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40. Because of the snow,the pilot had to land the plane at an a  in another city.

41. My grandpa likes to listen to the r   every afternoon.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

10. 化学品      

11. 通过;穿过      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   “Homestay is a form of studyabroad program. It allows the visitor to stay with a local family to better understand the local lifestyle. It also helps to improve the visitor’s language ability. If you wish to learn more about foreign cultures or get foreign experience,you should join this kind of holiday. 1 ,” said a teacher during a school meeting last term.

    After this meeting, 2 .At last,I had such a chance to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates last month. We went to London,a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.

    After we got to London,we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family (寄宿家庭) was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. 3 . They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from them,too.

    4   .After breakfast,a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sightseeing trip to different places of interest like Big Ben,London Bridge,and Buckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.

    The holiday was a valuable experience for me. 1 enjoyed every minute of it. 5 .Three weeks later,we had to leave“home” for Hong Kong.

   A. Yes,time really flew fast

   B. I am sure you won’t be disappointed

   C. I always thought about this kind of holiday

   D. It took me 8 hours to fly to London

   E. They treated me as a daughter of their family

   F. The holiday was filled with activities every day

1.       2.       3.       4.       5.      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. When I walked past the park,I saw some old people       Tai Chi.

   A. do   B. did

   C. doing   D. are doing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Mom,I want to learn to wash clothes by myself.

   A. for you   B. with you

   C. with others’ help   D. without others’ help


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

9.       ,Tom!It’s time to get up and go to school.

   A. Wake up   B. Make up

   C. Grow up   D. Look up


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

8. The young man plays violin very well,but he plays basketball badly.

   A. the;the   B. a;a   C. a;the   D. the;/


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 海豚游走了。

The dolphin             .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

57. 我的宠物猫等我睡着后才离开我的卧室。

My pet cat didn’t leave my bedroom until I             .

