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I love my new school because the teachers ________ very kind to me.
A.all areB.all looksC.look allD.are all

试题分析:此句的含义是我们非常喜欢我们的新校,因为这里的老师对我们都非常好。固定短语be kind to sb表示对某人非常友好,all表示三者以上都怎样长放在系动词的后面,根据选择项的提示可知选择D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Keep trying and I’m sure you will ____________(成功)one day.
小题2:Sometimes being a good ____________(听者)is better than a speaker.
小题3:He _____________(提供) us with a lot of help while we were in London.
小题4:I left my book in my office, would you mind _________(去取来) it for me?
小题5:It’s better to drive __________(慢地) on rainy days.
小题6:There are fifteen m___________ in our school’s computer club.
小题7:It was such a great chance that I had no reason to r____________ it.
小题8:They really did better than what I e___________.
小题9:That man r___________ me of my English teacher. They wear the same clothes.
小题10:Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most famous c__________, every year many people go to visit it.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Walking in space is a great e       (体验) I want to have when I grow up.
小题2:She’s always c         (惹,造成)trouble for her parents.
小题3:Our teachers are always p__________(耐心的) when we make mistakes.
小题4:I’m sure you’ll s            (成功)if you work hard.
小题5:What will you do if your brother takes your favorite without your _____(允许)?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--- What ________ useful book !
---Yes, it is. But I found___________ difficult for me to read.
A.an, it was   B.a, it’s    C.an, it’sD.a, it


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:On my ______(二十) birthday , I got a lot of presents from my friends.
小题2:Our English teacher can speak more than one foreign _______(语言)
小题3:Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong are the ________(英雄) of our country.
小题4:Sandy’s drawing is the best in the drawing ________(竞赛).
小题5:Cows’         (胃) are far bigger than sheep’s.
小题6:He shows more __________ (interesting) in English than before.
小题7:____________ (luck), our team tried our best but could never win the first prize.
小题8:She is the _______________ (thin) girl in our class, she should take more exercise.
小题9:Simon and Linda looked at each other. They kept their secret to            (they).
小题10:What is the ______ ( long ) of the summer holidays in America ?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Han  Mei , _____is Susan.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Japan is e________ 小题1:its worst crisis(危机)since World War II. A terrible earthquake a________ 小题2: northeast Japan on March 11th. It was measured at magnitude 9.0. This is the s________ 小题3:earthquake in Japan’s recorded history.
The earthquake was f________ 小题4:by a tsunami. Its wave was up to 10 meters high and s________ 小题5:away everything in its path, including houses, cars, buildings and trees.
The number of death r________ 小题6: 6,405 last Friday morning, with 10,259 missing. The number will likely go b________ 小题7:10,000 in one state (县)alone. Survivors along northeastern coast were in great n________ 小题8:of drinking water, electricity and proper food.
Compared with the earthquake, the nuclear leak(核泄漏)had a w________小题9:effect on the people in Japan. An explosion(爆炸)had hit a building at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Station and smoke r________小题10:from the building last Friday. People were told to stay indoors if they lived w________ 小题11:18 miles away from it. People were worried if the radioactive material would be blown over the area because of the wind d________小题12:. According to the WHO, the radiation risk had no sign of threatening(威胁)anywhere else in Asia at present.
March 22nd , 2011


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:She is an excellent ____________ (act) respected by people forever.
小题2:Lots of Western people are interested in ____________ (Asia) culture.
小题3:They are different in _____________ (appear).
小题4:The event marked the _____________ (begin) of her successful career.
小题5:Our sports meeting will be held in the ________­­____ (come) week.
小题6:Steven Spielbergwas _______ (honour) with an Oscar for Best Director in 1998 again.
小题7:Audrey Hepburn’s _______________ (achieve) went beyond the film industry.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:After the hard work, I felt very t________.
小题2:He won a g______ medal in the 2012 London Olympics.
小题3:I have two f__________ friends. One is Japanese, and the other is American.
小题4: We open the window every day to let the fresh a______ in.
小题5:The skirts here are all beautiful. I don’t know which one I should c________.
小题6:The flu s___________ quickly in crowded places.

