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Fishing with Grandpa
One day, my grandfather went fishing, and let me go with him. He handed the rod (钓竿) to me, held my 1 and taught me how to throw my line into the water. Our bobbers floated (浮标漂浮着) together as we sat there, hoping for a bite. The sun 2 us. We sat and talked, “I remember when I could sit here and watch the fish 3 in the water,” he said. “Sometimes, they'd jump out and 4beside me. I didn't need a rod and bait (饵) at that moment.” “We have to be 5,” he continued, “The fish may come or they may not. It doesn't matter. We're out in the 6. It's a beautiful day. We're lucky to have the warmth of the sun. If it had rained, we wouldn't be here. ” He sat against a tree. “Yes, it's a 7 day,” he said. I watched our bobbers. 8 fish pulled them under that day. It didn't matter. I was with Grandpa. I felt grown up. Just being with him was special. He was well loved by everyone and I wanted to 9 him when I grew up. He'd worked hard all his life for what little he had, but he could still find time to laugh. He was a relaxing man. In the short time we had together, he 10 me many things: how to hold a rod, the value of a good time, the value of a good friend, respect for my elders, and the importance of working hard and living harder. The list is long.
(1)A.feet B.legs C.arms D.ears
(2)A.warmed B.heated C.shone D.brightened
(3)A.running B.going C.lying D.swimming
(4)A.stand B.sleep C.land D.sit
(5)A.excited B.sad C.worried D.patient
(6)A.day B.sun C.water D.pool
(7)A.funny B.great C.big D.busy
(8)A.Many B.Enough C.Some D.No
(9)A.look after B.learn from C.be like D.care for
(10)A.taught B.gave C.ask D.wish


(2)A考查动词及语境理解。句意:太阳使我们温暖。warmed是温暖;heated加热;shone照耀;brightened照亮。联系后文中We're lucky to have the warmth of the sun.可知该选A。
(3)D考查动词及语境理解。句意:我记得我坐在这里,看着水中的鱼游荡。running 跑;going去;lying躺;swimming游泳。根据生活常识可知鱼在水中游,所以选D。
(4)C考查动词及语境理解。句意:有时候,他们会在我旁边跳起落下。stand 站;sleep睡觉;land跳落,跌落;sit 坐。根据并列成分jump out可知该选C。
(6)B考查名词及语境理解。句意:我们在阳光下。day日子;sun太阳;water 水;pool池塘。 根据句意结合语境可知该选B。
(7)B考查形容词及语境理解。句意:是的,这是一个好日子。Funny有趣的;great好的;big大的;busy繁忙的。联系前文中It's a beautiful day. We're lucky to have the warmth of the sun.可知该选B。 (8)D考查形容词及语境理解。句意:那天没有鱼把他们拖下水。 Many许多;Enough足够的;Some一些;No没有。根据后面句子It didn't matter. I was with Grandpa.可推知该选D。
(9)C考查动词短语及语境理解。句意:他深受每个人喜欢,我想长大以后像他一样。look after照看;learn from学习;be like 像;care for关注。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。
(10)A考查动词及语境理解。句意:我们在一起的时间很短,但他教给了我很多事情。taught教;gave给;ask问;wish希望。teach sb sth教某人某事,所以选A。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A few years ago, my father 1 (buy) a parrot. It has black feathers and can learn 2(say) any words it is taught. Every morning, it 3 (greet) my parents warmly. This brings the great 4(happy) to my parents. My parents live in the countryside. They have three sons—my two brothers and me. However, all of us are in different cities. For my parents, the happiest time of the year is the 5(year) gathering at the Spring Festival. For 6 (much) of the year, my parents only speak to each other, they feel a bit lonely sometimes. With the parrot at home, they feel much 7 (good). The parrot is like their fourth son. It usually 8 (stay) in a cage, sometimes my parents let it fly out of the cage, but it always returns to the cage 9(it). In the daytime, it talks a lot and talks loudly. But at night when my parents fall 10 (sleep), it always keeps quiet.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know about its writer? It was written by an American girl. And she became very rich after that.

When she was a child, she was poor. Once, she was invited to her friend’s birthday party. She was pleased but sad because she didn’t have enough money to buy a gift for her. “The party is coming soon, but now I don’t have any money.” the girl cried.

Later that night she was in bed, thinking about the gift when the door opened and her grandma came in. “What happened?” her grandma asked. Hearing the girl’s story. she said, “Don’t worry. I think I can help you. How about singing a song together? Happy birthday to …” What a beautiful song! They sang and sang. Suddenly she woke up. It was a dream! She wrote it down at once and would sing it to her friends at the party.

When she sang the song at the party the next day, her friends were very happy. “How wonderfully you sing! I haven’t heard such a beautiful song before. Thank you for giving me the special gift.” said her friend. And they learnt to sing it together. Later the girl became famous in America.

1The song Happy Birthday was written by ______.

A.an American girlB.an American girl’s grandma

C.an American boyD.an American girl’s friend

2The girl was sad because______.

A.she didn’t want to go to the partyB.she would be busy that day

C.she didn’t have enough money to buy a giftD.she wasn’t invited to the party

3What gift did she give her friend?

A.A flower.B.A toy.C.An interesting book.D.A song.

4What did her friend think of the song? It was ______.


5Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The girl was still poor after writing the song.

B.The girl wrote the song with her grandpa in her dream.

C.The girl’s friend had heard the song before.

D.The girl became famous because of the song.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Sam hated doing chores. And he had many chores. For example, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays he took out the trash. And on weekends he always washed his father's car. He also cleaned his own room once a week. What a chores that was! Sometimes he even had to look after his little sister and brother.

Sam had a foreign friend at school. His name was Kumar. Doing chores in Kumar's family was very different. In the house only the girl did chores. His sisters made all the beds and cleaned all the room too, even his bedroom. His mother always cooked the meals, and his sisters helped her to go shopping, and prepare(准备) the food. They worked hard at home, doing all the chores with their mother. So when Kumar talked to his friend Sam about chores, he felt very lucky. One day, Sam had an idea. He asked Kumar, "Could I borrow your sisters?" he wanted them to help him clean his room, but they said "no". instead(相反), they asked Sam to teach their brother how to do chores, so he could make his own bed.

Sam and Kumar are very good at science. They are going to be scientists after university. They want to make a robot to do the chores. Then everyone-mothers and fathers, sons and daughters-will be happy!

1Does Sam hate doing chores or like doing chores?


2How often did Sam take out the trash?


3Who made Kumar's bed?


4What did Kumar's sisters ask Sam to do?


5What do Sam and Kumar want to make after university?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Charles Darwin was a scientist. And he changed our understanding of the (自然的) world.
Darwin was born in 1809 in England. At school he didn't do well and got poor marks. He was a good athlete though and loved studying nature. He also kept doing chemistry (实验).
His father was a doctor and expected Charles to become one too. Charles started studying (医药) at Edinburgh University, but soon gave up his studies there. He went on to study religion at Cambridge University (代替).
In1831, Darwin went on a five-year journey to South America, Australia and South Africa by ship. He was often seasick, but the things he saw on this trip changed his life. He (收集) many animal and plant specimens. He spent the (剩余) of his life studying what he had seen and he wrote many books.
In 1839, Darwin (结婚) his cousin, Emma Wedgwood, with whom he had ten children! He was a loving father and enjoyed family life, which was always more (重要的) to him than his research. In spite of having many health (问题) throughout his life, Darwin lived until he was 73.
Darwin's most famous book“On the Origin of Species” came out in 1859 and sold out in a day. It said that all living things were related. His ideas were not popular at first, but now most people (同意) with them and admire Darwin as great scientist.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Last night I went to a concert of Chinese folk music. piece which was played on the erhu especially moved me. I was made (feel) sad and painful (strong). The piece (name) Erquan Yingyue, but it was one of (move) pieces of music that I've ever heard. The erhu sounded so sad I almost cried along with it as I listened. Abing was a folk musician wrote the music. He could play many musical (instrument) with his father's help. By age 17, he was known his musical skills. Today, Abing's Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the greatest Erhu masters play and praise. It (become) one of China's national treasures.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


When I opened the box at my 12th birthday party, I couldn't believe my eyes. I really got a cell phone! As soon as I got to my school the next morning I showed off my phone and asked everyone for their number. I wouldn't listen to the teachers because I was too busy on my phone.

A week later we took a test and I got Grade d for the first time. To make matters worse, my mom had to sign the test. It was hard to show my mom the paper. She never saw “D”on my tests .Well, finally, I showed her and she couldn't believe it. She was angry but most of all, she was disappointed(失望).

Weeks passed and my parents started to dislike the fact that I had a phone. They would say, "We have noticed that you never talk to us. It's like you have your own little world now and your phone is more important than anything else. First I thought hey were wrong, but then I got to know that I was spending too much time on the phone.

A week later I tried going a whole day without a cell phone and it didn’t go that badly I had so much fun because I was actually spending time with my family and caring about them. From that day,I had a different idea towards cell phones.

Phones really take you away from the rest of the world. I'm not saying that phones are bad and not to use them but you do have to spend some time with your family and not play with your phone all day, My phone took away time from my homework and from my family. That,s why I didn't do well in the test.

So, I will keep using my phone, but I will have it under better control(控制).

1Was the cell phone the writer's birthday gift?

2How did the writer's mother feel when she saw the test paper?

3Why did the writer have fun for a whole day without the phone?

4What does the writer want to tell us?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The timer is running. These people have 60 minutes to escape (逃脱) from a room they paid to be locked inside.
It is a game with clues (线索) that are spread in the room. And there is no starting point. You start wherever you feel like. It is up to you to put the clues together in order to find the key to get out.
A popular room offered by Timothy Smith in Washington D.C. is designed to mimic (模仿) the Oval Office in the White House. It is built like the office of the American president. The fun part of Escape the Oval Office is that anything here could be a clue to solving the puzzle. An old typewriter from the 1930s. Or the small table in the corner. Or the map of Washington D.C. on the wall. And then there are hidden messages that can only be seen under a black light.
Sometimes, the telephone rings. “Would you guys like a clue?” The boss controls the game progress on a camera and calls to offer hints (提示) when needed.
Teams can be made up of classmates, families, tourists, or a group of six friends and two strangers who just meet before the game starts.
It's said that there are more than 800 Escape Room adventures in Washington D.C.. Each experience has different themes and stories. The rules for playing are similar, and solving the puzzle needs social, physical abilities and quick, creative thinking.
It was a little stressful. Some of the clues seemed really complex (复杂的). But it was a lot of fun, and the players had no idea what to expect.
Escape Room adventure is popular because it gives any person a chance to be a detective or to be a James Bond. However, like most team sports, this game is really all about being a good teammate and having a good time.
(1)Escape the Oval Office is a popular room in __________ .
B.Washington DC
D.Hong Kong
(2)The underlined word in the last paragraph means__________ .
(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.All game clues are easy to find.
B.Nobody can give any hints during the game.
C.Strangers can't play the game together.
D.Players need to work together to escape successfully.
(4)This passage is probably from a(an)_____________.
B.medicine box
C.story book
D.movie poster


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】All the students ________ they heard the famous church in Paris was on fire.

A.were reading whileB.read whileC.were reading when

