better, and your future will be brighter .Remember: "No pains, no gains." Today's hard work is the cause of tomorrow's harvest.
                     Title: Future and Today
Supporting details
Future is now.
Everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. If we want to have a bright future, we should know the 小题2:    of time and make every minute小题3:      .
小题4:    is priceless.
Time is money, but time is even more小题5:   than money, because when money is spent , we can earn it back. But 小题6:    time will return no more.
Be小题7:    of today
Today’s hard work 小题8:   to tomorrow’s harvest. As students, we should never小题9:   what can be done today till tomorrow and we should try our 小题10:   to do everything well.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Our teacher work very hard. They get up early in the morning and work very late. How to help our teacher ?
First, we must try to learn our subjects(科目)well to make our teachers spend less time on us and let them have more rest.
Second, we must clean the blackboard and the teacher’s desk very often. If (如果) we can do so, our teachers will work better and of course they will be happier.
Our teachers often have to speak for a long time and they are very thirsty(口渴的). At this time, it is better for us to bring them some water. When our teachers drink the water, they will speak more clearly (清楚). After our teachers correct (批改)our exercise books, we can help to hand them out (分发它们).
If we do so, our teachers can have a short rest. We all know that our teachers care about our marks (关心我们的分数) most, so we should try to go over(复习) our lessons to get high grades(成绩).If all of us can get high grades, our teachers will feel (感觉)very happy.
How to ___小题1:___ our teacher
Ways (方法)
Do ____小题2:___ in our subjects.
The teacher can have more time to have a ___小题3:_____.
Often help the teachers __小题4:______ the blackboard and the _____小题5:___ desk.
They __小题6:______ better and feel happier.
Bring them some water when they ____小题7:____ to drink water.
They will speak clearly.
Help them hand out our exercise books.
They can rest for a ____小题8:____ time.
Try to go over our lessons __小题9:______ taking exams(考试).
_____小题10:___ grades will make them happy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was the last day of final exams in a university. On the steps of one building, a group of engineering students were discussing the exam. On their faces was confidence . This was their last exam and then they would graduate. With all these four years of college behind them, they felt ready to go into the world.
The professor had said they could bring any book or note they wanted, but they could not talk to each other. They went into the classroom happily. The professor gave them the papers. They smiled when they found that there were only five questions.
Three hours passed and the professor began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked so confident . The professor faced the class. No one spoke. They just held papers in their hands.
The professor then asked, "How many of you finished all five questions?"
Not a hand was raised.
"How many answered four?"
Still no hand.
"Three? Two?"
The students looked worried in their seats.
"One, then?" Certainly somebody finished one.
However, nobody replied. The professor put down the papers. "That is just what I thought," he said. "I just want to tell you that, even though you have finished four years of engineering, there are still many things about the subject you don't know. These questions you could not answer are quite common in everyday practice." Then he added with a smile, “You will all pass this course, but remember——even though you are now college graduates, your education has just begun."
小题1:When did the story happen?
A.At the beginning of a new term.
B.After graduating from the university.
C.On the first day of the final exams.
D.On the last day of the final exams.
小题2:Why were the student very confident at the beginning?
A.Because they knew the coming exam would be easy
B.Because they knew the coming exam would be difficult
C.Because they knew the coming exam would be strange
D.Because they knew the coming exam would be interesting
小题3:How did the students feel when the professor began to collect the papers?
A.Happy.B.Confident.C.Worried D.Proud
小题4:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Confident StudentsB.A Common professor
C.An Easy ExamD.So Much to Learn


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Miss Liu is an English teacher. She is very young. She works very well and the students all like her. There are twenty-six boys and twenty-four girls in her class. Now some of them are playing on the playground. Jim and Bill are jumping. Sam and Mike are running. Lucy and Simon are singing. The other girls are playing games with their teacher. They’re happy.
小题1:Miss Liu is______.
A.a Chinese teacherB.very old
C.an English teacherD.not good
小题2:There are _____ students in Miss Liu’s class.
小题3: The students are ______.
A.at workB.at home
C.all happyD.in the classroom
小题4: Who is singing?
A.Miss LiuB.Lucy and Simon
C.Sam and MikeD.Jim and Bill
小题5:All the students _________.
A.like Miss LiuB.are running
C.are playing gamesD.are jumping


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

  What will our life be like in the future? Each family will have a  1 in the future. You can ask it to do everything  2  you. It will serve(服务) you  3 hours a day. The robot will  4 like a human. It can talk with you when you are  5 . You won’t know it is a human  6 a robot when you meet it on the street.
  People will have  7 time to work and more time to travel. The vehicles(交通工具) in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings(翅膀) with it. They will  8 you to any place you want to visit. You can go to  9  when you have a travel if you feel tired. All vehicles will be  10  because of driving by robots.
小题1:A、rocket              B、robot               C、car
小题2:A、on                 B、about               C、for
小题3:A、eight              B、twenty              C、twenty-four
小题4:A、sound              B、live                C、look
小题5:A、happy              B、alone               C、comfortable
小题6:A、so                 B、and                 C、or
小题7:A、less               B、few                 C、more
小题8:A、make               B、take                C、let
小题9:A、school             B、work                C、sleep
小题10:A、safe              B、dangerous           C、unpleasant


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Water, it’s a problem for the whole world. A bottle (瓶) of water may not seem like much to us,  1  it can help the people who live in drought-hit (遭受旱灾的) areas in China.
  In the past few months, many places in southwest China have 2     a serious drought. There has been very little  3 since last autumn. More than 20 million people are 4   trouble finding safe drinking water.
  After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by  5   away water, money and other resources (资源) to the people there.
  Last week, the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League in China called on (号召) each student to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit area. In Xi’an, 900 students bought over 1000 bottles of water 6     their pocket money. They also wrote their  7   on the bottles. “I hope you get more rain there. I hope you are happy.”
  A bottle of water isn’t much, but thousands of bottles will be very  8  . The serious drought has also made students  9  the importance of saving water. One student said, “I have decided to take a shower twice a week  10   every day to save water.”
A.boughtB.experiencedC.studied D.missed
A.rain B.wind C.snowD.sunshine
A.causing B.makingC.havingD.bringing
A.ByB.in C.forD.With
A.plansB.notesC.wishes D.dates
A.instead B.instead of C.except D.because of

