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 Customs on Invitations in Britain

Presents : If you are i 1    to someone’s home to have a meal,it is usual to take some f 2     or a box of chocolates. It is not usual to take a bottle of wine u 3     you know your host well. Although flowers and chocolates are quite acceptable,it would be very nice if you could take something from your country. It is different if you are invited to a party,and it also d 4     on what kind of party it is. Many parties these days are “bring a bottle” parties. Unless your host is very rich,then a bottle of wine is always w 5     if it is a big party of 30 or more people. Ask whether or not you should bring a bottle when you are invited if you aren’t s 6      .  Say something like, “Can I bring a bottle?”. And your h 7     will tell you what to do.

Dress : If you are not sure what you should w 8    ,then ask the host or your friends. Usually dress is informal and individual in Britain for parties and for invitations to dinner in people’s homes. If you are going to an e 9     restaurant,then men may have to wear a jacket and tie,and jeans wouldn’t be a 10        .

1.           2.           3.           4.           5.         

6.           7.           8.           9.           10.         

1. invited 2. flowers  3. unless 4. depends  5. welcome  6. sure  7. host  8. wear

9. expensive 10. allowed

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练九年级全一册 > 能力训练19


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Thomas Saint patented(获专利)his  idea for a sewing-machine(缝纫机)in London in  1790,but the idea was not used. Then a German  patented his idea for a sewing-machine in  1810,but again n 1      was interested in it. In 1829,a poor tailor(裁缝)in Pairs,Barthelemy Thimonnier,i 2      a machine which worked,and made eighty of them. As prices were cheap,he was given a big o 3      for army uniforms. However,other tailors in Paris were afraid : they thought that they might 1 4      their jobs. The angry tailors broke all eighty machines. Thimonnier lost the order but continued to i 5      his design. He made a new machine in 1848,and this was d 6      too!

Then the story continued in the USA. Various(各式各样的)machines were patented there in the 1850s,but one machine is known e 7      now : the Singer. Its inventor was I. M. Singer,a German immigrant(移民),and his company made the new machines. Soon they were bought by c 8      companies. Then in 1865,they were sold for u 9      at home. This time the machine was accepted by e 10      because it was very good.

1.          2.          3.      4.     5.         

6.          7.          8.      9.      10.        


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


为庆祝国庆节,将于2014年9月28日上午8点在学校礼堂举行歌咏比赛,全校师生均要出席。下午2:00 ~2:50在本校操场举行学生男队与教师男队之间的篮球赛;下午3:00~4:00 举行学生女队与教师女队之间的排球赛,欢迎观看。10月1日、2日、3日休息,10月4日照常上课。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

假如你叫Li Ming,是个经常收听音乐节目的中学生,请你用英语给节目主持人写一封信,信的要点如下:




4.你最喜欢“My Heart Will Go On”这首歌,希望得到歌词(words of the song)。

Dear Sir,

I’m a middle school student.         

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Different countries have different manners(礼貌). For example,a guest in a Chinese house doesn’t finish drink. He usually leaves a little to show that he has had enough. But in England a guest always finishes drink to show that he enjoys it.

“Have you eaten yet?” or “Have you had your lunch?” is a typical Chinese greeting. It is nothing more than a Chinese way of saying “Hello” or “Hi”. But to Americans,the greeting might mean “I haven’t,either. Come on,let’s go together and get something to eat. ” or “If you haven’t,I am just going to invite you to my place. In other words,it could be an invitation to a meal.

When one uses a foreign language,it is important to know the manners and cultures of the nation.


(   ) 1) It is good manners to finish drink that         brings  you.

A. a Chinese     friend  B. a good mannered person

C. An English     friend  D. an old man

(   ) 2) When an American says, “Have you eaten yet?” , he is         .

A. saying hello to you     B. going to invite you to dinner

C.  trying to be polite  D. playing a joke on you

(   ) 3) Saying “Have you had your lunch?” and going off,may make an American

A. puzzled     B. smile

C. unhappy     D. feel better

(   ) 4) From this passage we learn that different nations         .

A. share the same manners     B. have different manners

C. greet in different ways     D. drink the same tea


(   ) 1) Different countries have different customs and cultures.

(   ) 2) Chinese guests usually don’t finish drink,because they don’t like it.

(   ) 3) A guest in England always finishes drink to show he has had enough.

(   ) 4) “Have you had eaten?” only means a greeting to Americans.

(   ) 5) When we use a foreign language,we should know the culture of the nation,or

else we will be embarrassed.


1) It is important to know the m      and cultures of other countries.

2) Did you send him an i      to dinner?

3) It is t      of him to take hard work.

4) “Haven’t you eaten yet?” is a Chinese g      .

5) Do you m      to go to Beijing tomorrow?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Everyone talks about the “five” senses of man. And it is true that we get our information about the outside world from our senses of sight,hearing,smell,touch and taste. Researchers tell us that the sense of sight gives us up to 80% of what we know about the world outside our bodies, while the other senses,the hearing,the smell,the touch,and the taste,bring into our brains information about the other 20% of what is happening. But there are two other senses that we can’t get along without,though they are seldom noticed. These are the sense of balance about our own motion,without which we would act like a drunken man,and the kinesthetic sense,which

gives us our ideas about our own motion.


(   ) 1) The best title of this passage is        .

A. The Five Senses of Man     B. The  Senses  of  Man

C. Senses and     Information  D. Important     Senses

(   ) 2) The senses of hearing,smell,touch and taste supply us with        .

A. about half of our information about the world

B. about 20%  of our information  about  the  world

C. about 80%  of our information  about  the  world

D. all the needed information about the world

(   ) 3) The other senses besides five senses of man that the passage mentions are

A. the touch and the taste

B. the senses of balance and touch

C. the kinesthetic sense and the sense of balance

D. the smell and the hearing senses

(   ) 4) According to the passage,one misses most about the world when one        .

A. is blind

B. is deaf

C. has no senses of taste and touch

D. has no senses of balance and motion

(   ) 5) What makes the other senses different from the “five” senses?        .

A. The other senses     don’t help us directly  to  learn  about  the  world

B. The other senses     help us more directly  to  learn  about  the  world

C. The other senses     are less important

D. The other senses     are even more important


1) People who can’t see often have a fine s        of  hearing.

2) We human beings must keep the b        of  nature.

3) The m        of a ship on a rough sea makes some people sick.

4) She lost her s      in a traffic accident.

5) T      this coffee and see if you like it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Do you k 1      robots? There are a 1 2      of robots in the world now. Some of the robots can walk,sing and dance. Some can talk w 3      people. Most of them can do heavy work. In a few m 4      years,a robot will be able to d 5      a car,a train,a ship or a p 6     . In a hospital,a restaurant or a shop,we m 7      see a robot at work. By then,we need n 8      do the cooking or go shopping ourselves. We just give orders(命令)to a robot and it will do a 9      the housework. A robot will be our good f 10      .

1.          2.      3.            4.          5.         

6.          7.       8.          9.          10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: Hello. My name is Ann. What’s your name,please?

B: Hi. Fm Bill,Bill Read.

A: Nice to meet you,Bill. Are you American (美国人)?

B: Yes,I am.

A: Which class are you in?

B : I don’t know. I think (想)I’m in Class Four.

A: We’re in the same class. It’s my desk. Put your bag on it.

B : Thank you very much.

A: That’s all right. Do you know the woman over there?

B : Yes. She’s Miss Green,our English teacher.

A: She’s a very (十分)good teacher.


(   ) 1) The boy’s family  name is Read.

(   ) 2) Bill comes from theUSA.

(   ) 3) Miss Green teaches English.

(   ) 4) Ann and Bill are  in different classes.

(   ) 5) Bill and Ann are  good friends.


6) Where is Bill from?

7) Which class are they in?

8) Where can Bill put his bag?

9) Who is their English teacher?

10) Is she a good teacher?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the house of a professor. One of them didn’t have much education,so his friend told him, “Don’t talk about anything if you don’t really understand. ”

The first man got through the dinner successfully,but at last he drank too much and began to get careless.

A guest asked him whether he liked Shakespeare(莎士比亚).and he answered, “It’s very pleasant,but I like scotch(苏格兰酒)better. ”There was a silence in the living-room,and soon people began to leave.

When the two friends were out of the house,the second man said to his friend, “You made yourself a fool after making that silly remark(言论)about scotch. What do you mean?”asked the other man, “What was wrong with it?”

“Everyone knows that Shakespeare isn’t a drink”’his friend replied. “It’s a kind of cheese. ”


(   ) 1. The two businessmen invited a professor to have dinner with them.

(   ) 2. At first,the two businessmen got through the dinner successfully.

(   ) 3. Both of them drank too much and began to get careless at last.

(   ) 4. The businessman who drank too much knew Shakespeare very well.

(   ) 5. His friend thought that Shakespeare was a kind of cheese.

