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Today in our P. E. class, we all had to play basketball. There are only 7 girls in our P.E. class, so the class is mostly boys. And because we’re girls, they don't really like us. We hate basketball, and they hate us. So we asked them if we could sit on the chairs and not play. They agreed and so we talked and laughed happily on the chairs.

Well, today, Just while all the girls were talking happily, the P. E. teacher came in. Angrily, he looked at all the boys running around with the basketball. Seeing that not a girl was playing, he looked at us. Shaking his head, he blew his whistle( 哨子). Everyone looked up. We were all surprised.

“Why aren't you playing?” he asked us.

“Well,they said that we didn’t have to play,Mr. Backus!” We quickly blamed(归咎于) the boys, afraid to get into trouble.

“What? They didn't want to play!” the boys didn't want to get into trouble, either. Mr. Backus told us to get up and made all of us run around the playground for 5 minutes. Later, he made us sit down and listen to him. The boys complained, but he made them listen anyway.

“Am I ever unfair to you?” he asked. We all shook our heads. It was true. Mr. Backus was the nicest P. E. teacher ever! He never shouted and complained. He was just nice. “Well, then I hope you are fair to me. I don t care whose fault(错误) it was. One person’s fault, the whole class’s fault. Understand?”

We nodded and waited. It was the only thing he ever asked us to do: to be fair. It was not much; it was not anything. So we listened on.

“This time I catch you not doing anything, you run for 5 minutes. Next time. you run for 10 minutes. It’s your choice. You could play games or run. I don’t really care, but I think you care. Remember, one person's fault: the whole class's fault. Got it?”

As we nodded again, he left. We could see him smile as he closed the door. Mr. Backus was just too nice. That was why we all liked him and he certainly loved us.

1.Do the girls in the class like basketball?


2.What did the girls do in their P. E. class?


3.How long did Mr. Backus ask the students to run?


4.What did the students think of Mr. Backus?


5.What did Mr. Backus want his students to learn from his lesson?


1.No, they don’t. 2.They talked and laughed happily on the chairs. 3.For 5 minutes. 4.He was nice / a good teacher. 5.They should be responsible for what they do. 【解析】本文作者讲述了自己一次上体育课发生的...

科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit1 第1课时 测试1 题型:单选题

—Mike, what club do you want to join?

—Well, I want to join the ________ club. I love painting.(济南)

A. chess B. sports

C. art D. English

C 【解析】句意:----迈克,你想参加什么俱乐部?-----嗯,我想加入艺术俱乐部。我爱画画。A. chess象棋,国际象棋;B. sports运动,体育活动;C. art艺术,美术;D. English英语。结合句意可知选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit2 第6课时练习 题型:单选题

(2016•广安)—Whose iPad is this?

—I think it's ________.She was looking for it everywhere.

A. she's B. her

C. she D. hers

D 【解析】句意: ——这是谁的iPad?——我想是她的,她到处找它。本题考查名词性物主代词。答语前句句意为“我想它是她的”此处用名词性物主代词hers,相当于her iPad。故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读回答20篇 题型:阅读单选


Movie-making factories are called studios. Like all other businesses, they have to follow the rules of good business. There is a person, called “the top man”, running the studio. He is usually someone with a powerful personality. His power of character is necessary so that the “boss” can deal with famous stars and rich investors (投资者). Some movie stars can only contract with one studio. They cannot work for another. Big studios like Columbia, Fox, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer are the most important film-making companies in Hollywood, and at the time, in the world.

Studios have lots of workers and overhead costs. Overhead refers to the money for everyday operations. The studio has to make enough money to pay everyone. For example, studios have their own screenwriters, filming and sound equipment, offices, and marketing staff. A studio has a building full of pros which are items and objects that might be needed for a movie, such as old cars, everything from old-fashioned schoolbooks to streetlights. Like a librarian, the studio property (财产) manager has to be able to find any needed pros fast.

In the studio system, a movie is under the control of the studio manager, usually a producer. A screenwriter writes the story for the movies. A director is chosen to organize the parts. Art directors and camera experts work with the director to imagine the finished film. Studio clothes designers and set designers work with the director to plan the work for the soldiers and doctors. The huge buildings that hold sound stages change into the setting for the movie. Sometimes the stage is a street, sometimes a desert, sometimes a field of flowers. The director of filming plans how to “shoot” (拍摄) the movie with cameras and film. A plan for ordering the parts of the movie and a timetable for the actors completes the planning. With makeup artists and hairdressers, cameras and sound experts, everything is ready for the big day. The actors and actresses memorize the lines, and all the parts of the great production come together. All is ready for the filming to begin. The post-production team waits to do their part of the job.

1.What are studios?

2.Why is the top man’s power of character necessary?

3.How does the studio property manager help with the movie-making?

4. Who plans how to “shoot” the movie?

5. What is the main idea of the passage?

1. Movie-making factories. 2.So that he can deal with famous stars and rich investors. 3.By finding any needed pros fast. 4. The director of filming. 5. How a studio runs to make a movie. ...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读回答20篇 题型:回答问题

Born to Travel

Burton Holmes was a born traveller if ever there was

one. He was born in Chicago in 1870. When he was 16, his

grandmother took him to Europe. He took a camera with him, and took pictures. When he was 17, he went to Europe again with his grandmother. That year they also went to California and to Cuba.

Burton was on the road all the time after that. Everywhere he went, he took at least one camera. Then Holmes began giving talks to the Chicago Camera Club. His talks were so popular that he decided to build a business on them.

Holmes’s first travel pictures were on glass slides(幻灯片). These were in black and white. Then he decided to have the slides painted so that his pictures would appear in colour. A few years later, in 1897, Holmes began showing moving pictures of his travel experiences. This was only a year after movies first were shown to a group of people in New York. Later, he set up a film company and his films became popular. There is even

a star with his name on Hollywood Boulevard. In 1910 Holmes published a set of books about his travel experiences. These books also included the general travel information for others to follow.

Burton Holmes had many adventures over the years. He took pictures at the first modern Olympics, in Athens, Greece, in 1896. In 1899 Holmes took the first moving pictures of a war. He was the first person to take moving pictures in China, and the first person to drive a car in Denmark. He photographed the opening of Yellowstone National Park, in 1916. When things happened, Burton Holmes was there. In travelling for 62 years Holmes kept time in his photographs, saving it for generations to come.

1.When was Burton Holmes born?


2.Did Burton take at least one camera with him everywhere he went?


3.Why did Burton decide to have the slides painted?


4.What did Burton Holmes do in 1910?


5.What was the most valuable thing Burton did for future generations?


1.In 1870. 2.Yes, he did. 3.So that his pictures would appear in colour 4.He published a set of books about his travel experiences. 5.He kept time in his photographs, saving it for generat...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读回答20篇 题型:回答问题

The Art of the Elephants

If your cat walked across something you were painting and left footprints behind, would you consider your cat an artist? What if your bird held a colored pencil in its beak(喙) and painted on a piece of paper? Most people may think of animal art as a joke, but some people have been taking it very seriously.

Elephants were used for hundreds of years in Thailand’s logging industry(伐木业). They moved wood from forests in areas where there were no roads. At the beginning of this century, when the forests of Thailand began to quickly disappear, the government put a stop to logging. All of a sudden, many elephants in Thailand no longer had a way to make a living.

Some elephants were treated badly. Others had to try to live on their own and couldn’t find enough food to eat. There were once tens of thousands of elephants in Thailand. Today, there are less than five thousand. When two Russian American artists, Vitaly Komar and Alex Melamid, first heard about the troubled elephants in Thailand, they knew that something had to be done to forever change the way people treated Thai elephants. Then, they came up with an idea to help these elephants.

Komar and Melamid visited elephant camps in Thailand and began to show the elephant trainers how to teach the elephants to paint. At first, the trainers had to guide the elephants’ trunks. The elephants became more comfortable doing this with practice—and lots of sweet snacks—and finally started to paint on their own. The strange idea that Komar and Melamid had to save the elephants actually began to work. They even helped found several elephant art schools in Thailand and in other Asian countries. The elephants and their trainers go there to learn about painting and get supplies they need.

Today, people begin to buy elephant artworks from galleries(画廊) all around the world. Some are even willing to pay more than $2,000 for the works of the elephant artists! Some people compare the cheerful, brightly-colored artworks to the works of some great abstract(抽象地) painters. Some people are just happy to buy these special and original(原创地) artworks. Others think they are helping the troubled elephants in this way. The next time you see a piece of colorful abstract art, find out who the artist is. You just may be surprised at what you learn!

1.What may most people think of animal art?


2.What did elephants do in Thailand’s logging industry?


3.How many elephants are there in Thailand today?


4.What was Komar and Melamid’s idea to help the elephants in Thailand?


5.Please list one reason why people buy elephant artworks.


1.Most people may think of animal art as a joke. 2.They moved wood from forests where there were no roads. 3.There are less than five thousand. 4.They showed elephants trainers how to teach e...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年南京市七年级(下)英语unit1单元测试卷 题型:阅读单选


Dear God,

I am a boy. I live in a poor village. My Parents used to be(过去是) farmer but now they are working in a big city. They want to build a new house. Our old house is leaking. It becomes wet after a heavy rain. I think our new house must look clean and smart. I don’t mind if it is big or small. It is not in the centre of the city or near the sea. It lies in a peaceful valley. There are flowers and grasses around the house. My father can ride his horse to look after his sheep; my mother can milk her cows. My brother’s cat is lying in the sun while I am reading under the tree. How beautiful!

Our new house has three bedrooms. There is a bedroom for my mother and father , one for me and one for my brother. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. There is a small balcony in front of the house, and a armchair(扶手椅) stands there quietly. There are some plants on the balcony, too. My family will be very happy in the new house. God, tell me, can my dream come true? What should I do for that?

Sincerely yours,


1.What does the underline word“leaking” mean is Chinese ?

A. 敞亮的 B. 昏暗的 C. 漏水的 D. 寒冷的

2. How many people are there in Amos’ family?

A. Five B. Two C. There D. Four

3.There are _____ rooms in Amos’ dream home.

A. four B. five C.six D. seven

4.What does the underline word“it” refer to(所指)?

A. Amos’ new house B. Amos’ old house

C. The city centre D. The sea

5.Which of the following is NOT ture?

A. Amos lives in a poor village.

B. Amos want to have a big house.

C. Amos’ parents are working in a big city.

D. There is a balcony in front of Amos’ dream home

1.C 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:在这篇短文中,作者Amos给我们介绍了他梦想中的新家是什么样子的。Amos想有一个新房子,因为他的老房子总是漏雨。他并不在乎新家的大小和所处的位置,但是一定要干净。他觉得在新家里他们一家人一定会很快乐。 1.C 词义猜测题。根据短文中Our old house is leaking. It bec...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年春学期人教版七年级英语下Unit 11单元检测含答案 题型:日记












May 1st, Friday Sunny It was fine today. Lily and I went to visit Hangzhou Museum. It is about 2 kilometers away from my home. So we decided to go there by bike. We started at 8 o'clock. At the mus...


科目:初中英语 来源:冀教版七年级英语下册Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road 单元检测卷 题型:单选题

--- _____ I go out and play? ---No, you may not.

A. May B. Need C. Excuse me D. Must

A 【解析】句意:——我可以出去玩吗?——不,你不可以。考查情态动词辨析题。Excuse me 打扰一下,用于插入语,不合题意,可直接排除。may可以,请求允许;need需要;must必须,带有强制性。根据答语No, you may not.,可知问话者是请求对方的允许,故选A。

