精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

Eric and Helen are close friends.Yesterday was Helen's birthday,so Eric went to a shop trying to find a special birthday present.At last he saw a hair clip in the shape of a bird.He knew immediately the hair clip was exactly what he wanted for Helen.From the first time he saw it in the window,Eric knew he liked it.

Eric was happy as he walked to Helen's house.When she opened the door he said,"Happy..." and then stopped talking for a moment before going on,"birthday,Helen." He just couldn't believe what he saw! There in Helen's hair was a bird hair clip.It was exactly the same as the one in his gift box! People at the party were talking,but most of the time Eric wasn't listening.He couldn't forget the hair clip.

Finally it was time for the birthday cake."There are eighteen candles on the cake,Helen.Do you think you can blow them all out?" her parents said."Make a wish first,wish for something that you want very much before you blow out the candles.If all the candles go out,you will get your wish."

"I wish I had a bird hair clip," Helen said and she blew out all the candles.

"What?" asked Eric."What did you say?"

"The hair clip in my hair isn't mine.It's Millie's.She thought it looked good on me and she said I could have it for the evening."

Eric quickly showed his little square box to Helen.He couldn't wait for her to open it!

1.How old is Helen?

A.16                     B.18                        C.20                       D.22

2.What shape is the hair clip?

A               B                  C                   D

3.Why did Eric stopped talking for a moment after he said,"Happy..." to Helen?

A.Because he felt cold.

B.Because he was too shy.

C.Because he was too excited to speak.

D.Because he saw a bird hair clip in Helen's hair.

4.What does the underlined phrase "go out" mean in Chinese?

A.出去                   B.点燃                    C.熄灭               D.尽力

5.What does the underlined word "it" refer to in the last paragraph?

A.the square box                                  B.the birthday cake

C.the door                                              D.the round box

6.What will probably happen after the birthday party?

A.Helen will argue with Eric.

B.Helen will be extremely happy.

C.Helen will not see Eric any more.

D.Helen will throw away the bird hair clip.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题


1. L_____! This is my new jacket.
2. Two and three is f_____.
3. This is my new friend (). H_____ name is Eric.
4. That is my new English teacher (). H_____ name is Linda Brown.
5. My name is Jim green. Green is my f_____ name.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Cindy: Good afternoon, Eric!
Eric: Afternoon, Cindy! How are you?
Cindy: Fine, thanks. How are you?
Eric: I'm fine, too. Oh, what's this in (在…里面) your left hand (左手)?
Cindy: It's a pen.
Eric: what's this in your right hand (右手)?
Cindy: It's a hat.
Eric: H-A-T, hat, right (对吗)?
Cindy: Yes.
1. It's___________ now.
A. evening (傍晚)    
B. morning        
C. afternoon
2. Eric is__________.
A. not free          
B. OK            
C. not OK
3.__________ is in Eric's (埃里克的) left hand.
A. A pen              
B. A bike        
C. A fan
4._________ is in Eric's right hand.
A. A dog              
B. A pen          
C. A hat
5. _________ can spell (拼写) "hat".
A. Eric              
B. Cindy
C. Eric and (和) Cindy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


(A)                        (B)

 (    )1.What’s this in English?         A.Good morning!

 (    )2.Good morning!                B.It’s orange.

 (    )3.What color is that orange?       C.Fine,thank you.

 (    )4.How are you?                 D.It’s an orange.

 (    )5.Hello! Frank.                 E.Hello! Eric.     

(    )6.What’s his phone number?     F.  It’s 2973389.

(   )7.Nice to meet you,Amy.       G Nice to meet you ,too,Hellen.

(   )8.What’s your name ,please?       H .Thank you .

(    )9.Is this your backpack,Jim?       I .Anna,  And your name?

 (    ) 10Sit down, please.               J . Yes,  it  is.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


(  )66. What can Eric do?

A. Yes, a little.

(  )67. Can you speak English?

B. Gina Green.

(  )68. Do you want a summer job?

C. Join the sports club

(  )69. I like basketball?

D. Yes, It’s eric@163.com

(  )70. What can I do to rdlax?

E. He can play chess.

(  )71. May I know your name?

F. No, we can’t

(  )72. Can I help you?

G. Yes, I am .

(  )73. Do you have an e-mail address?

H. Yes, I do

(  )74. Can Mike and you speak Japanese?

I. Yes, I want to join the music club

(  )75. Are you a singer?

J. You can sing and dance

