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Has your hometown changed greatly? Great changes 1    in my hometown. Many women have joined in a 2     club. When they are free,they usually get together and invite some important people to give them talks. So far,they have 3    nine. Bob Smith is 4     them.

At the meeting, he said, "The world's population has 5     6. 5 billion. It's been one of the most serious problems of the world today. The more mouths, 6     food we need. But there is not enough food for everybody. More than 7     people in the world are hungry."

"To our surprise," Bob went on,somewhere in the world, it 8     that when people get more food,they have more babies. A woman is having a baby every minute, so they have never stopped being hungry. What can we do 9     this?" He stopped and 10     for a few seconds.

Just then a woman stood up and said, u Why not find the woman and stop her?"

(   ) 1. A. happened B.  have happened C.  have taken place D.  took place

(   ) 2.A. lady    B. lady's C. ladies' D. ladies

(   ) 3. A. met    B. heard C. invited    D. listened

(   ) 4. A. for    B. between C. with    D. among

(   ) 5. A. reached    B. arrived C. got    D. arrived in

(   ) 6. A. the better    B. most C. the more    D. the much

(   ) 7. A. half of    B. half of the  C. the half of    D. a half of

(   ) 8. A. seems    B. looked C. says    D. read

(   ) 9. A. for    B. on C. in    D. of
(   ) 10. A. moved    B. read C. waited    D. laughed

1.C 表示变化"已经发生"用have taken place0 故选C。

2.C 这里应用lady的复数形式的所有格。以s  结尾的单词的所有格只需在词尾加'。故选c。

3. C 根据上句中的invite可知此处也表示"邀 请"。故选c。

4. D 三个或三个以上用介词among,表示"在……当中"。故选D。

5. A 表示"达到(数目)"用reach。故选A。

6. C 固定结构the more..., the more…意为 "越……越……"。故选"

7. B half of the people in the world意为"世界上 人口的一半"。half of...意为"……的一半";定冠词the应放在people前。故选B。

8. A 表示"似乎"用It seems that...。故选A。

9. A 在此意为"为了"。句意为"我们能为此做些什么?"故选A。

10. C表示"等待"用wait。故选C。

题目来源:仁爱英语同步练习簿九年级上下册 > Topic 2 The population in developing countries is growing faster.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3.______ Judy       Maria like going to a shopping center like that.

A.  Both;and

B.   Between;and

C.   Not only;but also

D.  Either;or


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. ―______ the population of India in 2005?

―It     about 1. 1 billion.

A.  What is;is

B.   What was;was

C.   How many is;was

D.  How many was;is


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 独生子女政策巳在控制中国人口方面起了很好的作用。

The      policy has      in          China's population.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. There are different cells(细胞)in the      (人的)body.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. He had a traffic accident.      (luck), lie wasn't badly hurt.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. His wife's health has become w       than before. He is very worried about her.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Some students are talking about:Should the children of migrant workers(农民工)study in the cities or in their hometowns? Here are their opinions.



In the cities


The children of migrant workers could get a better education in the  cities. The teachers and schools are better there. They could live with their  parents, too.


Children should live with their  parents. Parents can look  after them well. The children  of migrant workers may feel lonely if they stay in their hometowns. They may  not go to school.

Li Tao

Studying in a city doesn't  only mean getting a better education, it means having much more chances in the city than in their  hometowns. The kids see lots of things they wouldn't be able to see in their  hometowns.

In their hometowns


It's easy for children to go to school in their hometowns. In the city, things are  much more difficult. First,there are so few schools for the  children of migrant workers. Second, their parents may have to change jobs often. This means the kids may  have to change schools a lot,too.


The children of migrant  workers may find it hard to adapt(适应)to life in the city. In city schools,they may get bullied(被欺负).Also,these children may fall behind because of the different levels of  education.


Studying in the  city costs a lot more than studying in the countryside. The cost may be a  burden(负担)to their  parents.


(   ) 1. Bob thinks the children of migrant workers may get a better education in the cities.

(   ) 2. Li Tao says that children should live with their parents because their parents can look after them well.

(   ) 3. Linlin thinks it's not difficult for children to go to school in their hometowns.

(   ) 4. Maria thinks the children of migrant workers may fall behind with their studies.

(   ) 5. Lucy isn't afraid of the cost of the education in the city.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. He had a wonderful experience.(改为感叹句)

______  _______  _______  experience he  had!

