精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

Mr White has made ________ mistake in his work.

[  ]

A.so big
B.such big
C.so a big
D.such a big


科目:初中英语 来源:题网八年级上英语人教 题型:053


  Mr White looks o  1   of the window.There is a little boy at the other side of the street.The boy takes a piece of bread out of a bag and begins to eat it.

  There is a very thin dog i  2   the street, too.The boy says to it,“Come here, good dog.I’m going to give you s  3   bread.”The dog is very h  4   and goes to him.But the boy doesn’t give it any bread.He kicks(踢)t  5   dog.It runs away, and the boy laughs(笑).

  “Come here!” Mr White says, “I’ll give you a shilling(先令).”The boy goes to him, b  6   Mr White doesn’t give him a shilling.He hits(打)him w  7   a stick(手杖).

  The boy c  8   and says,“Why do you hit me? I don’t ask you for a  9   money.”

  “No,” Mr White says.“And the dog doesn’t ask you f  10   any bread, but you kick it.”


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    One day Mr White stayed very l   1   in a restraurant. When he got home at ten o'clock,    Mrs White
was s  2   at the dinner table waiting for him. Instead of blaming him, she readily a     3  him if he wanted
to eat something. He said he didn't.
    At half past 3,the alarm clock made a   4   noise. He got up in a hurry and t   5   on  the light. After k  6   what time it was , he s  7   at his wife and asked her to make an explanation(解释). "Hmm,"she
answered,"If it t    8    you five hours to get home from work,  then I think it takes you just as l   9    to
go to work. I don't h  10  you'll be late."
1.                2.                3.              
4.                5.                6.              
7.                8.                9.              


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1.It’s so noisy outside,1 want to know what is h _______ (发生)there.    1._______

2.The farmers are busy with rice harvest in the _______(田地).           2._______

3.Mr. White t _______ (教) us English last year.                       3._______

4.You’ll _______ (错过)the first bus if you don’t hurry.                  4._______

5.Our path in life will not always be _______ (平坦).                    5._______

6.He drew the picture well,and the teacher P _______it pretty highly.      6._______

7.——Do you know who i _______Chinese chess?                       7._______

——I don’t know.

8.September 10th is T _______ Day.                                  8._______

9.Xuecheng attracts many t _______ from all over China every year.        9._______

10.She s _______one and a half hours doing her homework yesterday evening.10._______


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Li Ping made faces at the baby. Then it stopped__________.(哭) and smiled.

2. Mr White rang the airport to find out the_________(航班) from New York to Beijing.

3. Madam, before you take the medicine, you must look at the_________.(说明) very carefully.

4. My little sister is fond of _______(收集) stamps.

5. He was very t_______(感激)to us because we gave him a hand when he was in trouble.

6. Mike feels unhappy about the exam results . We should e_________ him to study harder and give him hope and help .

7. The whole world is getting dirtier and dirtier. We need to protect our natural e_______.

8. We had an e________ holiday in the beautiful village. All of us were very happy there .

9. We shouldn’t p__________ the environment any more, otherwise the earth will not be fit for us to live on.

10. A: I'm going to improve myself this year.

   B: Really? I think you' d better learn how to eat h________ , or you’ll be ill . I hope           you grow happily .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A. latest  B.Unluckily  C. other  D. true  E. someone  F. we  G. first  H. pleased I. lost  J. again  K.our  L.lucky

Mr. White is the manager of a small newspaper office.He always tried to bring his readers the__1__news.0ne day he received an important telephone call from__2__ who told him that there was a sudden flood(洪水)in a village in the north and several people had__3__.Mr. White wrote it all down.That evening the story was in his newspaper.Mr. White was __4__ to see that no__5__newspapers had re:ported the news.

__6__angry telephone calls soon came and he learnt that he had been fooled.So in the next day’s newspaper he wrote,“We were the__7__ and only newspaper to re-port yesterday that the village was in a flood.Today we were proud to tell you that we were__8__ the only newspaper to bring __9__eaders the news that yesterday’s story was not __10__

